Department of French and Romance Philology  








Romanic Review volume 29 (1938)

Edelman, Nathan. (1938). The Early Uses of Medium Aevum, Moyen Age, Middle Ages. Romanic Review, 29, 3-25.

Prezzolini, Giuseppe. (1938). Castiglione and Alfonso de Valdés. Romanic Review, 29, 26-36.

Falls, William F. (1938). Buffon, Franklin, et deux académies américaines. Romanic Review, 29, 37-47.

Brenner, Clarence D. (1938). A Neglected Preromantic, Billardon de Sauvigny. Romanic Review, 29, 48-58.

Cook, Mercer. (1938). Ampère and Sainte-Beuve: The Study of an Influence. Romanic Review, 29, 59-67.

Bandy, William T. (1938). The Revue Anecdotique and Baudelaire. Romanic Review, 29, 68-73.

Pidal, Raom Menendez. (1938). Zebra, Cebra. Romanic Review, 29, 74-78.

Peckham, Lawton P. G. (1938). Raymond Thompson Hill, Two Old French Poems on Saint Thibaut (Book Review). Romanic Review, 29, 79-79.

Pei, Mario A. (1938). Stephan Hofer, Gustav Grobers Geschichte des mittelfranzosischen Literature. II. Vers- und Prosadichtung des 15. Jahrhunderts (Book Review). Romanic Review, 29, 79-83.

Anibal, C. E. (1938). Gregory Gough LaGrone, The Imitations of Don Quixote in the Spanish Drama (Book Review). Romanic Review, 29, 83-85.

Livingston, Arthur. (1938). Morris Bishop, Pascal: The Life of Genius (Book Review). Romanic Review, 29, 85-87.

Crowley, Francis J. (1938). William R. Jones, L'Ingénu de Voltaire, édition critique avec commentaires (Book Review). Romanic Review, 29, 87-89.

Havens, George R. (1938). Margaret Louise Buchner, A Contribution to the Study of the Descriptive Technique of Jean-Jacques Rousseau (Book Review). Romanic Review, 29, 89-90.

Baldensperger, Fernand. (1938). Albert Béguin, L'Ame romantique et le rêve: Essai sur le romantisme allemand et la poésie française (Book Review). Romanic Review, 29, 90-95.

Daudon, Rene. (1938). A. Prioult, Balzac avant la Comédie humaine (1818-1829)| Honoré de Balzac, Sténie ou les Erreurs philosophiques (Book Review). Romanic Review, 29, 95-107.

Austin, H. D. (1938). Dante Notes. Romanic Review, 29, 107-111.

Thomson, S. Harrison. (1938). The Significance of the Criteria of Latin Paleography in the Study of Anglo-Norman Documents. Romanic Review, 29, 112-119.

Coindreau, Maurice Edgar. (1938). D'une chanson du Bas-Poitou que Rabelais a pu connaître. Romanic Review, 29, 120-128.

Coleman, Algernon. (1938). A Source of Ibrahim ou l'Illustre Bassa. Romanic Review, 29, 129-140.

Bond, Donald F. (1938). American Scholarship in the Field of Eighteenth-Century Anglo-French Studies. Romanic Review, 29, 141-150.

Krakeur, Lester Gilbert. (1938). Diderot and the Idea of Progress. Romanic Review, 29, 151-159.

Melcher, Edith. (1938). Trends in Recent Criticism of the Eighteenth-Century French Theatre. Romanic Review, 29, 160-166.

Frohock, W. M. (1938). Maurice Barrìs' Collaboration with the Action Française. Romanic Review, 29, 167-169.

Spitzer, Leo. (1938). Faire une scarlatine (une typhoïde). Romanic Review, 29, 170-172.

Cons, Louis. (1938). Jean Györy, Etude sur la Chanson de Roland (Book Review). Romanic Review, 29, 173-175.

Loomis, Roger Sherman. (1938). William A. Nitze and colloborators, Le Haut Livre du Graal, Perlesvaus. Volume II: Commentary and Notes (Book Review). Romanic Review, 29, 175-180.

Heaton, H. C. (1938). Amédée Pagès, La Poésie française en Catalogne du XIIIe siècle à la fin du XVe (Book Review). Romanic Review, 29, 180-183.

Searles, Colbert. (1938). Helen Reese Reese, La Mesnardière's Poëtique (1639): Sources and Dramatic Theories (Book Review). Romanic Review, 29, 183-186.

Rosenfield, Leonora Cohen. (1938). Hester Hastings, Man and Beast in French Thought of the Eighteenth Century (Book Review). Romanic Review, 29, 186-188.

Torrey, Norman L. (1938). C.W. Hendel, Citizen of Geneva: Selections from the Letters of Jean-Jacques Rousseau (Book Review). Romanic Review, 29, 188-190.

Viens, Claude P. (1938). Thaddeus Ernest Du Val, Jr., The Subject of Realism in the Revue des Deux Mondes (1831-1865) (Book Review). Romanic Review, 29, 190-192.

Frohock, W. M. (1938). Mona E. Mackay, Meredith et la France (Book Review). Romanic Review, 29, 192-194.

Pei, Mario A. (1938). Raphael Levy, Répertoire des lexiques du vieux français (Book Review). Romanic Review, 29, 194-195.

Pei, Mario A. (1938). Mélanges de linguistique et de philologie offerts à Jacques van Ginneken (Book Review). Romanic Review, 29, 195-197.

Muller, Henri François. (1938). Ferdinand Brunot, Histoire de la langue française des origines à 1900. Tome IX: La Révolution et l'Empire, Partie II: Les Evénements, les institutions et la langue (Book Review). Romanic Review, 29, 197-199.

