Department of French and Romance Philology  








Romanic Review volume 54 (1963)

Foulet, Alfred. (1963). Les Adventures des gens curieux. Romanic Review, 54, 3-5.

Niklaus, Robert. (1963). La Portée des théories dramatiques de Diderot et de ses réalisations théâtrales. Romanic Review, 54, 6-19.

Agudiez, Juan V. (1963). Emma Bovary - Ana Ozorez, o el símbolo del amor. Romanic Review, 54, 20-29.

Nozick, Martine. (1963). Unamuno, Gallophobe. Romanic Review, 54, 30-48.

Aubrun, Charles V. (1963). Stephen Gilman, Tiempo y formas temporales en el 'Poema del Cid' (Book Review). Romanic Review, 54, 49-51.

Nelson, John Charles. (1963). Bernard Weinberg, A History of Literary Criticism in the Italian Renaissance (Book Review). Romanic Review, 54, 51-54.

Valency, Maurice. (1963). Marvin T. Herrick, Italian Comedy in the Renaissance (Book Review). Romanic Review, 54, 54-55.

Dubruck, Edelgard. (1963). Jean Rousset, Anthologie de la poésie baroque française (Book Review). Romanic Review, 54, 55-57.

Del Piero, Raúl A. and Jerry R. Craddock. (1963). James O. Crosby, The Sources of the Text of Quevedo's 'Política de Dios' (Book Review). Romanic Review, 54, 57-61.

Loy, J. Robert. (1963). Clarence D. Brenner, The Théâtre Italien, Its Repertory, 1716-1793 (Book Review). Romanic Review, 54, 61-62.

Berkowe, Christiane. (1963). Jean Guéhenno, Jean Jacques: Histoire d'une conscience (Book Review). Romanic Review, 54, 62-64.

Meyer, Paul H. (1963). Peter D. Jimack, La Genèse et la rédaction de l'Emile de J.-J. Rousseau. Etude sur l'histoire de l'ouvrage jusqu'à sa parution (Book Review). Romanic Review, 54, 64-66.

George, Albert J. (1963). J. F. Marshall, ed., Victor Jacquemont: Letters to Achille Chaper. Intimate Sketches of Life among Stendhal's Coterie (Book Review). Romanic Review, 54, 66-67.

May, Gita. (1963). D. J. Mossop, Baudelaire's Tragic Hero: A Study of the Architecture of 'Les Fleurs du Mal' (Book Review). Romanic Review, 54, 67-70.

Reeve, F. D. (1963). Boris Georgievich Reizov, Bal'zak. Stat'i (Book Review). Romanic Review, 54, 70-70.

Reeve, F. D. (1963). Boris Georgievich Reizov, Frantsuzskaia romanticheskaia istoriografiia (1815-1830) (Book Review). Romanic Review, 54, 70-70.

Reeve, F. D. (1963). Boris Georgievich Reizov, Frantsuzskii istoricheskii roman v epokhu romantizma (Book Review). Romanic Review, 54, 70-70.

Reeve, F. D. (1963). Boris Georgievich Reizov, Tvorchestvo Flobera (Book Review). Romanic Review, 54, 70-73.

Sayers, Raymond S. (1963). Helen Caldwell, The Brazilian Othello of Machado de Assis: A Study of 'Dom Casmurro' (Book Review). Romanic Review, 54, 73-76.

Chadbourne, Richard M. (1963). Elga L. Duval, Téodor de Wyzewa: Critic without a Country (Book Review). Romanic Review, 54, 76-81.

Ayllón, Cándido. (1963). Petrarch and Fernando de Rojas. Romanic Review, 54, 81-94.

May, T. E. (1963). The Symbolism of El mágico prodigioso. Romanic Review, 54, 95-112.

Kern, Edith. (1963). L'Honnête Homme: Postscript to a Battle of the Scholars. Romanic Review, 54, 113-120.

Black, Frank Gees. (1963). Hugo and the Death of Béranger. Romanic Review, 54, 121-127.

Burgess, Robert M. (1963). Victor E. Graham, ed., Philippe Desportes: Elégies (Book Review). Romanic Review, 54, 128-129.

Aubrun, Charles V. (1963). Frank Pierce, La poesía épica del siglo de oro (Book Review). Romanic Review, 54, 129-131.

Hartle, Robert W. (1963). Jeanne Streicher, ed., Pierre Corneille: Sertorius (Book Review). Romanic Review, 54, 131-133.

