Department of French and Romance Philology  








Romanic Review volume 38 (1947)

Austin, H. D. (1947). Further Gleanings from Dante's Latin Dictionary. Romanic Review, 38, 3-12.

Samuels, Irene. (1947). Il Veltro Once More: A Note on Inferno, I, IOI. Romanic Review, 38, 13-15.

Lapp, John C. (1947). Pontus de Tyard and the Science of His Age. Romanic Review, 38, 16-22.

Bart, Benjamin F. (1947). The Moral of Flaubert's Saint-Julien. Romanic Review, 38, 23-33.

Niess, Robert J. (1947). George Moore and Paul Alexis: The Death of La Pellegrin. Romanic Review, 38, 34-42.

Brée, Germaine. (1947). Un Nouvel Aperçu sur les problemes de composition dans A la recherche du temps perdu. Romanic Review, 38, 43-52.

Frank, Rachel. (1947). Four Paradoxes in The Celestina. Romanic Review, 38, 53-68.

Peckham, Lawton P. G. (1947). Einar Ronsjö, editor, La Vie de Saint Nicolas par Wace, poème religieux du XII^sup e^ siècle, publié d'après tous les manuscrits (Book Review). Romanic Review, 38, 69-70.

Misrahi, Jean. (1947). Hakan Tjerneld, editor, Moamin et Ghatrif, Traités de Fauconnerie et des Chiens de Chasse (Book Review). Romanic Review, 38, 70-71.

Peyre, Henri. (1947). Nathan Edelman, Attitudes of Seventeenth - Century France toward the Middle Ages (Book Review). Romanic Review, 38, 71-75.

Wade, Ira O. (1947). Henry Carrington Lancaster, Sunset, A History of Parisian Drama in the Last Years of Louis XIV, 1701-1715 (Book Review). Romanic Review, 38, 75-78.

Anderson, Richard C. (1947). Marie-Louise Dufrenoy, L'Orient romanesque en France, 1704-1789 (Book Review). Romanic Review, 38, 78-80.

Brenner, Clarence D. (1947). Frank W. Lindsay, Dramatic Parody by Marionettes in Eighteenth Century Paris (Book Review). Romanic Review, 38, 80-82.

Nunemaker, J. Horace. (1947). Kenneth H. Vanderford, editor, Alfonso el Sabio: Setenario (Book Review). Romanic Review, 38, 82-83.

Richardson, Ruth. (1947). Sidonia Carmen Rosenbaum, Modern Women Poets of South America (Book Review). Romanic Review, 38, 83-84.

Ewert, A. (1947). Henri Francois Muller, L'Epoque mérovingienne: essai de synthèse de philologieet d'histoire (Book Review). Romanic Review, 38, 84-87.

Pei, Mario A. (1947). Dag Norberg, Syntaktische Forschungen (Book Review). Romanic Review, 38, 87-97.

Bond, Donald F., Joseph M. Carriere and Edward D. Seeber. (1947). Anglo-French and Franco-American Studies: A Current Bibliography. Romanic Review, 38, 97-116.

Ellis, Madeleine B. (1947). Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Biographical Problems (1732-1742). Romanic Review, 38, 117-132.

Weinberg, Bernard. (1947). An Interpretation of Valéry's Le Cimetiere Marin. Romanic Review, 38, 133-158.

Politzer, Robert L. (1947). Final -s in the Romania. Romanic Review, 38, 159-166.

Guérard, Albert, père. (1947). Horatio Smith, editor, Columbia Dictionary of Modern European Literature (Book Review). Romanic Review, 38, 167-171.

Lancaster, H. Carrington. (1947). Clarence Dana Rouillard, The Turk in French History, Thought, and Literature (1520-1660) (Book Review). Romanic Review, 38, 171-173.

Merrill, Robert V. (1947). Rose-Marie Daele, Nicolas de Montreulx (Ollenix du Mont-Sacré), Arbiter of European Literary Vogues of the Late Renaissance (Book Review). Romanic Review, 38, 173-174.

Edelman, Nathan. (1947). René Pintard, Le Libertinage érudit dans la premièere moitié du XVII^sup e^ siècle (Book Review). Romanic Review, 38, 174-177.

Wadsworth, Philip A. (1947). Bruce Archer Morrissette, The Life and Works of Marie-Catherine Desjardins (Mme de Villedieu), 1632-1683 (Book Review). Romanic Review, 38, 177-179.

Grubbs, Henry A. (1947). Daniel Mornet, Histoire de la littérature française classique, 1660-1700. Ses Caractèeres véritables. Ses Aspects inconnus (Book Review). Romanic Review, 38, 179-180.

Bergin, Thomas G. (1947). Franco Venturi, Dalmazzo Francesco Vasco (1732-1794) (Book Review). Romanic Review, 38, 180-182.

Niess, Robert J. (1947). Helen LaRue Rufener, Biography of a War Novel: Zola's La Débâcle (Book Review). Romanic Review, 38, 182-184.

Gilman, Margaret. (1947). Henri Mondor and G. Jean-Aubry, editors, Oeuvres complètes de Stéphane Mallarmé (Book Review). Romanic Review, 38, 184-186.

Pei, Mario A. (1947). G. Bonfante, Los elementos populares in la lengua de Horacio (Book Review). Romanic Review, 38, 186-193.

