Department of French and Romance Philology  








Romanic Review volume 24 (1933)

Moffatt, G. (1933). Jean Ango: Life History of a Legend. Romanic Review, 24, 1-16.

Gerig, John L. and Gustave Leopold Van Roosbroeck. (1933). Unpublished Letters of Pierre Bayle (Continued). Romanic Review, 24, 17-20.

Qualia, C. B. (1933). Corneille in Spain in the Eighteenth Century. Romanic Review, 24, 21-29.

Bonno, G. (1933). Reflexions sur les Concordances numeriques entre Pathelin et Les Faintes du Monde. Romanic Review, 24, 30-36.

Schlauch, Margaret. (1933). A Russian Study of the Tristan Legend: Tristan i Isol'da (Book Review). Romanic Review, 24, 37-45.

Bigongiari, Dino. (1933). Florentine Merchants in the Days of the Medici (Book Review). Romanic Review, 24, 45-49.

Woodbridge, Benjamin M. (1933). Belgian Literature: Frank Hellens G. Goemans et L. Demeur (Book Review). Romanic Review, 24, 49-54.

Fay, Bernard. (1933). La Gloire vivace du Comte de Gobineau: G. M. Spring (Book Review). Romanic Review, 24, 54-56.

Steiner, Arpad. (1933). H. F. Muller and Pauline Taylor, A Chrestomathy of Vulgar Latin (Book Review). Romanic Review, 24, 56-59.

Vexler, Feliciu. (1933). K. Voretzach, Introduction to the Study of Old French Literature. Authorized translation by F. M. Du Mont (Book Review). Romanic Review, 24, 59-61.

Françon, Marcel. (1933). Jean Lemaire de Belges, La Plainte du Desire, publiee par D. Yabsley (Book Review). Romanic Review, 24, 61-63.

Chazin, M. (1933). Letters inedites de Suard a Wilkers, publiees par G. Bonno (Book Review). Romanic Review, 24, 63-63.

Halperin, Maurice. (1933). Ernest Seilliere, J.-K. Huysmans (Book Review). Romanic Review, 24, 63-64.

Williams, Robert H. (1933). The Year's Work in Modern Language Studies, by a Number of Scholars. Edited by W. J. Entwistle (Book Review). Romanic Review, 24, 64-65.

Schons, Dorothy. (1933). Studies on Mexican Literature: I. A. Leonard (Book Review). Romanic Review, 24, 65-68.

Feraru, L. (1933). Rumanian Book Notes: I. Iordan. Romanic Review, 24, 68-69.

Bontempo, O. A. (1933). Italian Literary Quarterly. Romanic Review, 24, 70-72.

Brussaly, M., P. Villa Fernandez and Barbara Matulka. (1933). Romance Language Class-Texts. Romanic Review, 24, 73-76.

Matulka, Caroline. (1933). Faculty Notes. Romanic Review, 24, 77-80.

Gerig, John L. (1933). Some Recent Festschriften. Romanic Review, 24, 81-81.

Gerig, John L. (1933). Varia: Educational and Bibliographic Necrology| Music Literature, Drama and Films Art and Archaeology Miscellaneous. Romanic Review, 24, 82-98.

Fletcher, Jefferson B. (1933). Dante's Image in the Sun. Romanic Review, 24, 99-128.

Rotunda, D. P. (1933). The Guzman de Alfarache and Italian Novellistica. Romanic Review, 24, 129-132.

Holmes, Urban T. (1933). O. French Fauterne O. Prov. Fauterna. Romanic Review, 24, 133-135.

Woodbridge, Benjamin M. (1933). The Discours de la Method and the Spirit of the Renaissance. Romanic Review, 24, 136-141.

Melcher, Edith. (1933). A Romantic Parody by Henry Monnier. Romanic Review, 24, 142-146.

Rhodes, S. A. (1933). William Blake and Pierre Jean Jouve. Romanic Review, 24, 147-149.

Rhodes, S. A. (1933). Ten Recent Works on Baudelaire: M. G. Wright (Book Review). Romanic Review, 24, 150-157.

Van Roosbroeck, Gustave Leopold and Justin O'Brien. (1933). Comparative Literature: H. Peyre (Book Review). Romanic Review, 24, 157-163.

O'Brien, Justin and Jacqueline De La Harpe. (1933). Modern Literary and Philological Criticism: Valery Larbaud (Book Review). Romanic Review, 24, 163-167.

Dedeck-Hery, V. L. (1933). La Philosophie Pragmatique de Rousseau: A. Schinz (Book Review). Romanic Review, 24, 167-170.

Matulka, Barbara. (1933). Recent Spanish Bibliographical Surveys: J. Peeters-Fontainas (Book Review). Romanic Review, 24, 170-178.

Bontempo, O. A. (1933). Italian Literary Quarterly. Romanic Review, 24, 178-180.

Brussaly, M., P. Villa Fernandez and Barbara Matulka. (1933). Romance Language Class-Texts. Romanic Review, 24, 181-183.

Gerig, John L. (1933). Publication of the Institute of French Studies. Romanic Review, 24, 184-185.

Gerig, John L. (1933). Varia: Educational and Bibliographic Necrology Music Literature, Drams and Films Art and Archaeology Miscellaneous. Romanic Review, 24, 186-200.

Brown, Irving H. (1933). George Sand and Her Son, Maurice. Romanic Review, 24, 201-209.

Gerig, John L. and Gustave Leopold Van Roosbroeck. (1933). Unpublished Letters of Pierre Bayle (Continued). Romanic Review, 24, 210-222.