Brock, I. W. (1938). R.L. Graeme Ritchie (ed.), France: A Companion to French Studies (Book Review). Romanic Review, 29, 199-200.

Smith, Horatio. (1938). Emile Leroy, Guide des Bibliothèques de Paris (Book Review). Romanic Review, 29, 200-209.

Frank, Grace. (1938). Le Roman de la Rose ou de Guillaume de Dole, ll. 1330 ff. Romanic Review, 29, 209-211.

Stewart, William McC. (1938). Descartes and Poetry. Romanic Review, 29, 212-242.

Begue, Armand. (1938). La Critique des moeurs dans les oeuvres de Rétif de la Bretonne. Romanic Review, 29, 243-252.

Michaud, Regis. (1938). Baudelaire, Balzac et les correspondances. Romanic Review, 29, 253-261.

Schenck, Eugnice Morgan and Margaret Gilman. (1938). Le Voyage and L'Albatros: The First Text. Romanic Review, 29, 262-277.

Pei, Mario A. (1938). E. C. Armstrong and Associates, The Medieval French Roman d'Alexandre (Book Review). Romanic Review, 29, 278-279.

Muller, Henri François. (1938). Tauno Nurmela, Le Sermon en vers de la chastée as nonains de Gautier de Coinci (Book Review). Romanic Review, 29, 279-280.

Sellery, G. C. (1938). Vincent Luciani, Francesco Guicciardini and his European Reputation (Book Review). Romanic Review, 29, 280-281.

Piccirilli, Maria de Negri. (1938). Giuseppe Prezzolini, Baldassar Castiglione Giovanni della Casa: Opere (Book Review). Romanic Review, 29, 281-284.

Françon, Marcel. (1938). K. von Posadowsky-Wehner, Jean Parmentier (1494-1529), Leben und Werk (Book Review). Romanic Review, 29, 284-286.

Zdanowicz, Casimir D. (1938). Otis E. Fellows, French Opinion of Molière (1800-1850) (Book Review). Romanic Review, 29, 286-288.

Schinz, Albert. (1938). Pierre Trahard, La Sensibilité révolutionnaire (1789-1794) (Book Review). Romanic Review, 29, 288-291.

Cook, Mercer. (1938). Edward D. Seeber, Anti-Slavery Opinion in France during the Second Half of the Eighteenth Century (Book Review). Romanic Review, 29, 291-293.

Jackson, Joseph F. (1938). Bernard Weinberg, French Realism, the Critical Reaction, 1830-1870 (Book Review). Romanic Review, 29, 293-295.

Smith, Horatio. (1938). Henriette Psichari, Renan d'après lui-même (Book Review). Romanic Review, 29, 295-297.

O'Brien, Justin. (1938). Enid Starkie, Arthur Rimbaud in Abyssinia (Book Review). Romanic Review, 29, 297-299.

O'Brien, Justin. (1938). Fernand Baldensperger, D'Edmond Spenser à Alan Seeger: Cent petits poèms anglais traduits en vers français (Book Review). Romanic Review, 29, 299-300.

Holmes, Urban T., Jr. (1938). Louis Furman Sas, The Noun Declension System in Merovingian Latin (Book Review). Romanic Review, 29, 300-305.

Armstrong, Edward C. (1938). The Suchier Fragment of the Roman d'Alexandre. Romanic Review, 29, 305-310.

Cioffari, Vincenzo. (1938). Fortune and Fate in the Elegia of Henricus Septimellensis. Romanic Review, 29, 311-321.

Françon, Marcel. (1938). Sur une source possible de Rabelais. Romanic Review, 29, 322-322.

Coindreau, Maurice Edgar. (1938). Du danger des citations incomplètes. Romanic Review, 29, 323-324.

Fishtine, Edith. (1938). Clarin in his Early Writing. Romanic Review, 29, 325-342.

Bond, Donald F. (1938). Anglo-French and Franco-American Studies: A Current Bibliography. Romanic Review, 29, 343-372.

De Messieres, Rene Escande. (1938). Le Rôle de l'ironie dans de Giraudoux. Romanic Review, 29, 373-383.

Hamilton, George L. (1938). Guido de Columnis, Historia destructionis Troiae. Edited by Nathaniel Edward Griffin (Book Review). Romanic Review, 29, 384-391.

Cons, Louis. (1938). Grace Frank and Dorothy Miner, Proverbes en rimes (Book Review). Romanic Review, 29, 391-394.

Spaulding, Robert K. (1938). Hayward Keniston, The Syntax of Castilian Prose (The Sixteenth Century) (Book Review). Romanic Review, 29, 394-396.

Patton, William David. (1938). René Guiet, L'Evolution d'un genre: le livret d'opéra en France de Gluck à la Révolution (Book Review). Romanic Review, 29, 396-398.

Baldensperger, Fernand. (1938). Pierre Jourda, L'Exotisme dans la littérature française depuis Chateaubriand. Le Romantisme (Book Review). Romanic Review, 29, 398-404.

Bédé, Jean-Albert. (1938). Jared Wenger, The Province and the Provinces in the Work of Honoré de Balzac (Book Review). Romanic Review, 29, 404-405.

Peyre, Henri. (1938). Henri Tronchon, Allemagne-France-Angleterre: Le jeune Edgar Quinet ou l'adventure d'un enthousiaste (Book Review). Romanic Review, 29, 405-407.

Barnouw, A. J. (1938). J. de Graaf, Le Réveil littéraire en Hollande et le Naturalisme français (1880-1900) (Book Review). Romanic Review, 29, 407-407.

Bibliography by Andrew Branch & Jonathan Eskew

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