Department of French and Romance Philology  








Romanic Review volume 27 (1936)

Goggio, Emilio. (1936). First Personal Contact Between American and Italian Leaders of Thought. Romanic Review, 27, 1-8.

Van Roosbroeck, Gustave Leopold. (1936). The Inspiration of Aloysius Bertrand's Le Deuxième Homme. Romanic Review, 27, 9-11.

Brugmans, Henri L. (1936). La Famile de Charles-Paul de Kock. Romanic Review, 27, 12-16.

Knickerbocker, W. E. (1936). Assimilation in Spanish. Romanic Review, 27, 17-21.

Harris, Julian. (1936). Chanson de Roland, Line 485: A Disputed Reading. Romanic Review, 27, 22-26.

Thorndike, Lynn. (1936). The First Edition of Nifo's De Falsa Diluvii Prognosticatione. Romanic Review, 27, 27-27.

Manning, Clarence A. (1936). The French Tutor in Russian Literature. Romanic Review, 27, 28-32.

Matulka, Barbara. (1936). The Legend of The Hairy Anchorite in Germany and France: C. A. Williams (Book Review). Romanic Review, 27, 33-36.

Matulka, Barbara. (1936). The Greek Anthology in Italy (1460-1800): J. Hutton (Book Review). Romanic Review, 27, 36-38.

Françon, Marcel. (1936). Marguerite D'Autiche et La Paix Des Dames: Gh. de Boom (Book Review). Romanic Review, 27, 38-39.

Matulka, Barbara. (1936). Montaigne Before his Contemporaries: P. Villey (Book Review). Romanic Review, 27, 39-42.

Brugmans, Henri L. (1936). The Battle Between Voltaire and the Censors: A. Bachman (Book Review). Romanic Review, 27, 42-44.

Matulka, Barbara. (1936). Victor Hugo BeforeE The Tribunals: J. Hamelin (Book Review). Romanic Review, 27, 44-45.

Chernowitz, M. E. (1936). Bergson's Influence on Marcel Proust: K. Jaeckel (Book Review). Romanic Review, 27, 45-50.

Parris, G. B. (1936). French Class-Texts for Negro Institutions: T. P. Gragnon-Lacoste, Toussaint Louverture, edited by Georgiana R. Simpson (Book Review). Romanic Review, 27, 50-53.

Van Roosbroeck, Gustave Leopold. (1936). Belgian Chronicle: Charles-Joseph de Ligne, Prince of Cosmopolitan Europe (1735-1814): Annales Prince de Ligne, Vols. I-XVI. Romanic Review, 27, 53-59.

Bontempo, O. A. (1936). Italian Literary Quarterly: Trend of Contemporary Italian Literature and The Carducci Centenary. Romanic Review, 27, 60-60.

Feraru, L. (1936). Shorter Rumanian Book-Notes: N. Iorga. Romanic Review, 27, 61-64.

Matthew, John. (1936). Swiss Chronicle: The Evolution of Ameil's Fame: H.-F. Amiel. Romanic Review, 27, 65-65.

Matulka, Caroline. (1936). Faculty Notes. Romanic Review, 27, 66-72.

Gerig, John L. (1936). Varia: Educational and Bibliographic Necrology Music, Opera, Disks, Musical Films, Radio Art and Archaeology Literature, Drama and Films Miscellaneous. Romanic Review, 27, 73-98.

Thompson, J. W. (1936). Catharist Social Ideas in Medieval French Romance. Romanic Review, 27, 99-103.

Courtines, L. P. (1936). Bayle and His English Correspondents: Four Unpublished Letters. Romanic Review, 27, 104-109.

Dedeck-Héry, V. L. (1936). Un Fragment inédit de la Traduction de la Consolation de Boèce par Jean de Meun. Romanic Review, 27, 110-123.

De Boer, Josephine. (1936). The Kinship Between Nicolas Boileau and His Victim, Guillaume Colletet. Romanic Review, 27, 124-128.

Matulka, Barbara. (1936). The Legend of St. Nicholas on the Medieval stage: O. E. Albrecht (Book Review). Romanic Review, 27, 129-131.

Matulka, Barbara. (1936). The Four Daughters of God: New Versions of A Medieval Parable: A Langfors (Book Review). Romanic Review, 27, 131-132.

Matulka, Barbara. (1936). A Book of Homage to the Romanticist, José Zorrilla: Amigos de Zorrilla (Book Review). Romanic Review, 27, 132-135.

Leonard, I. A. (1936). A Bibliography of Spanish-American Periodical Literature: Madaline W. Nichols and Lucia B. Kinnaird (Book Review). Romanic Review, 27, 135-137.

Dawson, John Charles. (1936). A Great Protestant Poet of the French Renaissance: U.T. Holmes, Jr., Guillaume de Salluste, Sieur du Bartas (Book Review). Romanic Review, 27, 137-143.

Françon, Marcel. (1936). La Légende des Trois Van Eyck: E. Renders, Jean van Eyck (Book Review). Romanic Review, 27, 143-145.

Brock, I. W. (1936). Seventeenth-Century Precursors of Bayle and Fontenelle: Harcourt Brown (Book Review). Romanic Review, 27, 145-148.

Woodbridge, Benjamin M. (1936). The Evolution of Ferdinand Brunetière's Thought: E. Hocking, Ferdinand Brunetiere (Book Review). Romanic Review, 27, 148-150.

Perrier, Joseph Louis. (1936). Basque Folklore: R. Maria de Azkue, Euskalerriaren Yakintza (Book Review). Romanic Review, 27, 150-151.

