Department of French and Romance Philology  








Romanic Review volume 34 (1943)

Darby, George O. S. (1943). Observations on the Chronology of Charles d'Orléans'Rondeux. Romanic Review, 34, 3-17.

Beyer, Charles J. (1943). Da Cartésianisme à la Philosophie des Lumières. Romanic Review, 34, 18-39.

Bound, G. (1943). Hans Sloaone et les Relations Intellectuelles Franco-Anglaises au dix Huitième Siècle. Romanic Review, 34, 40-49.

Carrière, J. D. (1943). Jules Laforgue and Leopardi. Romanic Review, 34, 50-53.

Bussom, Thomas W. (1943). Marcel Proust and Painting. Romanic Review, 34, 54-70.

Austin, H. D. (1943). Dante's Guides in the Divine Comedy. Romanic Review, 34, 71-74.

Frank, Grace. (1943). Edwin B. Place, L'Histore de Gille de Chyn. Romanic Review, 34, 75-78.

Havens, George R. (1943). Ruth, Elizabeth Cowdrick, The Earl Readings of Pierre Bayle. Romanic Review, 34, 79-79.

Muller, Henri François. (1943). Wesley Bird, Alfred de Vigny's Classroom A Contribution to the Study of Its Genesis and Sources. Romanic Review, 34, 80-81.

Alden, Douglas W. (1943). Artine Artinian, Maupassant Criticism in France 1880-1940. Romanic Review, 34, 82-83.

Corbató, Hermeneglido. (1943). Edmund Villeda de Chasca, Lope de Rueda's Comedia de los Engañados An Edition. Romanic Review, 34, 84-85.

Olschki, Leonardo. (1943). Chandler B. Bell, La Fortune du Tasse en France. Romanic Review, 34, 86-96.

Peyre, Henri. (1943). Oeuvrage Français Parus Depuis la Guerre (Septembre 1939-Septembre 1942). Romanic Review, 34, 97-108.

Pinchbeck, Charles. (1943). Maurice de Sully. Romanic Review, 34, 109-115.

Gravit, Fracis W. (1943). Notes on the Contents of Fréron's Periodicals. Romanic Review, 34, 116-126.

Adelson, Dorothy. (1943). Proust's Earlier and Later Styles A Textual Comparison. Romanic Review, 34, 127-138.

LANG, BLUMA RENÉE. (1943). André Gide et Nietzsche Etude Chronologique. Romanic Review, 34, 139-149.

Spitzer, Leo. (1943). Français Populaire Moche. Romanic Review, 34, 150-153.

Bond, Donald F. (1943). Anglo-French and Franco-American Studies A Current Bibliography. Romanic Review, 34, 154-172.

Smith, Horatio. (1943). Marcel-Henri Jaspar, Le Génie Libéral de la France Essai sur Renan. Romanic Review, 34, 173-173.

Misrahi, Jean. (1943). Maurice Silver, Girbert de Mes, According to Ms. B. Text and Variants of Lines 8879-10822, Followed by a Study of the Noun Declensional System. Romanic Review, 34, 173-173.

Dieckmann, Herbert. (1943). Joseph Edmund Barker, Diderot's Treatment of the Christian Religion in the Encyclopédie. Romanic Review, 34, 174-176.

Hastings, Walter Scott. (1943). E. Preston Durgan and Bernard Weinberg, The Evolution of Balzac's Comédie Humaine. Romanic Review, 34, 177-178.

Peyre, Henri. (1943). Gaston Gille, Jules Vallès (1832-1885):Ses révoltes, sa Maitrise, son Prestige. Jules Vallès Sources, Bibliographie, Iconographie. Romanic Review, 34, 179-181.

Englekirk, John E. (1943). Harvey Leroy Johnson, An Edition of Triunfo de los Santos with a Consideration of Jesuit School Plays in Mexico before 1650. Romanic Review, 34, 182-182.

Predmore, Richard L. (1943). Angel del Río, Sidonia C. Rosenbaum, Frederico de Onís, Frederic Garcia Lona (1899-1936) Vida y obra Bibliografia, Antologia, Obras Inéditas, Música Popular. Romanic Review, 34, 183-183.

Pei, Mario A. (1943). Giacomo Devoto, Storia Della lingua di Roma. Romanic Review, 34, 184-192.

Frank, Grace. (1943). Piere Bise. Romanic Review, 34, 193-195.

Brown, Donald F. (1943). The Veil of Tanit| The Personal Significance of a Woman's Adornment to Gustave Flaubert. Romanic Review, 34, 196-210.

Gilman, Margaret. (1943). Baudelaire and Emerson. Romanic Review, 34, 211-222.

Niess, Robert J. (1943). Zola's La Joie de Vivre and the Opera Lazare. Romanic Review, 34, 223-227.

