Romanic Review volume 22 (1931)
Jordan, Leo. (1931). Essais de Sociologie Lingustique. Romanic Review, 22, 1-15.
Gillet, Joseph E. (1931). Traces of the Wandering Jew in Spain. Romanic Review, 22, 16-27.
Rhodes, S. A. (1931). Marcel Schwob and Andre Gide: A Literary Affinity. Romanic Review, 22, 28-37.
Van Roosbroeck, Gustave Leopold. (1931). Jean-Jacques Rousseau at Play. Romanic Review, 22, 38-39.
Melcher, Edith. (1931). Balzac and Henri Monnier. Romanic Review, 22, 40-41.
Williams, E. B. (1931). The Preterit of Portuguese Vir. Romanic Review, 22, 42-42.
Wesenberg, T. G. (1931). The Contrary to Fact Condition in Provencal. Romanic Review, 22, 43-46.
Fichter, William Leopold. (1931). Obras de Lope de Vega, publicadas por la Real Academia Espanola (Book Review). Romanic Review, 22, 47-53.
Halperin, Maurice. (1931). F. Strowski, Les Pensees de Pascal (Book Review). Romanic Review, 22, 53-55.
Naughton, A. E. A. (1931). E. Lacoste, Bayle, nouvelliste et critique litteraire (Book Review). Romanic Review, 22, 55-56.
Ondis, L. A. (1931). Nellie Nicollet, Der Dialekt des Antronatales (Book Review). Romanic Review, 22, 56-56.
Schlauch, Margaret. (1931). E. Faral, La Legende Arthurienne: Etudes et Documents (Book Review). Romanic Review, 22, 56-58.
Steiner, Arpad. (1931). G. Ellinger, Geschichte der neulateinischen Literatur Deutschlands im 16ten. Jahrhundert (Book Review). Romanic Review, 22, 58-60.
Hespelt, E. Herman. (1931). C. P. Wagner, El Libro del Cauallero Zifar (Book Review). Romanic Review, 22, 60-62.
Van Roosbroeck, Gustave Leopold. (1931). James Huneker, Essays (Book Review). Romanic Review, 22, 62-64.
Bontempo, O. A. (1931). Italian Literature in 1930. Romanic Review, 22, 64-72.
Van Roosbroeck, Gustave Leopold, Rose Lee, A. Benson, Paul C. Snodgress, Joseph Louis Perrier and A. E. A. Naughton. (1931). French Book Notes. Romanic Review, 22, 73-75.
Feraru, L. (1931). Rumanian Books and Periodicals. Romanic Review, 22, 76-77.
Matulka, Barbara, E. H. Polinger, Thos A. Fitzgerald and Gustave Leopold Van Roosbroeck. (1931). Romance Language Class-Texts. Romanic Review, 22, 78-79.
(). (1931). A Belgian Library in New York: The Languages of Belgium. Romanic Review, 22, 80-82.
Gerig, John L. (1931). Commission Internationale d'Historie Litteraire Moderne. Romanic Review, 22, 83-83.
Matulka, Caroline. (1931). Faculty Notes. Romanic Review, 22, 84-86.
Gerig, John L. (1931). Varia. Romanic Review, 22, 87-98.
Matulka, Barbara. (1931). An Anti-Feminist Treatise of Fifteenth Century Spain: Lucena's Repeticion de Amores. Romanic Review, 22, 99-116.
Rhodes, S. A. (1931). Henri Bremond's Literary Crusade: Racine and Valery. Romanic Review, 22, 117-125.
Manning, Clarence A. (1931). Lermontov and Spain. Romanic Review, 22, 126-129.
Schutz, A. H. and N. H. Fisher. (1931). Le Dit du Cordouanier. Romanic Review, 22, 130-135.
Sprietsma, Cargill. (1931). Un Censeur dramatique sous l'Empire et souls la Restauration: Pierre-Edouard Lemontey (1762-1826). Romanic Review, 22, 136-147.
Van Roosbroeck, Gustave Leopold. (1931). S. A. Tannenbaum, The Handwriting of the Renaissance (Book Review). Romanic Review, 22, 148-149.