Freudmann, Félix R. (1963). F. Deloffre et J. Rougeot, eds., Lettres portugaises, Valentins, et autres oeuvres de Guilleragues (Book Review). Romanic Review, 54, 133-134.

Torrey, Norman L. (1963). Theodore Besterman, Voltaire Essays, and Another (Book Review). Romanic Review, 54, 134-136.

Fellows, Otis E. (1963). Bernard Guyon, Jacques Scherer, and Charly Guyot, eds., Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Oeuvres complètes, tome II (Book Review). Romanic Review, 54, 136-137.

Hunt, Herbert J. (1963). Geneviève Delattre, Les Opinions littéraires de Balzac (Book Review). Romanic Review, 54, 137-141.

Canu, Jean. (1963). Gisèle Corbière-Gille, Barbey d'Aurevilly, critique littéraire (Book Review). Romanic Review, 54, 141-143.

Grubbs, Henry A. (1963). Margaret G. Tillet, On Reading Flaubert (Book Review). Romanic Review, 54, 143-144.

Austin, Lloyd James. (1963). Jean-Pierre Richard, ed. Stéphane Mallarmé: Pour un Tombeau d'Anatole (Book Review). Romanic Review, 54, 144-147.

Livingstone, Leon. (1963). Robert Ricard, Galdós et ses romans (Book Review). Romanic Review, 54, 147-149.

Charney, Hanna. (1963). Gisela Blankenhorn, Des Kosmopolitismus bei Valery Larbaud (Book Review). Romanic Review, 54, 149-152.

Oxenhandler, Neal. (1963). Eva Kushner, Le Mythe d'Orphée dans la littérature française contemporaine (Book Review). Romanic Review, 54, 152-154.

Del Río, Angel. (1963). Jorge Guillén, Language and Poetry: Some Poets of Spain (Book Review). Romanic Review, 54, 154-157.

Picard, Raymond. (1963). Jean Jacquot, ed., Le Théâtre tragique (Book Review). Romanic Review, 54, 157-161.

Swanson, Roy Arthur. (1963). The Humor of Don Quixote. Romanic Review, 54, 161-170.

Black, Carl John, Jr. (1963). Albertine as an Allegorical Figure of Time. Romanic Review, 54, 171-186.

Kolb, Philip. (1963). An Enigmatic Proustian Metaphor. Romanic Review, 54, 187-197.

Sonnenfeld, Albert. (1963). Malraux and the Tyranny of Time: The Circle and the Gesture. Romanic Review, 54, 198-212.

Politzer, Robert L. (1963). W. D. Elcock, The Romance Languages (Book Review). Romanic Review, 54, 213-216.

Adler, Alfred. (1963). Jules Horrent, Le Pèlerinage de Charlemagne (Book Review). Romanic Review, 54, 216-217.

Sasser, Elizabeth Skidmore. (1963). Jean Jacquot, ed., Fêtes et cérémonies au temps de Charles Quint (Book Review). Romanic Review, 54, 217-219.

Frame, Donald M. (1963). Marcel De Grève, L'Interprétation de Rabelais au XVIe siècle (Book Review). Romanic Review, 54, 219-222.

Porqueras-Mayo, Alberto. (1963). Eunice Joiner Gates, ed., Documentos Gongorinos (Book Review). Romanic Review, 54, 222-223.

Reichenberger, Anrold G. (1963). Charles V. Aubrun, ed., Pedro Calderón de la Barca: Eco y Narciso (Book Review). Romanic Review, 54, 223-225.

Vial, Fernand. (1963). Thelma Morris, L'Abbé Desfontaines et son rôle dans la littérature de son temps (Book Review). Romanic Review, 54, 225-226.

Fucilla, Joseph G. (1963). D. Maxwell White, Zaccaria Seriman: The Viaggi of Enrico Wanton. A Contribution to the Study of the Enlightenment in Italy (Book Review). Romanic Review, 54, 226-227.

Alciatore, Jules C. (1963). Victor Brombert, ed., Stendhal. A Collection of Critical Essays (Book Review). Romanic Review, 54, 227-228.

Dubruck, Alfred. (1963). Jean Richer, ed., Oeuvres complémentaires de Gérard de Nerval (Book Review). Romanic Review, 54, 228-230.

Grant, Elliott M. (1963). Martin Kanes, Zola's La Bête humaine. A Study in Literary Creation (Book Review). Romanic Review, 54, 230-230.

Grant, Elliott M. (1963). Henri Mitterand, Zola journaliste, de l'affaire Manet à l'affaire Dreyfus (Book Review). Romanic Review, 54, 230-233.

