Romanic Review volume 40 (1949)
Carpenter, Nan Cooke. (1949). Rabelais and Musical Symbols. Romanic Review, 40, 3-17.
Wood, John S. (1949). Les Goncourt et le réalisme, 1860-1870. Romanic Review, 40, 18-34.
Umphrey, George W. (1949). Amado Nervo and Maeterlinck: on Death and Immortality. Romanic Review, 40, 35-47.
Bement, Newton S. (1949). Joinville's Nouns and Their Treatment in the Brussels Manuscript. Romanic Review, 40, 48-57.
Hilton, Ronald. (1949). Angel Flores and M.J. Benardete, editors, Cervantes Across the Centuries (Book Review). Romanic Review, 40, 58-60.
Jackson, Joseph F. (1949). Gilbert Chinard, En lisant Pascal: Notes sur les Pensées et l'Economie du monde (Book Review). Romanic Review, 40, 60-62.
May, Georges. (1949). Daniel Mornet, Andromaque de Jean Racine (Book Review). Romanic Review, 40, 62-63.
Woodbridge, Benjamin M. (1949). Gustave Charlier, Le Mouvement Romantique en Belgique, 1815-1850. I. La Bataille Romantique (Book Review). Romanic Review, 40, 63-65.
Hytier, Jean. (1949). Henri Peyre, Les Générations Littéraires (Book Review). Romanic Review, 40, 65-70.
Levy, Raphael. (1949). Hilaire Van Daele, Petit Dictionnaire de l'ancien francais Kenneth Urwin, A Short Old French Dictionary for Students| R. Grandsaignes d'Hauterive, Dictionnaire d'ancien français - Moyen Age et Renaissance (Book Review). Romanic Review, 40, 70-81.
Hytier, Jean. (1949). Un Chef-d'oeuvre Improvisé: La Cousine Bette. Romanic Review, 40, 81-92.
Brée, Germaine. (1949). Marcel Proust et Maurice Barrès. Romanic Review, 40, 93-105.
Starr, William T. (1949). Romain Rolland and Russia. Romanic Review, 40, 106-113.
Wilkins, Ernest H. (1949). The Chronology of the Canzoniere of Petrarch. Romanic Review, 40, 114-121.
Peyre, Henri. (1949). Quelques Ouvrages récents sur le dix-septième Siècle (Book Review). Romanic Review, 40, 122-135.
Navarro, Tomas. (1949). Ch. V. Aubrun, La Métrique du Mio Cid est Réguliere (Book Review). Romanic Review, 40, 135-136.
Dean, Ruth J. (1949). A.T. Baker and Alexander Bell, editors, St. Modwenna (Book Review). Romanic Review, 40, 136-139.
Gilbert, Creighton. (1949). Frederic Prokosch, Translator, Louise Labé: Love Sonnets (Book Review). Romanic Review, 40, 139-143.
Will, Samuel F. (1949). Bernard Gagnebin, editor, Agrippa d'Aubigné: Le Printemps: L'Hécatombe à Diane (Book Review). Romanic Review, 40, 143-144.
Havens, George R. (1949). Alfred Richard Oliver, The Encyclopedists as Critics of Music (Book Review). Romanic Review, 40, 144-145.
O'Brien, Justin. (1949). Harold March, The Two Worlds of Marcel Proust| Mina Curtiss, Translator, Letters of Marcel Proust (Book Review). Romanic Review, 40, 145-149.
Frank, Rachel. (1949). Américo Castro, España en su Historia: Cristianos Moros y Judios (Book Review). Romanic Review, 40, 149-154.
Martinet, Andre. (1949). R.-L. Wagner, Introduction à la Linguistique Française (Book Review). Romanic Review, 40, 154-156.
Peckham, Lawton P. G. (1949). Walther von Wartburg and Paul Zumthor, Précis de Syntaxe du Français Contemporain (Book Review). Romanic Review, 40, 156-161.
Frank, Grace. (1949). Aucassin et Nicolette, Line 2. Romanic Review, 40, 161-164.
Waterston, G. Chychele. (1949). Shakespeare and Montaigne: A Footnote to The Tempest. Romanic Review, 40, 165-172.
Sullivan, Edward D. (1949). Sur l'eau: A Maupassant Scrapbook. Romanic Review, 40, 173-179.
Gutwirth, Marcel M. (1949). Le Portrait de Charlus dans L'oeuvre de Proust. Romanic Review, 40, 180-185.
Pasinetti, P. M. (1949). Coscienza Critica: Aspects of Contemporary Italian Criticism. Romanic Review, 40, 186-197.
Gunn, Alan M. F. (1949). Gérard Paré, Les Idées et les Lettres au XIII^sup e^ siècle: Le Roman de la Rose (Book Review). Romanic Review, 40, 198-202.
Will, Samuel F. (1949). Jean Frappier, Editor, Jean Lemaire de Belges: Les Epîtres de l'Amant Vert (Book Review). Romanic Review, 40, 202-203.
