Romanic Review volume 53 (1962)
Jones, George Fenwick. (1962). Roland's Lament - A Divergent Interpretation. Romanic Review, 53, 3-15.
May, Gita. (1962). Stendhal and Madame Roland. Romanic Review, 53, 16-31.
Augst, Bertrand. (1962). L'Otage de Paul Claudel. Romanic Review, 53, 32-51.
Maher, L. Donald. (1962). Pascal's Suicide. Romanic Review, 53, 52-57.
Pei, Mario A. (1962). Luís F. Dudley Cintra, A Linguagem dos Foros de Castelo Rodrigo (Book Review). Romanic Review, 53, 58-59.
Ackerman, Robert W. (1962). W. T. H. Jackson, The Literature of the Middle Ages (Book Review). Romanic Review, 53, 59-63.
Morrissette, Bruce. (1962). Marc Chadourne, ed., Isabelle, ou le Journal amoureux d'Espagne (Book Review). Romanic Review, 53, 63-66.
Riffaterre, Michael. (1962). René Journet et Guy Robert, eds., Victor Hugo: Dieu (Le Seuil du gouffre) (Book Review). Romanic Review, 53, 66-69.
Ragusa, Olga. (1962). Luigi De Nardis, ed., Opere scelte di Stéphane Mallarmé (Book Review). Romanic Review, 53, 69-70.
Hall, Bita May. (1962). Jacques Robichez, Romain Rolland (Book Review). Romanic Review, 53, 70-72.
Plottel, Jeanine Parisier. (1962). Charles Whiting, Valéry Jeune Poète (Book Review). Romanic Review, 53, 72-74.
Carre, Jeffrey J. (1962). L. C. Breunig, ed., Guillaume Apollinaire: Chroniques d'art (1902-1918) (Book Review). Romanic Review, 53, 74-75.
Frohock, W. M. (1962). Stephen Ullmann, The Image in the Modern French Novel (Book Review). Romanic Review, 53, 75-81.
Pollin, Alice M. (1962). Toward an Understanding of Cerone's El Melopeo y maestro. Romanic Review, 53, 81-95.
Tetel, Marcel. (1962). La Valeur comique des accumulations verbales chez Rabelais. Romanic Review, 53, 96-104.
Grant, Elliott M. (1962). The Bishop's Rôle in Zola's Le Rêve. Romanic Review, 53, 105-111.
Wilkins, Burleigh Taylor. (1962). L'Immoraliste Revisited. Romanic Review, 53, 112-127.
Riffaterre, Michael. (1962). Comment décrire le style de Chateaubriand? Romanic Review, 53, 128-138.
Peckham, Lawton P. G. (1962). Raphael Levy, Contribution à la lexicographie française selon d'anciens textes d'origine juive (Book Review). Romanic Review, 53, 139-140.
Brody, Jules. (1962). Otto Klapp, Bibliographie der französischen Literaturwissenschaft. Band II: 1959-1960 (Book Review). Romanic Review, 53, 140-142.
Graham, Victor E. (1962). Paul Laumonier, ed., Pierre de Ronsard: Oeuvres complètes (Book Review). Romanic Review, 53, 142-144.
Moore, W. G. (1962). Nathan Edelman et al., eds., A Critical Bibliography of French Literature. Volume III: The Seventeenth Century (Book Review). Romanic Review, 53, 144-146.
Kohn, Renée J. (1962). Pierre Clarac, La Fontaine par lui-même (Book Review). Romanic Review, 53, 146-148.
Fellows, Otis E. (1962). J. Viktor Johansson, Sur La Correspondance Littéraire secrète et son éditeur (Book Review). Romanic Review, 53, 148-149.
Dieckmann, Herbert. (1962). Renée Simon, Nicolas Fréret, académicien (Book Review). Romanic Review, 53, 149-151.
Ragusa, Olga. (1962). Gian Carlo Menichelli, Bibliographie de Zola en Italie (Book Review). Romanic Review, 53, 151-153.
Edel, Leon. (1962). Karl D. Uitti, The Concept of Self in the Symbolist Novel (Book Review). Romanic Review, 53, 153-155.
Grossvogel, David I. (1962). Leonard Cabell Pronko, The World of Jean Anouilh (Book Review). Romanic Review, 53, 155-156.
Becker, Lucille. (1962). Henri Perruchot, Montherlant (Book Review). Romanic Review, 53, 156-161.
Hart, Thomas R., Jr. (1962). Hierarchical Patterns in the Cantar de Mio Cid. Romanic Review, 53, 161-173.
Van Eerde, John. (1962). Quinault, The Court and Kingship. Romanic Review, 53, 174-186.
Evans, Arthur R., Jr. (1962). The Chef-d'oeuvre inconnu: Balzac's myth of Pygmalion and Modern Painting. Romanic Review, 53, 187-198.
Blend, Charles D. (1962). Early Expressions of Malraux's Art Theory. Romanic Review, 53, 199-213.
Scaglione, Aldo. (1962). Ernest Hatch Wilkins, Life of Petrarch (Book Review). Romanic Review, 53, 214-215.
Fraker, Charles F., Jr. (1962). Marcel Bataillon, La Célestine selon Fernando de Rojas (Book Review). Romanic Review, 53, 215-218.
Hytier, Adrienne D. (1962). Francis M. Rogers, The Travels of the Infante Dom Pedro of Portugal (Book Review). Romanic Review, 53, 218-220.