ARROM, JOSÉ JUAN. (1943). Voltaire y la Literaura Dramática Cubana. Romanic Review, 34, 228-234.

Pei, Mario A. (1943). Intervocalic Occlusives in East and West Romance. Romanic Review, 34, 235-247.

Spitzer, Leo. (1943). Two Dante Notes. Romanic Review, 34, 248-262.

Holmes, Urban T., Jr. (1943). Winthrop Huntington Rice, The European Ancestry of Villon's Satrical Testaments. Romanic Review, 34, 263-264.

Torrey, Norman L. (1943). David Rice McKee, SIMON Tysot de Patot and the Seventeenth Century Background of Critical Deism. Romanic Review, 34, 265-265.

Fellows, Otis E. (1943). Lewis P. Waldo, The French Srama in America in the Eighteenth Century and its Influence on the American Drama of that Period. Romanic Review, 34, 266-268.

Peyre, Henri. (1943). Lois S. Gaudin, Les Lettres Anglaises dans l'Encyclopédie. Romanic Review, 34, 269-270.

Smith, Horatio. (1943). Maxime Leroy, La Pensée de Sainte-Beune. Romanic Review, 34, 271-273.

Bédé, Jean-Albert. (1943). Herbert J. Hunt, The Epic in Nineteenth-Century France A Study in Heroic and Humanitarian Poetry from Les Martyrs to Les Siècles Morts. Romanic Review, 34, 274-278.

Rhodes, S. A. (1943). William Kenneth Cornell, Adolphe Retté 1863-1930. Romanic Review, 34, 279-279.

Malkiel, Yakov. (1943). Hans Nilsson-Ehle, Les Adverbes en -ment Compléments d'un verbe en Français Moderne Étude de Classement Syntaxique et Sémantique. Romanic Review, 34, 280-284.

Rosenbaum, Sidonia C. (1943). Madaline W. Nichols, Bibliographical Guide to Materials on American Spanish. Romanic Review, 34, 285-286.

Hespelt, E. Herman. (1943). E. Allison Peers, A History of the Romantic Movement in Spain. Romanic Review, 34, 287-289.

Adams, Nicholson B. (1943). James F. Shearer, The Poética and Apéndices of Martinez de la Rosa Their Genesis, Sources and Significance for Spanish Literary History and Criticism. Romanic Review, 34, 290-294.

Lesage, Laurence. (1943). Transformations of an Image, Sheep, Fleece, Brambles. Romanic Review, 34, 295-302.

Dieckmann, Herbert. (1943). The Influence of Francais Bacon on Diderot's Interprétation de la Nature. Romanic Review, 34, 303-330.

Allard, Louis. (1943). Épisode de l'histoire de la Censur Dramatique la Comédie et la Censure sous Louis-Phillipe (1830-1848) (d'après les Rapports de Censure des Archives Nationales. Romanic Review, 34, 331-345.

Kroff, Alexander Yale. (1943). The Critics, the Public and the Tour de Nesle. Romanic Review, 34, 346-364.

Brée, Germaine. (1943). Le Temps Retrouvé et l'histoire dans l'oeuvre de Prust. Romanic Review, 34, 365-373.

Spitzer, Leo. (1943). Travail. Romanic Review, 34, 374-379.

Holmes, Urban T., Jr. (1943). Gustave Cohen, La Grande Clarté du Moyen-âge. Romanic Review, 34, 380-380.

Cohen, Gustave. (1943). Robert J. Clements, Critical Theory anf Practice of the Pléiade. Romanic Review, 34, 381-382.

Zdanowicz, Casimir D. (1943). Paul Saintonge and Robert Wilson Christ, Fifty Years of Molière Studies A Bibliography 1892-1941. Romanic Review, 34, 383-385.

Brugmans, Henri L. (1943). Sister Loyola Maria Coffey, S. S. J., Adrien Jourdan's Susanna (1653) Merle I. Protzman, Les Illustres Fous of Charles Beys. Romanic Review, 34, 386-386.

Philips, Edith. (1943). Ruth Kirby Jamieson, Marivaux A Study in Sensibility. Romanic Review, 34, 387-389.

Demorest, Don L. (1943). Jean Seznec, Les Sources de l'épisode des dieux dans la Tentation de Saint Antoine. Romanic Review, 34, 390-392.

Bédé, Jean-Albert. (1943). Mathew Josephson, Victor Hugo A Realistic Biography of the Great Romantic. Romanic Review, 34, 393-400.

Frohock, W. M. (1943). Margaret Gilman, Baudelaire the Critic. Romanic Review, 34, 401-402.

Navarro, Tomás. (1943). Pedro Henríquez Ureña, El español en Snto Domingo. Romanic Review, 34, 403-403.

Bibliography by Andrew Branch & Jonathan Eskew

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