Kanes, Martine. (1963). Nils-Olof Franzén, ""Zola et 'La Joie de vivre' (Book Review). Romanic Review, 54, 233-236.

Roudiez, Léon S. (1963). Fredric Jameson, Sartre, The Origins of a Style (Book Review). Romanic Review, 54, 236-241.

Osuna, Rafael. (1963). La crítica y la erudición del siglo XX ante La Galatea de Cervantes. Romanic Review, 54, 241-251.

Storer, Mary Elizabeth. (1963). The Authorship of the Agréables Conférences. Romanic Review, 54, 252-261.

Porter, Catherine. (1963). Restif, Rousseau, and Monsieur Nicolas. Romanic Review, 54, 262-273.

Freimanis, Dzintars. (1963). Maupassant as a Romantic. Romanic Review, 54, 274-280.

Dean, Ruth J. (1963). Alexander Bell, ed., Geffrei Gaimar: L'Estoire des Engleis (Book Review). Romanic Review, 54, 281-282.

Palermo, Joseph. (1963). Erik V. Kraemer, ed., Huit Miracles de Gautier de Coinci (Book Review). Romanic Review, 54, 282-284.

Peckham, Lawton P. G. (1963). Charles W. Dunn, ed., The Romance of the Rose (Book Review). Romanic Review, 54, 284-285.

Oelschläger, Victor R. B. (1963). John Esten Keller, ed., Clemente Sánchez de Vercial: Libro de los exenplos por a. b. c. (Book Review). Romanic Review, 54, 285-286.

McPheeters, D. W. (1963). A. D. Deyermond, The Petrarchan Sources of 'La Celestina' (Book Review). Romanic Review, 54, 286-288.

Hutton, James. (1963). Isidore Silver, Ronsard and the Hellenic Renaissance in France: I, Ronsard and the Greek Epic (Book Review). Romanic Review, 54, 288-293.

Graham, Victor E. (1963). Norman B. Spector, ed., Odet de Turnèbe: Les Contens (Book Review). Romanic Review, 54, 293-294.

Highet, Gilbert. (1963). Jean Marmier, Horace en France, au XVIIème siècle (Book Review). Romanic Review, 54, 294-298.

Wadsworth, Philip A. (1963). Simone Blavier-Paquot, La Fontaine. Vues sur l'art du moraliste dans les Fables de 1668 (Book Review). Romanic Review, 54, 298-299.

Ellrich, Robert J. (1963). Georges May, Le Dilemme du roman au XVIIIème siècle. Etudes sur les rapports du roman et de la critique (1715-1761) (Book Review). Romanic Review, 54, 299-300.

McKee, Kenneth N. (1963). J. B. Ratermanis and W. R. Irwin, The Comic Style of Beaumarchais (Book Review). Romanic Review, 54, 300-302.

Moers, Ellen. (1963). Maurice Z. Shroder, Icarus: The Image of the Artist in French Romanticism (Book Review). Romanic Review, 54, 302-305.

Ragusa, Olga. (1963). Marcello Spaziani, Gli amici della Principessa Matilde (Book Review). Romanic Review, 54, 305-306.

Czoniczer, Elizabeth. (1963). Karl D. Uitti, La Passion littéraire de Remy de Gourmont (Book Review). Romanic Review, 54, 306-308.

Brachfeld, Georges I. (1963). Linette F. Brugmans, ed., The Correspondence of André Gide and Edmund Gosse (Book Review). Romanic Review, 54, 308-310.

Czoniczer, Elizabeth. (1963). René Girard, ed., Proust. A Collection of Critical Essays (Book Review). Romanic Review, 54, 310-311.

Blumenthal, Gerda. (1963). Thomas Molnar, Bernanos. His Political Thought and Prophecy (Book Review). Romanic Review, 54, 311-311.

Blumenthal, Gerda. (1963). Jessie Lynn Gillespie, Le Tragique dans l'oeuvre de Georges Bernanos (Book Review). Romanic Review, 54, 311-314.

Roudiez, Léon S. (1963). R.-M. Albérès, Histoire du roman moderne (Book Review). Romanic Review, 54, 314-317.

Pronko, Leonard C. (1963). D. J. Conlon, ed., Jean Anouilh: L'Invitation au château (Book Review). Romanic Review, 54, 317-318.

Gutwirth, Marcel M. (1963). Robert Greer Cohn, The Writer's Way in France (Book Review). Romanic Review, 54, 318-318.

Bibliography by Andrew Branch & Jonathan Eskew

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