Françon, Marcel and Benjamin M. Woodbridge. (1936). Belgian art and Literature: P. Saintenoy (Book Review). Romanic Review, 27, 151-154.

Bontempo, O. A. (1936). Italian Literary Quarterly: Two Studies on Carducci and Several Recent Novels. Romanic Review, 27, 154-155.

Feraru, L. (1936). Rumanian Linguistics: Bulletin Linguistique, publié par A. Rosetti, T. III, 1935. Romanic Review, 27, 156-157.

Schons, Dorothy. (1936). A Centuries-of-Progress Exposition. Romanic Review, 27, 158-158.

Gerig, John L. (1936). Varia: Educational and Bibliographic Necrology Music, Opera, Disks, Musical Films, Radio Art and Archaeology Literature, Drama and Films Miscellaneous. Romanic Review, 27, 159-182.

Gerig, John L. (1936). Announcement by the Editor. Romanic Review, 27, 183-184.

Thorndike, Lynn. (1936). The Debate For Precedence Between Medicine and Law: Further Examples From the Fourteenth to the Seventeenth Century. Romanic Review, 27, 185-189.

Hooker, K. W. (1936). The Victor Hugo Legend. Romanic Review, 27, 190-200.

Will, Samuel F. and V. L. Sikes. (1936). American Studies on the French Renaissance. Romanic Review, 27, 201-203.

Whiting, B. J. (1936). Proverbial Material From the Poems of Baudouin and Jean de Condé. Romanic Review, 27, 204-222.

Pike, R. E. (1936). The Balsons in French Literature of the 16th Century. Romanic Review, 27, 223-241.

Françon, Marcel. (1936). Etudes des Rimes des Rondeaux contenus dans le MS. 402 de Lille. Romanic Review, 27, 242-246.

Françon, Marcel. (1936). Miniatures du XVI^sup e^ Siècle (Six Illustations). Romanic Review, 27, 247-250.

Williams, Edwin F. (1936). Cinna: A Note on the Historical Sources. Romanic Review, 27, 251-253.

Gianturco, Elio. (1936). Juidical Culture and Politico-Historical Judgment in Joseph de Maistre. Romanic Review, 27, 254-261.

Stewart, Nancy. (1936). The Mabomet of Voltaire and the Mabomet of Henri de Bornier. Romanic Review, 27, 262-267.

Wentworth, C. L. (1936). The Prioress' Oath. Romanic Review, 27, 268-268.

Tihany, L. C. (1936). The Return of the Hero in Early Irish Literature. Romanic Review, 27, 269-272.

Brown, Donald F. (1936). Pardo Bazán and Zola: Refutation of Some Critics. Romanic Review, 27, 273-277.

Scalia, S. E. (1936). Diamond or Loadstone? A Note on Guinicelli. Romanic Review, 27, 278-281.

Gianturco, Elio. (1936). Abbé Arteaga as a Critic of Alfieri's Myrrba. Romanic Review, 27, 282-291.

Zinno, D. (1936). English in Neapolitan. Romanic Review, 27, 292-297.

Williams, Robert H. (1936). Cervantes in France in the Seventeenth Century: G. Hainsworth (Book Review). Romanic Review, 27, 298-305.

Moore, E. R. (1936). A General Writes of the Mexican Revolution: General Francisco I. Urquizo (Book Review). Romanic Review, 27, 305-307.

Ruutz-Rees, Caroline. (1936). A New Translation of Dante (Book Review). Romanic Review, 27, 307-312.

Marni, A. (1936). D'Annunzio's Fortune Abroad: Joseph G. Fucilla and Joseph M. Carriere (Book Review). Romanic Review, 27, 312-313.

Beck, Thor J. (1936). Margaret Schlauch, The Ancient Sagas of Iceland (Book Review). Romanic Review, 27, 313-317.

Perrier, Joseph Louis. (1936). A Poem of the Cycle of Guillaume D'Orange (Book Review). Romanic Review, 27, 317-319.

Françon, Marcel. (1936). Une Belle Etude Sur Clément Marot: J. Vianey (Book Review). Romanic Review, 27, 319-321.

Daudon, Rene. (1936). Une Importante Addition a La Biblographie Balzacienne: Honore de Balzac (Book Review). Romanic Review, 27, 321-322.

De La Harpe, Jacqueline. (1936). L'Idéologie de Maurice Barrès: Henri-L. Miéville (Book Review). Romanic Review, 27, 322-324.

Begue, Armand. (1936). Un Tableau de La Littérature Française Contemporaine: Christian Sénéchal (Book Review). Romanic Review, 27, 324-326.

Matthew, John and Rose-Marie Daele. (1936). French Booknotes: Charles Upson Clark, Voyageurs, Robes Noirs, et Coueurs de Bois B. Graham, Famous Literary Prizes and Their Winners, Revised and Enlarged by H. Murray. Romanic Review, 27, 326-326.

O'Brien, Justin and Rose-Marie Daele. (1936). Romance Language Class-Texts. Romanic Review, 27, 327-329.

Gerig, John L. (1936). In Memoriam: Gustave Leopold Van Roosbroeck. Romanic Review, 27, 330-331.

The Editors. (1936). Publications Containing Appreciations Of The Work Of G.L. Van Roosbroeck. Romanic Review, 27, 332-332.

The Editors. (1936). Bibliography Of Gustave Leopold Van Roosbroeck. Romanic Review, 27, 333-345.

Gerig, John L. (1936). In Memoriam: Barbara Matulka. Romanic Review, 27, 346-346.

The Editors. (1936). Bibliography Of Barbara Matulka. Romanic Review, 27, 347-347.

Bibliography by Andrew Branch & Jonathan Eskew

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