Department of French and Romance Philology  








Romanic Review volume 31 (1940)

Guiton, Jean. (1940). Le Mythe des Paroles Gelées (Rabelais, Quart Livre, LV-LVI). Romanic Review, 31, 3-15.

Tarr, F. Courtney. (1940). Recent Trends in Cervantes Studies: An Attempt at Survey and Prognosis. Romanic Review, 31, 16-28.

Delattre, André. (1940). Les Premières Relations de Sainte-Beuve avec Chateaubriand et l'Abbaye-aux-Bois. Romanic Review, 31, 29-34.

Niess, Robert J. (1940). The Letters of Émile Zola to Van Santen Kolff. Romanic Review, 31, 35-43.

Spitzer, Leo. (1940). Ça fait Distingué elle fait Espagnole. Romanic Review, 31, 44-51.

Lerch, Eugen. (1940). Deliver Us from Evil in Romance Languages. Romanic Review, 31, 52-73.

Patterson, Warner F. (1940). Janet Girvan Espiner-Scott, Claude Fauchet, sa vie, son oeuvre Documents concernant la vie et les oeuvres de Claude Fauchet Claude Fauchet, Recueil de l'origine de la langue et poésie françoise. Rymes et Romans (Book Review). Romanic Review, 31, 74-75.

Diller, George E. (1940). Marcel Francon, Notes sur l'esthetique de la Femme au XVI^sup e^ siècle (Book Review). Romanic Review, 31, 75-77.

Havens, George R. (1940). Raymond Naves, Le Goût de Voltaire, Le Temple du goût. Edition Critique par E. Carcossone (Book Review). Romanic Review, 31, 77-78.

Wade, Ira O. (1940). Raymond Naves, Voltaire et l'Encyclopédie (Book Review). Romanic Review, 31, 78-82.

Hespelt, E. Herman. (1940). Jefferson Rea Spell, Rousseau in the Spanish World before 1833: A Study in Franco-Spanish Literary Relations (Book Review). Romanic Review, 31, 82-84.

Malakis, Emile. (1940). Marcel Duchemin, Chateaubriand, Essais de Critique et d'histoire Littéraire (Book Review). Romanic Review, 31, 84-86.

Bédé, Jean-Albert. (1940). Francis Steegmuller, Flaubert and Madame Bovary: A Double Portrait (Book Review). Romanic Review, 31, 86-90.

Walter, Felix. (1940). Ian Forbes Fraser, The Spirit of French Canada: A Study of the Literature (Book Review). Romanic Review, 31, 90-92.

Pei, Mario A. (1940). Bruno Migliorini, Lingua Contemporanea (Book Review). Romanic Review, 31, 92-95.

FernÁndez, Xavier A. (1940). Edwin B. Williams, From Latin to Portuguese (Book Review). Romanic Review, 31, 95-105.

Olschki, Leonardo. (1940). Dante and Peter de Vinea. Romanic Review, 31, 105-111.

Livingston, Charles H. (1940). Explication d'une Allusion Littéraire dans un texte du XIII^sup e^ siècle. Romanic Review, 31, 112-113.

Tucker, Joseph E. (1940). Anglo-French and Franco-American Studies, 1939. Romanic Review, 31, 114-146.

Wade, Ira O. and Norman L. Torrey. (1940). Voltaire and Polier de Bottens. Romanic Review, 31, 147-155.

Rhodes, S. A. (1940). The Influence of Walt Whitman on André Gide. Romanic Review, 31, 156-171.

Edelman, Nathan. (1940). Alexandre Cioranescu, L'Arioste en France des Origines à la fin du XVIII^sup e^ siècle (Book Review). Romanic Review, 31, 172-175.

Schinz, Albert. (1940). S. Paul Jones, A List of French Prose Fiction from 1700 to 1750 (Book Review). Romanic Review, 31, 175-176.

Havens, George R. (1940). Claire-Eliane Engel, Figures et aventures du XVIII^sup e^ siècle: Voyages et Decouvertes de l'abbé Prévost (Book Review). Romanic Review, 31, 176-178.

Philips, Edith. (1940). Norman L. Torrey, The Spirit of Voltaire (Book Review). Romanic Review, 31, 178-181.

Torrey, Norman L. (1940). Francis J. Crowley, Voltaire's Poème sur la loi Naturelle (Book Review). Romanic Review, 31, 181-183.

Dieckmann, Herbert. (1940). Karl-Eugen Gass, Antoine de Rivarol (1753-1801) und der Ausgang der Französischen Aufklärung (Book Review). Romanic Review, 31, 183-187.

Frohock, W. M. (1940). F.C. Green, Stendhal (Book Review). Romanic Review, 31, 187-190.

O'Brien, Justin. (1940). L. Morino, La Nouvelle Revue Française dans l'histoire des Lettres (Book Review). Romanic Review, 31, 190-194.

O'Brien, Justin. (1940). Louise Delpit, Paris-Théâtre Contemporian. Deuxième Partie (Book Review). Romanic Review, 31, 194-194.

Pei, Mario A. (1940). Louis H. Gray, Foundations of Language (Book Review). Romanic Review, 31, 194-198.

Holmes, Urban T., Jr. (1940). Leslie Parker Brown, Some Romance Words of Arabic or Germanic Origin (Book Review). Romanic Review, 31, 198-200.

Peckham, Lawton P. G. (1940). Georges and Robert Le Bidois, Syntaxe du Français Moderne. Tome II (Book Review). Romanic Review, 31, 200-209.

