Romanic Review volume 47 (1956)
Lievsay, John Leon. (1956). Stefano Guazzo and His Circle. Romanic Review, 47, 3-12.
Lorca, Francisco Garcia. (1956). Análisis de un romance de Góngora. Romanic Review, 47, 13-26.
Spencer, Philip. (1956). Censorship by Imprisonment in France, 1830-1870. Romanic Review, 47, 27-38.
Cowper, F. A. G. (1956). Foster Erwin Guyer, Romance in the Making: Chrétien de Troyes and the Earliest French Romances (Book Review). Romanic Review, 47, 39-42.
Vartanian, Aram. (1956). Otis E. Fellows and Norman L. Torrey, Diderot Studies II (Book Review). Romanic Review, 47, 42-48.
Barcia, Jose Rubia. (1956). William L. Fichter, Don Ramón del Valle-Inclán: Publicaciones periodisticas anteriores a 1895 (Book Review). Romanic Review, 47, 48-52.
O'Brien, Justin. (1956). Germaine Brée, André Gide, l'insaisissable Protée: Etude critique de l'oeuvre d'Andre Gide (Book Review). Romanic Review, 47, 52-55.
Leland, Marine. (1956). Auguste Viatte, Histoire littéraire de l'Amérique française (Book Review). Romanic Review, 47, 55-81.
Kohn, Renée J. (1956). Réflexions sur l'Adonis de La Fontaine. Romanic Review, 47, 81-91.
Davidson, Hugh M. (1956). The Argument of Pascal's Pari. Romanic Review, 47, 92-102.
Hemmings, F. W. J. (1956). Zola, Le Bien Public and Le Voltaire. Romanic Review, 47, 103-116.
Peckham, Lawton P. G. (1956). Maurice Delbouille, Sur la genèse de la Chanson de Roland. P. Le Gentil, La Chanson de Roland. Jean Rychner, La Chanson de geste: Essai sur l'art epique des jongleurs (Book Review). Romanic Review, 47, 117-121.
Buffum, Douglas L. (1956). Donald M. Frame, Montaigne's Discovery of Man: The Humanization of a Humanist (Book Review). Romanic Review, 47, 121-125.
Edelman, Nathan. (1956). Jean Pommier, Aspects de Racine. Suivi de l'histoire litteraire d'un Couple Tragique, and John C. Lapp, Aspects of Racinian Tragedy (Book Review). Romanic Review, 47, 125-130.
Fellows, Otis E. (1956). Corpus général des Philosophes Français: Auteurs modernes. Tome XLI, I: (Euvres Philosophiques de Buffon (Book Review). Romanic Review, 47, 130-134.
Torres-Rioseco, A. (1956). Fernando Alegría, Walt Whitman en Hispano América and Francisco Alexander, Hojas de Hierba (Book Review). Romanic Review, 47, 134-136.
Leo, Ulrich. (1956). Carl Theodor Gossen, Studien zur Syntaktischen und Stilistischen Hervorhebung im Modernen Italienisch (Book Review). Romanic Review, 47, 136-161.
Lihani, John. (1956). The Preclassical Meanings of Spanish Tempero. Romanic Review, 47, 161-165.
Miller, Elizabeth Maxfield. (1956). A Document of April 12, 1672, Signed by Molière. Romanic Review, 47, 166-178.
Hytier, Jean. (1956). Formules valéryennes. Romanic Review, 47, 179-196.
Del Río, Angel. (1956). Stanley T. Williams, The Spanish Background of American Literature (Book Review). Romanic Review, 47, 197-205.
Bédé, Jean-Albert. (1956). Albert Joseph George, The Development of French Romanticism: The Impact of the Industrial Revolution on Literature (Book Review). Romanic Review, 47, 205-209.
Taupin, René. (1956). V. P. Underwood, Verlaine et l'Angleterre (Book Review). Romanic Review, 47, 209-241.
Mazzeo, Joseph Anthony. (1956). Dante's Conception of Poetic Expression. Romanic Review, 47, 241-258.
Switten, Margaret Louise. (1956). L'Histoire and La Poésie in Diderot's Writings on the Novel. Romanic Review, 47, 259-269.
Belvin, Robert W. (1956). The Problem of the Literary Artist's Detachment As Seen by J. Benda, J. -P. Sartre, and Thierry Maulnier. Romanic Review, 47, 270-284.
Rivers, Elias L. (1956). Helmut Hatzfeld, Estudios Literarios Sobre Mistica Espanola (Book Review). Romanic Review, 47, 285-290.
Edelman, Nathan. (1956). R. A. Sayce, The French Biblical Epic in the Seventeenth Century (Book Review). Romanic Review, 47, 290-294.
Gilman, Margaret. (1956). Lloyd James Austin, L'Univers poétique de Baudelaire: Symbolisme et symbolique (Book Review). Romanic Review, 47, 294-294.
Bibliography by Andrew Branch & Jonathan Eskew