Department of French and Romance Philology  








Romanic Review volume 39 (1948)

Wheatley, Katherine E. (1948). Andromaque as the Distrest Mother. Romanic Review, 39, 3-21.

Evans, David O. (1948). Vigny and the Doctrine de Saint-Simon. Romanic Review, 39, 22-29.

Gilman, Margaret. (1948). From Imagination to Immediacy in French Poetry. Romanic Review, 39, 30-49.

O'Brien, Justin. (1948). Marcel Proust as a Moraliste. Romanic Review, 39, 50-69.

Peckham, Lawton P. G. (1948). Edward B. Ham, Textual Criticism and Jehan le Venelais (Book Review). Romanic Review, 39, 70-71.

Dean, Ruth J. (1948). E.J. Arnould, Le Manuel des Péchés (Book Review). Romanic Review, 39, 71-74.

Bergin, Thomas G. (1948). Alphonse Bayot and Pierre Groult, editors, Bonino Mombrizio: La Légende de Sainte Catherine d'Alexandrie. Poème italien du XV^sup e^ siècle (Book Review). Romanic Review, 39, 74-75.

Bandy, William T. (1948). Henri Guillemin, Cette Affaire infernale. L'Affaire J.J. Rousseau-David Hume (Book Review). Romanic Review, 39, 75-78.

Peyre, Henri. (1948). Anna Balakian, Literary Origins of Surrealism. A New Mysticism in French Poetry (Book Review). Romanic Review, 39, 78-80.

Alden, Douglas W. (1948). André Gide, The Journals of André Gide. Volume I: 1889-1913 (Book Review). Romanic Review, 39, 80-82.

Peckham, Lawton P. G. (1948). Louis Remacle, Les Variations de l'h secondaire en Ardenne liégeoise. Le Problème de l'h en liégeois (Book Review). Romanic Review, 39, 82-89.

Wilkins, Ernest H. (1948). A Chronological Conspectus of the Writings of Petrarch. Romanic Review, 39, 89-101.

Beyer, Charles J. (1948). Le Problème du déterminisme social dans l'Esprit des lois. Romanic Review, 39, 102-106.

Bandy, William T. (1948). Rousseau's Flight from England. Romanic Review, 39, 107-121.

McClain, William H. (1948). Romain Rolland and Russia. Romanic Review, 39, 122-129.

Frohock, W. M. (1948). Le Temps du mépris: A Note on Malraux as Man of Letters. Romanic Review, 39, 130-139.

Whittredge, Ruth. (1948). The Poetic World of Jorge Guillén. Romanic Review, 39, 140-145.

Spitzer, Leo. (1948). Triolet. Romanic Review, 39, 146-155.

Peckham, Lawton P. G. (1948). Reta R. Bezzola, Les Origines et la formation de la littérature courtoise en occident (500-1200). Première Partie: La Tradition impériale de la fin de l'antiquité au XI^sup e^ siècle (Book Review). Romanic Review, 39, 156-159.

Gilbert, Creighton. (1948). Anna Maria Armi, translator, Petrarch: Sonnets and Songs (Book Review). Romanic Review, 39, 159-162.

Vial, Fernand. (1948). Paul Souchon, Vauvenargues: philosophe de la gloire (Book Review). Romanic Review, 39, 162-164.

Havens, George R. (1948). Ira O. Wade, Studies on Voltaire, With Some Unpublished Papers by Madame du Châtelet (Book Review). Romanic Review, 39, 164-167.

Torrey, Norman L. (1948). Franco Venturi, Le Origini dell'Enciclopedia (Book Review). Romanic Review, 39, 167-169.

Schaffer, Aaron. (1948). Alison Fairlee, Leconte de Lisle's Poems on the Barbarian Races (Book Review). Romanic Review, 39, 169-172.

Knowles, Dorothy. (1948). Gertrude R. Jasper, Adventure in the Theatre. Lugné-Poe and the Théâtre de l'Euvre to 1899 (Book Review). Romanic Review, 39, 172-175.

Peckham, Lawton P. G. (1948). Edgar H. Sturtevant, An Introduction to Linguistic Science (Book Review). Romanic Review, 39, 175-181.