Frame, Donald M. (1949). Maurice Weiler, La Pensée de Montaigne (Book Review). Romanic Review, 40, 203-207.
Bates, M. J. (1949). Joaquín Casalduero, Sentido y Forma de Los Trabajos de Persiles y Segismunda (Book Review). Romanic Review, 40, 207-208.
Del Rí|o, Angel. (1949). Robert H. Williams, Boccalini in Spain. A Study on His Influence on Prose Fiction of the Seventeenth Century (Book Review). Romanic Review, 40, 208-209.
Thielemann, Leland. (1949). Charles Frankel, The Faith of Reason: The Idea of Progress in the French Enlightenment (Book Review). Romanic Review, 40, 209-214.
Grubbs, Henry A. (1949). Armand Bégué, Etat présent des études sur Rétif de la Bretonne (Book Review). Romanic Review, 40, 214-215.
Cazamian, L. (1949). Paul Van Tieghem, Le Préromantisme. Etudes d'histoire Littéraire Européenne (Book Review). Romanic Review, 40, 215-217.
MacAllister, A. T. (1949). Joseph Francis De Simone, Alessandro Manzoni, Esthetics and Literary Criticism (Book Review). Romanic Review, 40, 217-222.
March, Harold. (1949). Justin O'Brien, Editor and Translator, The Maxims of Marcel Proust (Book Review). Romanic Review, 40, 222-225.
Del Río, Angel. (1949). Joaquín Casalduero, Jorge Guillén: Cántico (Book Review). Romanic Review, 40, 225-227.
Frohock, W. M. (1949). Criticus, Quatre Etudes de Style au Microscope (Book Review). Romanic Review, 40, 227-229.
Place, Edwin B. (1949). Ángel del Río, Historia de la Literatura Española (Book Review). Romanic Review, 40, 229-234.
Cristo-Loveanu, Elie. (1949). Sever Pop, Grammaire Roumaine (Book Review). Romanic Review, 40, 234-241.
Hatcher, Anna Granville. (1949). Eulalie, Lines 15-17. Romanic Review, 40, 241-249.
Gilman, Margaret. (1949). Joubert on Imagination and Poetry. Romanic Review, 40, 250-260.
Chastel, Andre. (1949). L'Episode de la Reine de Saba dans la Tentation de saint Antoine de Flaubert. Romanic Review, 40, 261-267.
Nozick, Martine. (1949). Unamuno, Ortega, and Don Juan. Romanic Review, 40, 268-274.
Bédé, Jean-Albert. (1949). Maurice Levaillant, Editor, Chateaubriand: Mémoires d'Outre-Tombe Emile Malakis, Editor, Chateaubriand: Itinéraire de Paris à Jérusalem (Book Review). Romanic Review, 40, 275-284.
Peckham, Lawton P. G. (1949). Urban T. Holmes, Jr. and Alex J. Denomy, Editors, Mediaeval Studies (Book Review). Romanic Review, 40, 284-285.
Bigongiari, Dino. (1949). Charles S. Singleton, An Essay on the Vita Nuova (Book Review). Romanic Review, 40, 285-289.
May, Georges. (1949). Jacques Faurie, Essai sur la séduction Jacques Faurie, Editor, Choderlos de Laclos: Les Liaisons Dangereuses Jean Mistler, Editor, Choderlos de Laclos: Les Liaisons dangereuses (Book Review). Romanic Review, 40, 289-292.
Havens, George R. (1949). M. Fuchs, editor, J.-J. Rousseau: Lettre à Mr. d'Alembert sur les Spectacles (Book Review). Romanic Review, 40, 292-296.
Vial, Fernand. (1949). Marcel Raymond, Editor, J.-J. Rousseau: Les Rêveries du Promeneur Solitaire (Book Review). Romanic Review, 40, 296-298.
Wylie, Laurence W. (1949). L.A. Bisson, Amédée Pichot, a Romantic Prometheus (Book Review). Romanic Review, 40, 298-301.
Bergin, Thomas G. (1949). Giuseppe Prezzolini, Editor, Repertorio bibliografico della storia e della critica della letteratura italiana dal 1933 al 1942 (Book Review). Romanic Review, 40, 301-303.
Milano, Paolo. (1949). Giuseppe Prezzolini, The Legacy of Italy (Book Review). Romanic Review, 40, 303-306.
Frohock, W. M. (1949). René Wellek and Austin Warren, Theory of Literature (Book Review). Romanic Review, 40, 306-310.
Peckham, Lawton P. G. (1949). Jean Haust, Dictionnaire Français-liegéois (Book Review). Romanic Review, 40, 310-311.
Pei, Mario A. (1949). Joseph G. Fucilla, Our Italian Surnames (Book Review). Romanic Review, 40, 311-311.
Bibliography by Andrew Branch & Jonathan Eskew