Bement, Newton S. (1947). Linguistic Value of the Michel Edition of Joinville's Histoire de Saint Louis. Romanic Review, 38, 193-202.

Gates, Eunice Joiner. (1947). Proverbs in the Plays of Calderón. Romanic Review, 38, 203-215.

Bré|e, Germaine. (1947). Le Thème de la violence dans le monde tragique de Racine. Romanic Review, 38, 216-225.

Wadsworth, Philip A. (1947). La Bruyère Against the Libertines. Romanic Review, 38, 226-233.

Price, E. H. (1947). Montesquieu's Historical Conception of the Fundamental Law. Romanic Review, 38, 234-242.

Ezban, Selim. (1947). Pierre Lasserre, Goethe et Nietzsche. Romanic Review, 38, 243-252.

Peckham, Lawton P. G. (1947). Julia Bastin and Edmond Faral, editors, Onze Poèmes de Rutebeuf, concernant la croisade (Book Review). Romanic Review, 38, 253-254.

Misrahi, Jean. (1947). E. Walberg, editor, Contes pieux en vers du XIV^sup e^ siècle tirés du recueil intitulé Le Tombel de Chartrose (Book Review). Romanic Review, 38, 254-258.

Frame, Donald M. (1947). Charles Dédéyan, Montaigne chez ses amis anglo-saxons and Essai sur le Journalde Voyage de Montaigne (Book Review). Romanic Review, 38, 258-262.

Silver, Isidore. (1947). James Hutton, The Greek Anthology in France and in the Latin Writers of the Netherlands to the Year 1800 (Book Review). Romanic Review, 38, 262-265.

Fichter, William Leopold. (1947). Marcos A. Morínigo, América en el teatro de Lope de Vega (Book Review). Romanic Review, 38, 265-270.

Edelman, Nathan. (1947). Eugène Vinaver, editor, Racine: Principes de la tragédie en marge de la Poétique d' Aristote (Book Review). Romanic Review, 38, 270-271.

Torrey, Norman L. (1947). Paul Hazard, La Pensée européenne au XVIII^sup e^ me siècle: de Montesquieu à Lessing (Book Review). Romanic Review, 38, 271-277.

Fellows, Otis E. (1947). George Havens, editor, Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Discours sur les sciences et lesarts (Book Review). Romanic Review, 38, 277-279.

Taupin, René. (1947). Andrew Jackson Mathews, La Wallonie, 1886-1892: The Symbolist Movement in Belgium (Book Review). Romanic Review, 38, 279-280.

Pei, Mario A. (1947). A. Benvenuto Terracini, Perfiles de lingüistas. Contribución a la historia de la lingüistica comparata (Book Review). Romanic Review, 38, 280-282.

Malaret, Augusto. (1947). Charles E. Kany, American Spanish Syntax (Book Review). Romanic Review, 38, 282-289.

Adler, Alfred. (1947). Hervis de Mes and the Geste des Lorrains. Romanic Review, 38, 289-296.

Frame, Donald M. (1947). Did Montaigne Betray Sebond? Romanic Review, 38, 297-329.

Aldridge, Alfred Owen. (1947). Madame de Staël and Hannah More on Society. Romanic Review, 38, 330-339.

Bonwit, Marianne. (1947). A Prefiguration of the Défilé de la Hache Episode in Flaubert's Salammbô: His Juvenile Tale Rage et Impuissance. Romanic Review, 38, 340-347.

Knudson, Charles A. (1947). Olwen Rhys, editor, An Anglo-Norman Rhymed Apocalypse with Commentary (Book Review). Romanic Review, 38, 348-353.

Edelman, Nathan. (1947). Louis Mourin, Six Sermons français inédits de Jean Gerson. Etude littéraire suivie de l'édition critique et de remarques linguistiques (Book Review). Romanic Review, 38, 353-355.

Frame, Donald M. (1947). Imbrie Buffum, L'Influence du voyage de Montaigne sur les Essais (Book Review). Romanic Review, 38, 355-358.

Fellows, Otis E. (1947). Clarence D. Brenner, Dramatizations of French Short Stories in the Eighteenth Century, with Special Reference to the Contes of La Fontaine, Marmontel and Voltaire (Book Review). Romanic Review, 38, 358-360.

Dieckmann, Herbert. (1947). Daniel Mornet, Diderot, l'homme et l'oeuvre (Book Review). Romanic Review, 38, 360-362.

Guérard, Albert, père. (1947). Douglas H. Gordon and Norman L. Torrey, The Censoring of Diderot's Encyclopédie and the Re-established Text (Book Review). Romanic Review, 38, 362-364.

Evans, David O. (1947). Sidney D. Braun, The Courtisane in the French Theatre from Hugo to Becque (1831-1885) (Book Review). Romanic Review, 38, 364-365.

Feuillerat, Albert. (1947). Charles Chassé, Lueurs sur Mallarmé (Book Review). Romanic Review, 38, 365-368.

Frohock, W. M. (1947). Gaëtan Picon, André Malraux (Book Review). Romanic Review, 38, 368-371.

Pei, Mario A. (1947). Bruno Migliorini, Linguistica (Book Review). Romanic Review, 38, 371-371.

Bibliography by Andrew Branch & Jonathan Eskew

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