Department of French and Romance Philology  








Romanic Review volume 23 (1932)

Carnahan, D. H. (1932). The Attitude of the French Royalist Press Towards Romanticism during the Restoration. Romanic Review, 23, 1-8.

Miller, C. R. D. (1932). Pasquale De' Virgilii and L'Americano. Romanic Review, 23, 9-13.

Hawkins, Richmond Laurin. (1932). Two Unpublished French Letters: Pierre Bayle to Gilles Menage. Romanic Review, 23, 14-19.

Gerig, John L. and Gustave Leopold Van Roosbroeck. (1932). Unpublished Letters of Pierre Bayle (Continued). Romanic Review, 23, 20-23.

Bissell, C. H. (1932). Dead Tenses in Present Day French Drama. Romanic Review, 23, 24-29.

Shields, A. K. (1932). Additions to the Epistolario Inedito of Ayala. Romanic Review, 23, 30-32.

Portnoff, G. (1932). The Beginning of the New Idealism in the Works of Tolstoy and Galdos. Romanic Review, 23, 33-36.

Nunemaker, J. Horace. (1932). Note on the Ultimos Amores de Larra. Romanic Review, 23, 37-37.

Austin, H. D. (1932). The Submerged (Inf., XX, 3). Romanic Review, 23, 38-40.

Falls, William F. (1932). Notice Historique sur la Maison de Buffon au Jardin du Roi de Paris. Romanic Review, 23, 41-47.

La Monte, J. L. (1932). The Roy de Chippre in Francois Villon's Ballade des Seigneurs du Temps Jadis. Romanic Review, 23, 48-53.

Rosenthal, R. (1932). Antonio Pucci, Le Noie. Edited by Kenneth McKenzie (Book Review). Romanic Review, 23, 54-57.

Strausbaugh, J. A. (1932). Henri Bauche, Le Langage populaire (Book Review). Romanic Review, 23, 57-62.

Manning, Clarence A. (1932). Josip Torbarina, Italian Influence on the Poets of the Ragusan Republic (Book Review). Romanic Review, 23, 62-63.

Van Roosbroeck, Gustave Leopold. (1932). Chateaubriand, Atala et Rene. Texte etabli. par G. Chinard (Book Review). Romanic Review, 23, 63-65.

De La Harpe, Jacqueline. (1932). E. Audra, Les Traductions francaises de Pope (1717-1825) (Book Review). Romanic Review, 23, 65-66.

Woodbridge, Benjamin M. and Gustave Leopold Van Roosbroeck. (1932). Belgian Literture: Emile Verhaeren B. M. Woodbridge, Le Roman Belge contemporain Charles de Coster. Romanic Review, 23, 66-69.

Feraru, L. (1932). Rumanian Book Notes. Romanic Review, 23, 70-71.

Matulka, Caroline. (1932). Faculty Notes. Romanic Review, 23, 72-73.

Gerig, John L. (1932). Sale of The Marquess of Lothian's Library. Romanic Review, 23, 74-75.

Gerig, John L. (1932). In Memoriam: Frederick Morris Warren Elijah Clarence Hills Charls Carroll Marden. Romanic Review, 23, 76-76.

Gerig, John L. (1932). VARIA. Romanic Review, 23, 77-96.

Jordan, Leo. (1932). Essais de Sociologie Linguistique. V. Psychologie et Sociologie dans les Questions de Style. Romanic Review, 23, 97-110.

Malakis, Emile. (1932). Les Passeports de Chateaubriand pour son Voyage en Orient. Romanic Review, 23, 111-116.

Gerig, John L. and Gustave Leopold Van Roosbroeck. (1932). Unpublished Letters of Pierre Bayle (Continued). Romanic Review, 23, 117-128.

Schutz, A. H. (1932). A Preliminary Study of Trobar e Entendre, An Expression in Medieval Aesthetics. Romanic Review, 23, 129-137.

Spell, J. R. (1932). Some Little Known Plays of Gorostiza. Romanic Review, 23, 138-140.

Whatley, W. A. (1932). The Date of Lope de Vega's De Cosario a Cosario. Romanic Review, 23, 141-143.

Van Roosbroeck, Gustave Leopold. (1932). Anna Heyberger, Jean Amos Comenius (Komensky). Sa Vie et son Oeuvre d'Educateur (Book Review). Romanic Review, 23, 144-147.

Woodbridge, Benjamin M. (1932). W. F. Giese, Sainte-Beuve: A Literary Portrait (Book Review). Romanic Review, 23, 147-148.

Thompson, A. W. and Margaret Schlauch. (1932). The Elucidation: A Prologue to the Conte del Graal (Book Review). Romanic Review, 23, 148-150.