Bond, Donald F., Joseph M. Carriere and Joseph E Tucker. (1948). Anglo-French and Franco-American Studies: A Current Bibliography. Romanic Review, 39, 181-203.

Mornet, Daniel. (1948). Méthode d'un cours sur l'histoire de la pensée et du gout en France aû XVII^sup e^ siècle. Romanic Review, 39, 204-207.

Desgranges, Guy. (1948). La Rhétorique napoléonienne. Romanic Review, 39, 208-228.

Del Río, Angel. (1948). Present Trends in the Conception and Criticism of Spanish Romanticism. Romanic Review, 39, 229-248.

Newstead, Helaine. (1948). Harry F. Williams, editor, Floriant et Florete (Book Review). Romanic Review, 39, 249-252.

Barnard, Hilda Norman. (1948). Leo Orville Forkey, The Role of Money in French Comedy during the Reign ofLouis XIV (Book Review). Romanic Review, 39, 252-255.

Anderson, Richard C. (1948). Marie-Louise Dufrenoy, L'Orient romanesque en France, 1704-1789. Tome II: Bibliographie générale (Book Review). Romanic Review, 39, 255-259.

March, Harold. (1948). Elisabeth de Gramont, Marcel Proust (Book Review). Romanic Review, 39, 259-260.

Dieckmann, Herbert. (1948). Charles Du Bos, Qu'est-ce que la littérature? (Book Review). Romanic Review, 39, 260-264.

Taylor, Pauline. (1948). Marcel Cohen, Histoire d'une langue: le français (des lointaines origines à nos jours) (Book Review). Romanic Review, 39, 264-269.

Singleton, Charles S. (1948). Sulla fiumana ove'l mar non ha vanto (Inferno, II, 108). Romanic Review, 39, 269-277.

Telle, Emile V. (1948). La Source de la Nouvelle 55 de l,Heptaméron. Romanic Review, 39, 278-281.

Niess, Robert J. (1948). Another View of Zola's L'Euvre. Romanic Review, 39, 282-300.

Artinian, Artine. (1948). Guy de Maupassant and His Brother Hervé. Romanic Review, 39, 301-306.

Bull, William E. (1948). Nature and Anthropomorphism in La vorágine. Romanic Review, 39, 307-318.

Frame, Donald M. (1948). Lowell Bryce Ellis, editor, Estienne Jodelle: Cléopâtre captive (Book Review). Romanic Review, 39, 319-320.

Zdanowicz, Casimir D. (1948). Bert Edward Young and Grace Philputt Young, editors, Le Registre de La Grange, 1659-1685, reproduit en facsimilé avec un index et une notice sur La Grange et sa part dans le théâtre de Molière (Book Review). Romanic Review, 39, 320-323.

Torrey, Norman L. (1948). Bertrand de Jouvenel, editor, Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Du contrat social (Book Review). Romanic Review, 39, 323-326.

Weir, Charles, Jr. (1948). Matthew Josephson, Stendhal| Henri Martineau, L'Euvre de Stendhal (Book Review). Romanic Review, 39, 326-329.

Alden, Douglas W. (1948). Jacques Duchesne-Guillemin, Essai sur la Jeune Parque de Paul Valéry (Book Review). Romanic Review, 39, 329-331.

Dieckmann, Herbert. (1948). Erich Auerbach, Mimesis. Dargestellte Wirklichkeit in der abendländischen Literatur (Book Review). Romanic Review, 39, 331-335.

Pei, Mario A. (1948). Bruno Migliorini, Storia della lingua italiana (Book Review). Romanic Review, 39, 335-339.

Navarro, Tomas. (1948). Samuel Gili Gaya, Tesoro lexicográfico (1492-1726) (Book Review). Romanic Review, 39, 339-340.

Navarro, Tomas. (1948). Aurelio M. Espinosa, Estudios sobre el español de Nuevo Méejico. Parte II: Morfología (Book Review). Romanic Review, 39, 340-340.

Bibliography by Andrew Branch & Jonathan Eskew

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