Romanic Review volume 35 (1944)
Stoll, Elmer Edgar. (1944). Molière and Shakespeare. Romanic Review, 35, 3-18.
Delattre, Andre. (1944). Dix letters inédites de Montesquieu. Romanic Review, 35, 19-27.
Picard, Roger. (1944). La Poésie romantique, la science et la révolution industrielle. Romanic Review, 35, 28-42.
Woodbridge, Benjamin M. (1944). Poets and Pessimism: Vigny, Housman et Alii. Romanic Review, 35, 43-51.
March, Harold. (1944). The Proustian Manner. Romanic Review, 35, 52-72.
Lang, Paul Henry. (1944). Leo Schrade, Beethoven in France. The Growth of an Idea (Book Review). Romanic Review, 35, 73-82.
Loomis, Roger Sherman. (1944). Arthur C. L. Brown, The Origin of the Grail Legend (Book Review). Romanic Review, 35, 82-84.
Ham, Edward B. (1944). Edward J. Hoffman, Alain Chartier: His Work and Reputation (Book Review). Romanic Review, 35, 84-86.
Torrey, Norman L. (1944). Mary Lane Charles, The Growth of Diderot's Fame in France from 1784-1875 (Book Review). Romanic Review, 35, 86-88.
Bédé, Jean-Albert. (1944). Helen T. Garrett, Clothes and Character: The Function of Dress in Balzac (Book Review). Romanic Review, 35, 88-88.
Famadas, Jose. (1944). David Miller Driver, The Indian in Brazilian Literature (Book Review). Romanic Review, 35, 88-97.
The Editors. (1944). Arthur Livingston (1883-1944). Romanic Review, 35, 97-97.
Guiton, Jean. (1944). Où en est le débat sur la religion de Montaigne? Romanic Review, 35, 98-115.
Frame, Donald M. (1944). Alexandre Vinet and Poetry. Romanic Review, 35, 116-124.
Marix-Spire, Therese. (1944). Vicissitudes d'un opéra-comique: La Mare au diable, de George Sand et de Pauline Viardot, (d'apres des documents inedits). Romanic Review, 35, 125-146.
Corbato, Hermeneglido. (1944). Feijóo: A Liberal in Eighteenth-Century Spain. Romanic Review, 35, 147-155.
Hatcher, Anna Granville. (1944). Il me prend le bras vs. il prend mon bras. Romanic Review, 35, 156-164.
Hatzfeld, Helmut. (1944). Italo Siciliano, Le origini delle canzoni di gesta. Teorie e discussioni Guido Errante, Sulla lirica romanza delle origini (Book Review). Romanic Review, 35, 165-171.
Morehouse, A. R. (1944). Marcello T. Maestro, Voltaire and Beccaria as Reformers of Criminal Law (Book Review). Romanic Review, 35, 171-175.
Torrey, Norman L. (1944). Ernest C. Mossner, The Forgotten Hume: Le bon David (Book Review). Romanic Review, 35, 175-176.
Torrey, Norman L. (1944). Edward Pease Shaw, Jacques Cazotte (1719-1792) (Book Review). Romanic Review, 35, 176-178.
Jackson, Joseph F. (1944). Henri Peyre, L'Influence des littératures antiques sur la littérature française moderne. État des travaux (Book Review). Romanic Review, 35, 178-179.
Lang, Bluma Renee. (1944). Klaus Mann, André Gide and the Crisis of Modern Thought (Book Review). Romanic Review, 35, 179-185.
The Editors. (1944). Paul Hazard (1878-1944). Romanic Review, 35, 185-185.
Bond, Donald F. (1944). Anglo-French and Franco-American Studies: A Current Bibliography. Romanic Review, 35, 186-202.
Seznec, Jean. (1944). L'Alain Chartier de Sainte-Beuve. Romanic Review, 35, 203-219.
Corrigan, Beatrice. (1944). Henri-Emile Chevalier and His Novels of North America. Romanic Review, 35, 220-231.
Czoniczer, Gabriel. (1944). Marcel Proust ou Fernand Gregh? A propos de Mysteres. Romanic Review, 35, 232-233.
De Messieres, Rene Escande. (1944). Réplique. Romanic Review, 35, 234-237.
Vittorini, D. (1944). Nota su L'Infinito di Giacomo Leopardi. Romanic Review, 35, 238-243.
Spitzer, Leo. (1944). L'Etymologie d'un cri de Paris. Romanic Review, 35, 244-250.
Nitze, William A. (1944). Communication. Romanic Review, 35, 251-251.
Dean, Ruth J. (1944). Edith Armstrong Wright, Ystoire de la Passion: B. N. MSfr. 821 (Book Review). Romanic Review, 35, 252-254.
Frank, Grace. (1944). Representative Medieval and Tudor Plays. Translated and Edited by Henry W. Wells and Roger S. Loomis (Book Review). Romanic Review, 35, 254-255.
Brugmans, Henri L. (1944). George Drew Hocking, A Study of the Tragoediae Sacrae of Father Caussin (1583-1651) (Book Review). Romanic Review, 35, 255-256.
Dieckmann, Herbert. (1944). Emile Cailliet, La Tradition littéraire des Idéologues (Book Review). Romanic Review, 35, 256-262.
Weiner, S. S. (1944). Francis Carco, Verlaine (Book Review). Romanic Review, 35, 262-264.
Peyre, Henri. (1944). Clarissa Burnham Cooper, Women Poets of the Twentieth Century in France. A Critical Biography (Book Review). Romanic Review, 35, 264-267.
Cohen, Rubin. (1944). New York University Index to Early American Periodical Literature, 1728-1870. No. 5. French Fiction. Complied by Albert L. Rabinovitz, Ph.D. (Book Review). Romanic Review, 35, 267-273.
Hazard, Paul. (1944). Pour Que Vive L'Âme de la France. Romanic Review, 35, 273-276.
Walker, Eleanor M. (1944). Towards an Understanding of Diderot's Esthetic Theory. Romanic Review, 35, 277-287.
Evans, David O. (1944). Alfred de Vigny and Positivism. Romanic Review, 35, 288-298.
Rhodes, S. A. (1944). Gérard de Nerval's Unfinished Novel. Romanic Review, 35, 299-306.
Malkiel, Yakov. (1944). Three Spanish-Portuguese Etymologies. Romanic Review, 35, 307-323.
Levy, Raphael. (1944). Les Dérivés Français du Type aedificare. Romanic Review, 35, 324-341.
Misrahi, Jean. (1944). Sister Marianna Gildea, Expressions of Religious Thought and Feeling in the Chansons de Geste (Book Review). Romanic Review, 35, 342-343.
Misrahi, Jean. (1944). Warren Francis Manning, The Life of Saint Dominic in Old French Verse (Book Review). Romanic Review, 35, 343-345.
Dieckmann, Herbert. (1944). Eric M. Steel, Diderot's Imagery. A Study of a Literary Personality (Book Review). Romanic Review, 35, 345-348.
Stuart, Lloyd B. (1944). Mercer Cook, Five French Negro Authors (Book Review). Romanic Review, 35, 348-349.
Frohock, W. M. (1944). Wallace Fowlie, Clowns and Angels: Studies in Modern French Literature (Book Review). Romanic Review, 35, 349-349.
Bibliography by Andrew Branch & Jonathan Eskew