Stone, S. I. (1932). C. H. Bissell, Les Conventions du Theatre Bourgeois Contemporain en France, 1887-1914 (Book Review). Romanic Review, 23, 150-151.

Steiner, Arpad. (1932). Saint-Evremond, La Comedie des Academistes, published by G. L. van Roosbroeck (Book Review). Romanic Review, 23, 151-152.

Steiner, Arpad. (1932). J. L. Gerig, Antoine Arlier and the Renaissance at Nimes (Book Review). Romanic Review, 23, 152-152.

Harris, P. H. (1932). Roberto Ridolfi, L'Archivio della Famiglia Guicciardini (Book Review). Romanic Review, 23, 152-155.

Harris, P. H. (1932). Note on the Publication of Materials Drawn from the Guicciardini Archives (Book Review). Romanic Review, 23, 155-156.

Rhodes, S. A. and Gustave Leopold Van Roosbroeck. (1932). Modern Literature: M. Georges-Michel, Left Bank, Translated by K. Wallis Jules Levy, Les Hydropathes, Prose et Vers M. Souriau, Histoire du Parnasse Jean Royere, Mallarme. Romanic Review, 23, 156-164.

Bontempo, O. A. (1932). Italian Literature in 1931. Romanic Review, 23, 165-168.

Feraru, L. (1932). Rumanian Cultural Notes. Romanic Review, 23, 169-172.

Woodbridge, Benjamin M. and Gustave Leopold Van Roosbroeck. (1932). Belgian Literature: Emile Verhaeren B. M. Woodbridge Le Roman Belge Contemporain Charles de Coster. Romanic Review, 23, 173-177.

Matulka, Barbara. (1932). Romance Language Class-Texts. Romanic Review, 23, 178-183.

Gerig, John L. (1932). The Todd Memorial Volumes. Romanic Review, 23, 184-185.

Gerig, John L. (1932). In Memoriam: Federick Morris Warren Elijah Clarence Hills Charles Carroll Marden. Romanic Review, 23, 186-186.

Gerig, John L. (1932). Varia. Romanic Review, 23, 187-200.

Berkowitz, H. C. (1932). Galdos and Mesonero Romanos. Romanic Review, 23, 201-205.

Gerig, John L. and Gustave Leopold Van Roosbroeck. (1932). Unpublished Letters of Pierre Bayle (Continued). Romanic Review, 23, 206-224.

Tarr, F. Courtney. (1932). An Unnoticed Political Article of Martinez de la Rosa (1812). Romanic Review, 23, 225-229.

Avrett, Robert. (1932). A Glimpse into the Historical Basis of Martinez de la Rosa's Aben Humeya. Romanic Review, 23, 230-235.

Fletcher, Jefferson B. (1932). Left and Right Turns in the Divine Comedy. Romanic Review, 23, 236-236.

Zinno, D. (1932). A Brief Outline of Foreign Influences on the Neapolitan Dialect. Romanic Review, 23, 237-242.

Van Roosbroeck, Gustave Leopold. (1932). Additional Persian Letters before Montesquieu. Romanic Review, 23, 243-248.

Françon, Marcel. (1932). Renaissance Studies: Juliette Jacquemin, Une Princesse de Jadis: Marguerite d'Autriche| A. Chagny and F. Girard, Une Princesse de la Renaissance: Marguerite d'Autriche-Bourgogne (Book Review). Romanic Review, 23, 249-253.

Borgerhoff, J. L. (1932). Marguerite Treille, Le Conflit dramatique en France de 1823 a 1830 (Book Review). Romanic Review, 23, 253-255.

Woodbridge, Benjamin M. (1932). G. Charlier, De Ronsard a Victor Hugo (Book Review). Romanic Review, 23, 255-256.

Rhodes, S. A. (1932). C. Soula, La Poesie et la Pensee de Stephane Mallarme. Un Coup De Des (Book Review). Romanic Review, 23, 256-258.

Rhodes, S. A. (1932). Dr. C. Testu, Essai psycho-pathologique sur Villiers de l'Isle-Adam (Book Review). Romanic Review, 23, 258-259.

Matulka, Barbara. (1932). A. Bonnardot, The Mirror of the Parisian Bibliophile, Translated and Edited by T. W. Koch (Book Review). Romanic Review, 23, 259-260.

Naughton, A. E. A. (1932). Denis, Diderot, Correspondance inedite, publiee par A. Babelon (Book Review). Romanic Review, 23, 260-261.

Soto, R. A. (1932). A. Malaret, Diccionario de Americanismos (Book Review). Romanic Review, 23, 261-263.

Fucilla, Joseph G. (1932). E. Lo Gatto, Studi di letterature slave (Book Review). Romanic Review, 23, 263-265.