Françon, Marcel. (1962). Margaret L. M. Young, Guillaume des Autelz: A Study of his Life and Works (Book Review). Romanic Review, 53, 220-223.
Ramírez, Alejandro. (1962). José de Benito, Hacia la luz del Quijote (Book Review). Romanic Review, 53, 223-224.
Girard, René. (1962). Félix R. Freudmann, L'Etonnant Gourville (Book Review). Romanic Review, 53, 224-226.
Goré, Jeanne-Lydie. (1962). Bernard Dupriez, Fénelon et la Bible: Les Origines du mysticisme fénelonien (Book Review). Romanic Review, 53, 226-229.
Sareil, Jean. (1962). Alexandre Jovicevich, ed., Voltaire: Les Lettres d'Amabed (Book Review). Romanic Review, 53, 229-230.
Loy, J. Robert. (1962). J. Undank, ed., Diderot: Est-il bon? Est-il méchant? (Book Review). Romanic Review, 53, 230-233.
May, Gita. (1962). Dorothy M. McGhee, The Cult of the 'Conte moral' (Book Review). Romanic Review, 53, 233-234.
George, Albert J. (1962). Marguerite Iknayan, The Idea of the Novel in France: The Critical Reaction, 1815-1848 (Book Review). Romanic Review, 53, 234-236.
Havens, George R. (1962). Jean Sareil, Anatole France et Voltaire (Book Review). Romanic Review, 53, 236-238.
Durán, Manuel. (1962). Jaime Gil de Biedma, Cántico: El mundo y la poesía de Jorge Guillén (Book Review). Romanic Review, 53, 238-241.
Keller, Abraham C. (1962). The Books and Stories of Rabelais. Romanic Review, 53, 241-259.
Guy, Basil. (1962). The Prince de Ligne and Diderot. Romanic Review, 53, 260-268.
May, Georges. (1962). Deux nouveaux portraits de Jean-Jacques. Romanic Review, 53, 269-279.
Peckham, Lawton P. G. (1962). Louis Kukenheim, Esquisse Historique de la Languistique française et de ses Rapports avec la linguistique générale (Book Review). Romanic Review, 53, 280-281.
Riffaterre, Michael. (1962). Helmut Hatzfeld et Yves le Hir, Essai de Bibliographie Critique de Stylistique Française et Romane (1955-1960) (Book Review). Romanic Review, 53, 281-283.
Riffaterre, Michael. (1962). Sem Dresden, Lein Geschiere et Bernard Bray, La notion de structure (Book Review). Romanic Review, 53, 283-285.
Williamson, Edward. (1962). Joseph Anthony Mazzeo, Medieval Cultural Tradition in Dante's 'Comedy' (Book Review). Romanic Review, 53, 285-286.
Telle, Emile V. (1962). C. A. Mayer, La Religion de Marot (Book Review). Romanic Review, 53, 286-288.
Graham, Victor E. (1962). D. B. Wilson, Ronsard, Poet of Nature (Book Review). Romanic Review, 53, 288-289.
Silver, Isidore. (1962). Raymond Lebègue, Ronsard (Book Review). Romanic Review, 53, 289-291.
Knapp, Bettina L. (1962). William L. Wiley, The Early Public Theatre in France (Book Review). Romanic Review, 53, 291-292.
Borgerhoff, E. B. O. (1962). Will G. Moore, French Classical Literature: An Essay (Book Review). Romanic Review, 53, 292-295.
Wade, Ira O. (1962). Georges May, Rousseau par lui-même (Book Review). Romanic Review, 53, 295-297.
Hytier, Adrienne D. (1962). Percy G. Adams, ed., Crèvecoeur's Eighteenth-Century Travels in Pennsylvania and New York (Book Review). Romanic Review, 53, 297-298.
Bédé, Jean-Albert. (1962). Georges Solovieff, ed., Madame de Staël: Lettres à Narbonne (Book Review). Romanic Review, 53, 298-298.
Bédé, Jean-Albert. (1962). Simone Balayé, ed., Madame de Staël: Lettres à Ribbing (Book Review). Romanic Review, 53, 298-302.
Gay, Peter. (1962). F. G. Healey, The Literary Culture of Napoleon (Book Review). Romanic Review, 53, 302-304.
Grant, Elliott M. (1962). Irving Putter, The Pessimism of Leconte de Lisle: The Work and the Time (Book Review). Romanic Review, 53, 304-306.
Smith, Maxwell A. (1962). Howard Sutton, The Life and Works of Jean Richepin (Book Review). Romanic Review, 53, 306-307.
Bishop, Thomas. (1962). W. D. Halls, Maurice Maeterlinck: A Study of His Life and Thought (Book Review). Romanic Review, 53, 307-309.
Labat, Alvin. (1962). Elaine Marks, Colette (Book Review). Romanic Review, 53, 309-311.
Pamplume, Louis. (1962). A. Eustis, Marcel Arland, Benjamin Crémieux, Ramon Fernandez: Trois critiques de la Nouvelle Revue Française (Book Review). Romanic Review, 53, 311-312.
Muller, Marcel. (1962). Gerda Zeltner-Neukomm, Das Wagnis des französischen Gegenwartromans (Book Review). Romanic Review, 53, 312-314.
Carduner, Jean. (1962). Victor Brombert, The Intellectual Hero (Book Review). Romanic Review, 53, 314-316.
Hoog, Armand. (1962). René Girard, Mensonge romantique et vérité romanesque (Book Review). Romanic Review, 53, 316-316.
Bibliography by Andrew Branch & Jonathan Eskew