Lincoln, Anne E. (1933). Le Liver de Maistre Regnard et de Dame Hersant sa Femme. Romanic Review, 24, 223-232.

Coe, Ada M. (1933). Additional Notes on Corneille in Spain in the 18th Century. Romanic Review, 24, 233-234.

Anderson, Frederick. (1933). Pascal's Accident at Neuilly Bridge. Romanic Review, 24, 235-236.

Matulka, Barbara. (1933). Recent Spanish-American Bibliographies: J. D. M. Ford, A. F. Whittem and M. I.Raphael (Book Review). Romanic Review, 24, 237-243.

Gianturco, Elio. (1933). Paul Valery's Conception of Poetry: Gustave Cohen (Book Review). Romanic Review, 24, 243-245.

O'Brien, Justin and Marcel Françon. (1933). Studies on the History of the French Stage: M. Barras (Book Review). Romanic Review, 24, 245-248.

Jourda, P. (1933). Un Savant universel du XVI^sup e^ Siecle: P. Humbert (Book Review). Romanic Review, 24, 248-250.

Françon, Marcel. (1933). Deux Grands Rhetoriqueurs: K. Chesney (Book Review). Romanic Review, 24, 250-254.

Vexler, Feliciu. (1933). Mediaeval Judaeo-French Lexicography: A. Darmesteter et D. S. Bloondheium (Book Review). Romanic Review, 24, 254-256.

Woodbridge, Benjamin M. (1933). Belgian Literature: Octave Primez (1832-1883). Romanic Review, 24, 256-258.

Bontempo, O. A. (1933). Five Recent Italian Novels: G. Fanciulli, Le meglio ore se ne vanno V. Brocchi, I gonfaloni di Lucifero D. Cinelli, Lucia G. Colucci, Pozzo Rubino M. Puccini, La prigione. Romanic Review, 24, 259-262.

Feraru, L. (1933). Rumanian Book Notes: I. Iordan. Romanic Review, 24, 263-265.

Matulka, Barbara. (1933). Spanish Book Notes: The Tale of the Warrior Lord. El Canter de Mio Cid, translated by Merriam Sherwood F. Callcott, When Spain Was Young M. Rios Rios, La Bella Intrusa (Novela). Romanic Review, 24, 266-267.

Brussaly, M., P. Villa Fernandez and Barbara Matulka. (1933). Romance Language Class-Texts. Romanic Review, 24, 268-272.

Matulka, Caroline. (1933). Faculty Notes. Romanic Review, 24, 273-276.

Gerig, John L. (1933). In Memoriam: Mel Ville Best Anderson. Romanic Review, 24, 277-279.

Gerig, John L. (1933). Varia: Educational and Bibliographic Necrology Music Literature, Drama and Films Art and Archaeology Miscellaneous. Romanic Review, 24, 280-294.

Jordan, Leo. (1933). Essais de Sociologie Linguistique: VII, Le Futurisme. Romanic Review, 24, 295-302.

Gerig, John L. and Gustave Leopold Van Roosbroeck. (1933). Unpublished Letters of Pierre Bayle (Continued). Romanic Review, 24, 303-314.

Wesenberg, T. G. (1933). The Subjunctive in Provencal Narrative Poetry. Romanic Review, 24, 315-322.

Lograsso, Angeline H. (1933). Piero Maroncelli in Philadelphia. Romanic Review, 24, 323-328.

Gianturco, Elio. (1933). Gioberti and Counter-Revolutionary Doctrine. Romanic Review, 24, 329-335.

Falls, William F. (1933). Cinq Letters inedites de Buffon. Romanic Review, 24, 336-339.

Levy, Raphael. (1933). A Supplementary Bibliography of Baudelairiana, 1923-1932. Romanic Review, 24, 340-345.

Chazin, M. (1933). Emerson's Disciple in Belgium: Marie Mali (1855-1927). Romanic Review, 24, 346-349.

Jordan, Leo. (1933). Quelques Problemes de la Linguistique: K. Buhler (Book Review). Romanic Review, 24, 350-353.

Steiner, Arpad. (1933). Syncope and Pronouns in the Romance Languages: E. Cross (Book Review). Romanic Review, 24, 353-355.

Misrahi, Jean. (1933). The Historical Background of the Chenson de Roland: R. Fawtier (Book Review). Romanic Review, 24, 355-358.

Brown, Harcourt. (1933). Scientific Life in the Seventeenth Century (Book Review). Romanic Review, 24, 358-360.

Iacuzzi, A. (1933). A French Dramatist of the Revolutionary Period: L. H. Skinner (Book Review). Romanic Review, 24, 360-362.

Woodbridge, Benjamin M. (1933). A Precursor of James Joyce: E. Dujardin (Book Review). Romanic Review, 24, 362-363.

Qualia, C. B. (1933). Madrid in the Eighteenth Century: C. E. Kany (Book Review). Romanic Review, 24, 363-365.

Holmes, H. A. (1933). Florencio Sanchez and the Argentine Theatre: Ruth Richardson (Book Review). Romanic Review, 24, 365-369.

Bontempo, O. A. (1933). Italian Literary Quarterly. Romanic Review, 24, 369-371.

Feraru, L. (1933). Rumanian Books and Periodicals. Romanic Review, 24, 372-373.

Brussaly, M., P. Villa Fernandez and Barbara Matulka. (1933). Romance Language Calss-Texts. Romanic Review, 24, 374-377.

Gerig, John L. (1933). Varia: Educational and Bibliographic Necrology Music Literature, Drama and FilmsArt and Archaeology Miscellaneous. Romanic Review, 24, 378-378.

Bibliography by Andrew Branch & Jonathan Eskew

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