Nitze, William A., T. A. Jenkins and Roger Sherman Loomis. (1932). Le Haut Livre du Graal, Perlesvaus (Book Review). Romanic Review, 23, 265-267.

Woodbridge, Benjamin M. and Gustave Leopold Van Roosbroeck. (1932). Belgian Literature: Emile Verhaeren B. M. Woodbridge, Le Roman Belge contemporain Charles de Coster. Romanic Review, 23, 267-268.

Coleman, Algernon. (1932). Some New Polish Books. Romanic Review, 23, 269-269.

Bontempo, O. A. (1932). Italian Literary Quarterly. Romanic Review, 23, 270-271.

Bontempo, O. A. (1932). Enrico Corradini. Romanic Review, 23, 272-272.

Matulka, Barbara. (1932). Romance Language Class-Texts. Romanic Review, 23, 273-277.

Matulka, Caroline. (1932). Faculty Notes. Romanic Review, 23, 278-280.

Gerig, John L. (1932). In Memoriam: Frederick Morris Warren Elijah Clarence Hill Charles Carroll Marden. Romanic Review, 23, 281-281.

Gerig, John L. (1932). Washington Bicentennial Notes. Romanic Review, 23, 282-282.

Gerig, John L. (1932). Varia. Romanic Review, 23, 283-300.

Wolfe, Clara S. (1932). Evidences of Scott's Indebtedness to Spanish Literature. Romanic Review, 23, 301-311.

Gerig, John L. and Gustave Leopold Van Roosbroeck. (1932). Unpublished Letters of Pierre Bayle (Continued). Romanic Review, 23, 312-320.

Cons, Louis. (1932). Petrus Borel: Pourquoi Le Lycanthrope? Romanic Review, 23, 321-322.

Fenley, G. W. (1932). Faus-Semblant, Fauvel, and Renart le Contrefait: A Study in Kinship. Romanic Review, 23, 323-330.

Salley, W. C. (1932). A Possible Influence of the Abencerraje Story on Calderon's El Principe Constante. Romanic Review, 23, 331-333.

Coleman, Algernon. (1932). French Literary Influences in Poland before the Partitions. Romanic Review, 23, 334-339.

Hazard, Paul. (1932). Andre Monglond, La France revolutionnaire et imperiale (Book Review). Romanic Review, 23, 340-341.

Rhodes, S. A. (1932). Rimbaud Today: Marguerite-Yerta Melera, Rimbaud| Jacques Riviere, Rimbaud| Raymond Clauzel, Une Saison en Enfer et Arthur Rimbaud| Lettres de la vie litteraire d'Arthur Rimbaud 1870-1875, reunies et annotees par J.-M. Carre| Andre Fontainas, Verlaine-Rimbaud. Ce qu'on presume de leurs relations. Ce qu'on sait (Book Review). Romanic Review, 23, 341-347.

Peterson, R. M. (1932). H. R. Marraro, American Opinion on the Unification of Italy, 1846-1861 (Book Review). Romanic Review, 23, 347-350.

Manning, Clarence A. (1932). D. Subotic, Yugoslav Popular Ballads (Book Review). Romanic Review, 23, 350-350.

De Boer, Josephine. (1932). Lois Strong, Bibliography of Franco-Spanish Literary Relations (Book Review). Romanic Review, 23, 350-352.

Storer, Mary Elizabeth. (1932). R. C. Williams, Bibliography of the Seventeenth-Century Novel in France (Book Review). Romanic Review, 23, 352-355.

Cross, Ephraim. (1932). Alf Lombard, Li fel d'anemis, Ce fripon de valet, Etudes sur les expressions de ce type en francais, etc (Book Review). Romanic Review, 23, 355-357.

Trager, G. L. (1932). Lotte Risch, Beitrage zur romanischen Ortsnamenkunde des Oberelsass (Book Review). Romanic Review, 23, 357-358.

Harris, P. H. and C. V. H. De Lancey. (1932). Columbus and His Genoese Origin: Cristoforo Colombo: Documenti e prove della sua appartenenza a Genova (Book Review). Romanic Review, 23, 358-361.

Bontempo, O. A. (1932). A National Institute of Drama in Italy. Romanic Review, 23, 361-362.

Feraru, L. (1932). Rumanian Book Notes. Romanic Review, 23, 363-365.

Matulka, Barbara. (1932). Romance Language Class-Texts. Romanic Review, 23, 366-369.

Anderson, Melville B. (1932). Paget Toynbee: Some Personal Reminiscenes. Romanic Review, 23, 370-373.

Gerig, John L. (1932). The National Library of Switzerland. Romanic Review, 23, 374-374.

Gerig, John L. (1932). Varia. Romanic Review, 23, 375-375.

Bibliography by Andrew Branch & Jonathan Eskew

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