Brown, Harcourt. (1931). G. Ascoli, La Grande-Bretagne devant l'opinion francaise au XVIIe siècle (Book Review). Romanic Review, 22, 149-153.
Cross, Ephraim. (1931). H. Chmelicek, Die Gerundialumschreibung im Altspanischen zum Ausdruck von Aktionsarten (Book Review). Romanic Review, 22, 153-154.
Van Roosbroeck, Gustave Leopold. (1931). R. L. Hawkins, Madame de Stael and the United States (Book Review). Romanic Review, 22, 154-156.
Van Roosbroeck, Gustave Leopold. (1931). Sister M. J. Keeler, Elude sur la Poesie et sur le Vocabulaire de Loys Papon, Poete forezien du XVIe siè|cle (Book Review). Romanic Review, 22, 156-157.
Van Roosbroeck, Gustave Leopold. (1931). Andre Salmon, The Black Venus (La Negresse de Sacre-Coeur). Translated by Slater Brown (Book Review). Romanic Review, 22, 157-159.
Van Roosbroeck, Gustave Leopold, Rose Lee, A. Benson, Paul C. Snodgress, Joseph Louis Perrier and A. E. A. Naughton. (1931). French Book Notes. Romanic Review, 22, 159-162.
Bontempo, O. A. (1931). Italian Literary Quarterly. Romanic Review, 22, 163-166.
Feraru, L. (1931). Rumanian Book Notes. Romanic Review, 22, 167-168.
Matulka, Barbara, E. H. Polinger, Thos A. Fitzgerald and Gustave Leopold Van Roosbroeck. (1931). Romance Language Class-Texts. Romanic Review, 22, 169-172.
Gerig, John L. (1931). A Washington Letter to Franklin. Romanic Review, 22, 173-173.
Gerig, John L. (1931). Varia. Romanic Review, 22, 174-190.
Fletcher, Jefferson B. (1931). Dante's School of the Eagle. Romanic Review, 22, 191-209.
Gerig, John L. and Gustave Leopold Van Roosbroeck. (1931). Unpublished Letters of Pierre Bayle. Romanic Review, 22, 210-217.
Beck, T. J. (1931). Ragnar Lodbrok's Swan Song in the French Romantic Movement. Romanic Review, 22, 218-222.
Cano, Juan. (1931). La Importancia Relativa del Acento y de la Sflaba en la Versificacion Espanola. Romanic Review, 22, 223-233.
Van Roosbroeck, Gustave Leopold. (1931). A. Baillot, Influence de la Philosophie de Schopenhauer en France (1860-1900) (Book Review). Romanic Review, 22, 234-237.
Schlauch, Margaret. (1931). Barbara Matulka, The Novels of Juan de Flores and Their European Diffusion (Book Review). Romanic Review, 22, 237-239.
Matulka, Barbara. (1931). Arturo Farinelli, Italia e Spagna (Book Review). Romanic Review, 22, 239-240.
Hespelt, E. Herman. (1931). Ludwig Pfandl, Johanna die Wahnsinnige (Book Review). Romanic Review, 22, 240-242.
Foulks, Carol. (1931). J. Martinez de Cuellar, Desengano del hombre en el Tribunal de la Fortuna y Casa de Descontentos, nueva ed., por L. Astrana Marin (Book Review). Romanic Review, 22, 242-244.
Demaree, R. H. (1931). W. K. Jones, Estevanillo Gonzalez (Book Review). Romanic Review, 22, 244-246.
De Boer, Josephine. (1931). Altha E. Terry, Jeanne d'Arc in Periodical Literature 1894-1929 (Book Review). Romanic Review, 22, 246-247.
Naughton, A. E. A. (1931). Denis Diderot, Lettres a Sophie Volland (Book Review). Romanic Review, 22, 247-250.
Van Roosbroeck, Gustave Leopold. (1931). Francis de Miomandre, Vie du Sage Prospero (Book Review). Romanic Review, 22, 250-251.
