Romanic Review volume 44 (1953)
Parker, Jack Horace. (1953). Lope, the Orfeo and the Estilo Llano. Romanic Review, 44, 3-11.
Bagier, Victoria Charlotte. (1953). Le Meunier d'Angibault, ou George Sand en 1844-1845 (Avec des documents inédits). Romanic Review, 44, 12-23.
Grant, Elliott M. (1953). Studies on Zola's Son Excellence Eugène Rougon. Romanic Review, 44, 24-39.
Hilton, Ronald. (1953). Pardo-Bazán and Literary Polemics about Feminism. Romanic Review, 44, 40-46.
Girard, René. (1953). L'Histoire dans l'oeuvre de Saint-John Perse. Romanic Review, 44, 47-55.
Peckham, Lawton P. G. (1953). Alan M. F. Gunn, The Mirror of Love. A Reinterpretation of The Romance of the Rose (Book Review). Romanic Review, 44, 56-60.
Borgerhoff, E. B. O. (1953). Imbrie Buffum, Agrippa d'Aubigné's Les Tragiques. A Study of the Baroque Style in Poetry (Book Review). Romanic Review, 44, 60-63.
Torrey, Norman L. (1953). Ernst Cassirer, The Philosophy of the Enlightenment (Book Review). Romanic Review, 44, 63-68.
Selig, Karl Ludwig. (1953). Bruno Maier, Profilo della critica su Italo Svevo (1892-1951) (Book Review). Romanic Review, 44, 68-70.
McLaren, James C. (1953). Germaine Brée, Du Temps Perdu au Temps Retrouvé (Book Review). Romanic Review, 44, 70-72.
Woodbridge, Hensley C. (1953). José Simón Díaz, Bibliografia de la Literatura Hispanica (Book Review). Romanic Review, 44, 72-81.
Hill, Raymond T. and Thomas G. Bergin. (1953). Gaucelm Faidit: A semblan del rei ties. Romanic Review, 44, 81-88.
Krause, Anna. (1953). Deciphering the Epistle-Preface to the Comedia de Calisto y Melibea. Romanic Review, 44, 89-101.
Spitzer, Leo. (1953). A propos de la Vie de Marianne (Lettre à M. Georges Poulet). Romanic Review, 44, 102-126.
Chadbourne, Richard M. (1953). Renan and Sainte-Beuve. Romanic Review, 44, 127-135.
McPheeters, D. W. (1953). Charles V. Aubrun, Le Chansonnier Espagnol d'Herberay des Essarts (Book Review). Romanic Review, 44, 136-139.
Shoemaker, W. H. (1953). Joseph E. Gillet, Editor, Propalladia and Other Works of Bartolomé de Torres Naharro. Vol. III: Notes (Book Review). Romanic Review, 44, 139-145.
Demorest, Jean-Jacques. (1953). Louis Lafuma, Editor, Pascal: Pensées (Book Review). Romanic Review, 44, 145-146.
Edelman, Nathan. (1953). Alvin A. Eustis, Racine Devant la Critique Françise, 1838-1939 (Book Review). Romanic Review, 44, 146-150.
Baym, Max I. (1953). Alfred Iacuzzi, John Adams Scholar (Book Review). Romanic Review, 44, 150-153.
Grant, Elliott M. (1953). Jean-Bertrand Barrère, Hugo, l'homme et l'oeuvre (Book Review). Romanic Review, 44, 153-154.
Shearer, James F. (1953). Allison Williams Bunkley, The Life of Sarmiento (Book Review). Romanic Review, 44, 154-157.
O'Brien, Justin. (1953). Marcel Proust, Lettres à André Gide (Book Review). Romanic Review, 44, 157-165.
The Editors. (1953). The Foreign Language Program. Romanic Review, 44, 165-165.
Rivers, Elias L. (1953). New Biographical Data on Francisco de Aldana. Romanic Review, 44, 166-184.
Switten, Margaret Louise. (1953). Diderot's Theory of Language as the Medium of Literature. Romanic Review, 44, 185-196.
Schaffer, Aaron. (1953). Emile Deschamps and Some of His Musical Collaborators (Unpublished Letters). Romanic Review, 44, 197-207.
Leefmans, Bert M. P. (1953). Malraux and Tragedy: the Structure of La Condition humaine. Romanic Review, 44, 208-214.
Roudiez, Léon S. (1953). Philip A. Wadsworth, Young La Fontaine (Book Review). Romanic Review, 44, 215-216.
May, Georges. (1953). Raymond Picard, Editor, Racine: (Euvres Complétes (Book Review). Romanic Review, 44, 216-219.
Torrey, Norman L. (1953). Theodore Besterman, Editor, Voltaire's Notebooks (Book Review). Romanic Review, 44, 219-222.
Frankel, Charles. (1953). Lester G. Crocker, Two Diderot Studies: Ethics and Esthetics (Book Review). Romanic Review, 44, 222-224.
Viggiani, Carl A. (1953). André Delattre and Marc Denkinger, Editors, Juste Olivier: Paris en 1830: Journal (Book Review). Romanic Review, 44, 224-225.
Grant, Elliott M. (1953). Guy Robert, "La Terre" d'Emile Zola: Etude historique et critique and Emile Zola: Principes et caractères généraux de son oeuvre (Book Review). Romanic Review, 44, 225-227.
Frohock, W. M. (1953). Alfred Glauser, Albert Thibaudet et la critique créatrice (Book Review). Romanic Review, 44, 227-229.
Peyre, Henri. (1953). W. M. Frohock, André Malraux and the Tragic Imagination (Book Review). Romanic Review, 44, 229-232.
Politzer, Robert L. (1953). Gerhard Rohlfs, An den Quellen der Romanischen Sprachen (Vermischte Beiträge zur romanischen Sprachwissenschaft und Volkskunde) (Book Review). Romanic Review, 44, 232-241.
Robertson, D. W., Jr. (1953). Love Conventions in Marie's Equitan. Romanic Review, 44, 241-245.
Ferruolo, Arnolfo B. (1953). A Trend in Renaissance Thought and Art: Poliziano's Stanze per la Giostra. Romanic Review, 44, 246-256.
Arjona, J. H. (1953). The Case of Lope de Vega's Amar, Servir y Esperar (A Problem of Literary Relationships). Romanic Review, 44, 257-262.
Viggiani, Carl A. (1953). Sainte-Beuve (1824-1830): Critic and Creator. Romanic Review, 44, 263-272.
Balakian, Anna. (1953). The Surrealist Image. Romanic Review, 44, 273-281.
Riffaterre, Michael. (1953). La Durée de la Valeur Stylistique du Néologisme. Romanic Review, 44, 282-289.
Williams, Harry F. (1953). Holger Petersen Dyggve, Gace Brulé, Trouvère Champenois: Edition Critique des Chansons et étude Historique (Book Review). Romanic Review, 44, 290-293.
Frame, Donald M. (1953). Alexandre Nicolaï, Les Belles Amies de Montaigne (Book Review). Romanic Review, 44, 293-295.
Frame, Donald M. (1953). Mgr. Georges Grente, Editor, Dictionnaire des Lettres Françaises: Le Seizième Siècle (Book Review). Romanic Review, 44, 295-297.
Torrey, Norman L. (1953). Jean GuéHenno, Jean-Jacques (1758-1778): Grandeur et Misère d'un Esprit (Book Review). Romanic Review, 44, 297-297.
Bibliography by Andrew Branch & Jonathan Eskew