Romanic Review volume 30 (1939)
Dean, Ruth J. (1939). Anglo-Norman Studies. Romanic Review, 30, 3-14.
Austin, H. D. (1939). Dante Notes. Romanic Review, 30, 15-19.
Keating, L. Clark. (1939). Materials for a Reappraisal of Sixteenth-Century French Society. Romanic Review, 30, 20-25.
Lockert, Lacy. (1939). Racine's Bérénice. Romanic Review, 30, 26-38.
Crowley, Francis J. (1939). New Voltaire - Gabriel Cramer Letters. Romanic Review, 30, 39-51.
Muller, Henri François. (1939). On the Origin of French Word-Order. Romanic Review, 30, 52-62.
Spitzer, Leo. (1939). Fermez Donc Votre Porte. Romanic Review, 30, 63-68.
Frank, Grace. (1939). Maria Sofia De Vito, L'Origine del Dramma Liturgico (Book Review). Romanic Review, 30, 69-71.
Swift, Emerson H. (1939). Henri Focillon, Art d'Occident: le Moyen âge Roman et Gothique (Book Review). Romanic Review, 30, 71-75.
Stone, Herbert K. (1939). Wilhelmine Wirtz, Flore et Blancheflor Nach der Pariser Handschrift 375 (A) (Book Review). Romanic Review, 30, 75-77.
Cons, Louis. (1939). Georges Doutrepont and Omer Jodogne, Chroniques de Jean Molinet (Book Review). Romanic Review, 30, 77-80.
Gillet, Joseph E. (1939). J. P. Wickersham Crawford, Spanish Drama Before Lope de Vega (Book Review). Romanic Review, 30, 80-80.
Stewart, William McC. (1939). Jean Boorsch, Etat Présent des études sur Descartes (Book Review). Romanic Review, 30, 80-84.
Hill, John M. (1939). Forrest Eugene Spencer and Rudolph Schevill, The Dramatic Works of Luis Vélez de Guevara, Their Plots, Sources, and Bibliography (Book Review). Romanic Review, 30, 84-90.
Baldensperger, Fernand. (1939). Louis Réau, L'Europe française au siècle des lumières (Book Review). Romanic Review, 30, 90-96.
Bédé, Jean-Albert. (1939). Joseph F. Jackson, Louise Colet et ses Amis Littéraires (Book Review). Romanic Review, 30, 96-98.
Frohock, W. M. (1939). Georges Lemaitre, Four French Novelists (Book Review). Romanic Review, 30, 98-99.
Frauenfelder, William. (1939). Peider Lansel, The Raeto-Romans (Book Review). Romanic Review, 30, 99-100.
Muller, Henri François. (1939). Joseph Linskill, Saint Léger, Etude de la Langue du Manuscrit de Clermont-Ferrand, Suivie d'une édition Critique du Texte (Book Review). Romanic Review, 30, 100-113.
Sacret, J. H. (1939). Rafel Mai Amech Zabi Almi: Inferno, XXXI, 67. Romanic Review, 30, 113-124.
Avrett, Robert. (1939). Tirso and the Ducal House of Osuna. Romanic Review, 30, 125-132.
Crowley, Francis J. (1939). New Voltaire - Gabriel Cramer Letters [Continued]. Romanic Review, 30, 133-150.
Bond, Donald F., Joseph E Tucker and John F. McDermott. (1939). Anglo-French and Franco-American Studies, 1938. Romanic Review, 30, 151-186.
Allen, J. H. D. (1939). Portuguese and the Problem of Accusative versus Oblique. Romanic Review, 30, 187-188.
Pei, Mario A. (1939). Accusative versus Oblique in Portuguese. Romanic Review, 30, 189-191.
Patch, Howard R. (1939). Roger Sherman Loomis and Laura Hibbard Loomis, Arthurian Legends in Medieval Art (Book Review). Romanic Review, 30, 192-195.
Whittredge, Ruth. (1939). Clotilde Sennewaldt, Les Miracles de Sainte Geneviève (Book Review). Romanic Review, 30, 195-196.
Peyre, Henri. (1939). Sister Marie Philip Haley, Racine and the Art Poétique of Boileau (Book Review). Romanic Review, 30, 196-198.
Zdanowicz, Casimir D. (1939). H. Carrington Lancaster, Five French Farces, 1655-1694? A Critical Edition (Book Review). Romanic Review, 30, 198-200.
Leavitt, Sturgis E. (1939). Irving A. Leonard, Pedro de Peralta Barnuevo: Obras Dramáticas (Book Review). Romanic Review, 30, 200-202.
Philips, Edith. (1939). Léo P. Courtines, Bayle's Relations with England and the English| Annie Barnes, Jean LeClerc et la République des Lettres (Book Review). Romanic Review, 30, 202-205.
Torrey, Norman L. (1939). Ira O. Wade, The Clandestine Organization and Diffusion of Philosophic Ideas in France from 1700 to 1750 (Book Review). Romanic Review, 30, 205-209.
Schinz, Albert. (1939). Prosper Mérimée, Lettres à Fanny Lagden (Book Review). Romanic Review, 30, 209-211.
Woodbridge, Benjamin M. (1939). Robert Gilsoul, La Théorie de l'art Pour l'art Chez les écrivains Belges de 1830 à nos Jours (Book Review). Romanic Review, 30, 211-214.
Allard, Louis. (1939). F. A. Taylor, The Theatre of Alexandre Dumas Fils (Book Review). Romanic Review, 30, 214-220.