Frank, Grace. (1940). Proverbes en Rimes (B). Romanic Review, 31, 209-238.

Thorndike, Lynn. (1940). An Anonymous Work on Poisons Addressed to Charles of Orléans. Romanic Review, 31, 239-241.

Rodrigue, Elisabeth. (1940). Le Verger des Images de Saint François de Sales. Romanic Review, 31, 242-253.

Brenner, Clarence D. (1940). Little-Known Sources for the Study of the Eighteenth-Century French Theatre. Romanic Review, 31, 254-258.

Fredrick, Edna C. (1940). Marivaux and Musset: Les Serments indiscrets and On ne badine pas avec l'amour. Romanic Review, 31, 259-264.

Wenger, Jared. (1940). Violence as a Technique in the Dramas and Dramatizations of Dumas père. Romanic Review, 31, 265-279.

Palfrey, Thomas R. (1940). Sur une biographie de Byron Ayant Appartenu à Stendhal. Romanic Review, 31, 280-284.

Pei, Mario A. (1940). Elda Bossi, La Canzone d'Orlando F. Th. A. Voigt, Roland-Orlando dans l'épopée française et italienne Italo Siciliano, Le Origini delle Canzoni di Gesta: Teorie e Discussioni (Book Review). Romanic Review, 31, 285-292.

Rosenberg, Leon W. (1940). Abraham ibn Ezra, The Beginning of Wisdom. Edited by Raphael Levy and Francisco Cantera (Book Review). Romanic Review, 31, 292-293.

Frank, Grace. (1940). Helaine Newstead, Bran the Blessed in Arthurian Romance (Book Review). Romanic Review, 31, 293-296.

Peyre, Henri. (1940). A.F.B. Clark, Jean Racine (Book Review). Romanic Review, 31, 296-299.

Naughton, A. E. A. (1940). Franco Venturi, Jeunesse de Diderot (de 1713 à 1753) (Book Review). Romanic Review, 31, 299-301.

Smith, Horatio. (1940). K. de Schaepdryver, Hippolyte Taine: Essai sur l'unité de sa Pensee (Book Review). Romanic Review, 31, 301-304.

Pei, Mario A. (1940). William J. Entwistle, The Spanish Language, Together with Portuguese, Catalan and Basque (Book Review). Romanic Review, 31, 304-304.

Navarro, TomÁs. (1940). Bernardo Xavier C. Coutinho, Bibliographie franco-portugaise: Essai d'une Bibliographie Chronologique de Livres français sur le Portugal (Book Review). Romanic Review, 31, 304-313.

Harvey, H. G. (1940). The Judge and the Lawyer in the Pathelin. Romanic Review, 31, 313-333.

Fermaud, Jacques Albert. (1940). Défense du Confident. Romanic Review, 31, 334-340.

Havens, George R. (1940). Twelve New Letters of Voltaire to Gabriel Cramer. Romanic Review, 31, 341-354.

Lynes, Carlos, Jr. (1940). Chateaubriand, Revitalizer of the French Classics. Romanic Review, 31, 355-363.

Schaffer, Aaron. (1940). A Parnassian La Rochefoucauld: Madame de La Roche-Guyon. Romanic Review, 31, 364-371.

Brée, Germaine. (1940). Source et Emploi d'un épisode dans A la Recherche du Temps Perdu. Romanic Review, 31, 372-379.

Pei, Mario A. (1940). French -ier from Latin -ariu. Romanic Review, 31, 380-393.

Cons, Louis. (1940). Les Membres de l'Institut, Histoire Littéraire de la France. Tome XXXVII (Book Review). Romanic Review, 31, 394-398.

Fichter, William Leopold. (1940). Charles Henry Stevens, Lope de Vega's El palacio confuso, Together with a Study of the Menaechmi Theme in Spanish Literature James White Crowell, Agustin de Rojas' El natural Desdichado (Book Review). Romanic Review, 31, 398-404.

Baldensperger, Fernand. (1940). Henry Carrington Lancaster, A History of French Dramatic Literature in the Seventeenth Century. Part IV: The Period of Racine, 1673-1700 (Book Review). Romanic Review, 31, 404-408.

Gagey, Edmond McAdoo. (1940). Willard Austin Kinne, Revivals and Importations of French Comedies in England, 1749-1800 (Book Review). Romanic Review, 31, 408-410.

Peyre, Henri. (1940). Paul Hazard, Quatre Etudes (Book Review). Romanic Review, 31, 410-412.

Smith, Horatio. (1940). Tommaso Fiore, Sainte-Beuve, Studio su Virgilio (Book Review). Romanic Review, 31, 412-414.

Schapiro, Meyer. (1940). M. Mespoulet, Images et Romans: Parenté des Estampes et du Roman Realiste de 1815 à 1865 (Book Review). Romanic Review, 31, 414-416.

Favreau, A. R. (1940). Yvonne Martinet, Alphonse Daudet (1840-1897), sa vie et son oeuvre Yvonne Martinet, Numa Roumestan par A. Daudet: La Piecè et le Roman (Book Review). Romanic Review, 31, 416-418.

Muller, Henri François. (1940). A. Ernout and T.A. Meillet, Dictionnaire étymologique de la Langue Latine: Histoire des mots (Book Review). Romanic Review, 31, 418-418.

Bibliography by Andrew Branch & Jonathan Eskew

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