Harris, P. H. (1931). Discoveries in the Guicciardini Archives. Romanic Review, 22, 251-253.
Van Roosbroeck, Gustave Leopold, Rose Lee, A. Benson, Paul C. Snodgress, Joseph Louis Perrier and A. E. A. Naughton. (1931). French Book Notes. Romanic Review, 22, 254-254.
Bontempo, O. A. (1931). Fausto Maria Martini, Poet and Dramatist (1886-1931). Romanic Review, 22, 255-255.
Bontempo, O. A. (1931). Italian Literary Quarterly. Romanic Review, 22, 256-259.
Feraru, L. (1931). Rumanian Book Notes. Romanic Review, 22, 260-260.
Matulka, Barbara, E. H. Polinger, Thos A. Fitzgerald and Gustave Leopold Van Roosbroeck. (1931). Romance Language Class-Texts. Romanic Review, 22, 261-262.
Matulka, Caroline. (1931). Faculty Notes. Romanic Review, 22, 263-268.
Gerig, John L. (1931). Varia. Romanic Review, 22, 269-284.
Rhodes, S. A. (1931). Lautreamont Redivivus. Romanic Review, 22, 285-290.
Cowper, F. A. G. (1931). Gautier d'Arras and Provins. Romanic Review, 22, 291-300.
Goggio, Emilio. (1931). Washington Irving's Works in Italy. Romanic Review, 22, 301-303.
Eoff, Sherman. (1931). On the Source of Juan de Timoneda's Apollonius of Tyre Story. Romanic Review, 22, 304-310.
Trager, G. L. (1931). French On = English One. Romanic Review, 22, 311-316.
Brachfeld, O. (1931). Note sur The Traces of the Wandering Jew in Spain. Romanic Review, 22, 317-319.
Jordan, Leo. (1931). Le Dit du Cordouanier: Notes et Corrections. Romanic Review, 22, 320-321.
Diller, George E. (1931). A Fifteenth Century Italian Tooth-Ache Remedy. Romanic Review, 22, 322-322.
Steiner, Arpad. (1931). Juan de Flores, Barclay and Georges de Scudery. Romanic Review, 22, 323-323.
Fernandez, P. Villa. (1931). La Verdad Escurecida, A Hitherto Unknown Play by Antonio de Almeida. Romanic Review, 22, 324-333.
Van Roosbroeck, Gustave Leopold. (1931). Georg Brandes, Voltaire (Book Review). Romanic Review, 22, 334-336.
Eoff, Sherman. (1931). Juan Timoneda, El Patranuelo, ed. F. R. Morcuende (Book Review). Romanic Review, 22, 336-338.
Naughton, A. E. A. (1931). Dr. Raymond Boissier, La Mettrie, medecin, pamphletaire et philosophe (Book Review). Romanic Review, 22, 338-340.
Van Roosbroeck, Gustave Leopold. (1931). Andre Brule, La Vie au dix-huitieme Siecle (Book Review). Romanic Review, 22, 340-341.
Van Roosbroeck, Gustave Leopold. (1931). J. C. Versluys, Essai sur le Caractere de Lamennais (Book Review). Romanic Review, 22, 341-343.
Jones, L. C. (1931). G. Megaro, Vittorio Alfieri, Forerunner of Italian Nationalism (Book Review). Romanic Review, 22, 343-344.
Van Roosbroeck, Gustave Leopold, Rose Lee, A. Benson, Paul C. Snodgress, Joseph Louis Perrier and A. E. A. Naughton. (1931). French Book Notes. Romanic Review, 22, 344-346.
Bontempo, O. A. (1931). Italian Literary Quarterly. Romanic Review, 22, 347-349.
Feraru, L. (1931). Rumanian Book Notes. Romanic Review, 22, 350-350.
Matulka, Barbara, E. H. Polinger, Thos A. Fitzgerald and Gustave Leopold Van Roosbroeck. (1931). Romance Language Class-Texts. Romanic Review, 22, 351-355.
Gerig, John L. (1931). Varia. Romanic Review, 22, 356-356.
Bibliography by Andrew Branch & Jonathan Eskew