Ruutz-Rees, Caroline. (1939). Abel Lefranc, Ernest Renan en Italie (Book Review). Romanic Review, 30, 220-222.
Temple, Ruth Z. (1939). Cecil Mac Lean, La France Dans l'oeuvre de Robert Louis Stevenson (Book Review). Romanic Review, 30, 222-224.
Roche, Alphonse V. (1939). Ernest Roussel, Les Nuées Maurrassiennes: Etude Critique des Croyances Historiques de l'Action Francaise (Book Review). Romanic Review, 30, 224-231.
Lievsay, John Leon. (1939). A Suggested New Source for Sebastian Mey's Fabulario. Romanic Review, 30, 231-234.
Steiner, Arpad. (1939). A French Poetics of the Novel in 1683. Romanic Review, 30, 235-243.
Krakeur, Lester Gilbert. (1939). Aspects of Diderot's Esthetic Theory. Romanic Review, 30, 244-259.
Schinz, Albert. (1939). L'État Présent des études Rousseauistes. Romanic Review, 30, 260-272.
Rice, Winthrop H. (1939). The Meaning of Taine's Moment. Romanic Review, 30, 273-279.
Hilton, Ronald. (1939). Maurice Barrès and Spain. Romanic Review, 30, 280-299.
Gilbert, Allan H. (1939). Frederick R. Bryson, The Sixteenth-Century Italian Duel: A Study in Renaissance Social History (Book Review). Romanic Review, 30, 300-302.
Peyre, Henri. (1939). Emmanuel von der Mühll, Denis Veiras et Son Histoire des Sévarambes (1677-1679) (Book Review). Romanic Review, 30, 302-304.
Torrey, Norman L. (1939). Alan Carey Taylor, Le Président de Brosses et l'Australie (Book Review). Romanic Review, 30, 304-305.
Torrey, Norman L. (1939). Dom Deschamps, Le Vrai Système ou le mot de l'énigme Métaphysique et Morale. Publié par Jean Thomas et Franco Venturi (Book Review). Romanic Review, 30, 305-307.
Schinz, Albert. (1939). John Charpentier, Voltaire (Book Review). Romanic Review, 30, 307-308.
Brown, E. K. (1939). Alan Carey Taylor, Carlyle et la Pensée Latine (Book Review). Romanic Review, 30, 308-309.
Wolff, Hans M. (1939). Franz J. Nobiling, Stéphane Mallarmé: Gedichte (Book Review). Romanic Review, 30, 309-311.
Coindreau, Maurice Edgar. (1939). Henri Peyre, Hommes et Oeuvres du XX^sup e^ Siècle (Book Review). Romanic Review, 30, 311-315.
Pei, Mario A. (1939). Trabalza e Allodoli, La Grammatica Degl'Italiani (Book Review). Romanic Review, 30, 315-327.
Edelman, Nathan. (1939). Other Early Uses of Moyen âge and Moyen Temps. Romanic Review, 30, 327-330.
Austin, H. D. (1939). Dante Notes. Romanic Review, 30, 331-339.
Hamilton, Arthur. (1939). Two Spanish Imitations of Maître Patelin. Romanic Review, 30, 340-344.
Fichter, William Leopold. (1939). Is El Mayor Prodigio by Lope de Vega? Romanic Review, 30, 345-351.
Bishop, Morris. (1939). Did Pascal Die a Jansenist? Romanic Review, 30, 352-360.
Torrey, Norman L. (1939). Voltaire's Composition of Les Adieux du Vieillard. Romanic Review, 30, 361-368.
Havens, George R. (1939). Diderot and the Composition of Rousseau's First Discourse. Romanic Review, 30, 369-381.
Grant, Elliott M. (1939). Exile's Return: A New Interpretation of a Critical Period in the Life of Victor Hugo. Romanic Review, 30, 382-401.
Fellows, Otis E. (1939). Rachel and America: A Re-appraisal. Romanic Review, 30, 402-413.
Northup, George Tyler. (1939). Aubrey F. G. Bell, Castilian Literature (Book Review). Romanic Review, 30, 414-415.
Baldensperger, Fernand. (1939). B. Munteano, Panorama de la Littérature Roumaine Contemporaine (Book Review). Romanic Review, 30, 415-416.
Cons, Louis. (1939). Georges Lote, La Vie et l'oeuvre de François Rabelais (Book Review). Romanic Review, 30, 416-421.
Del Río, Angel. (1939). Baltasar Gracián, El Criticón (Book Review). Romanic Review, 30, 421-423.
Silvette, Herbert. (1939). Christine E. Petersen, The Doctor in French Drama, 1700-1775 (Book Review). Romanic Review, 30, 423-426.
Moraud, Marcel. (1939). Kenneth Ward Hooker, The Fortunes of Victor Hugo in England (Book Review). Romanic Review, 30, 426-428.
Peyre, Henri. (1939). Deborah A. K. Aish, La Métaphore Dans l'oeuvre de Mallarmé (Book Review). Romanic Review, 30, 428-430.
Muller, Henri François. (1939). W. von Wartburg, Evolution et Structure de la Langue française (Book Review). Romanic Review, 30, 430-436.
Spitzer, Leo. (1939). Jacques Damourette and Edouard Pichon, Des Mots à la Pensée: Essai de Grammaire de la Langue Française 1911-1936 (Book Review). Romanic Review, 30, 436-436.
Bibliography by Andrew Branch & Jonathan Eskew