Department of French and Romance Philology  









Romanic Review volume 58 (1967)

Foster, David William. (1967). Figural Interpretation and the Auto de los Reyes Magos. Romanic Review, 58, 3-11.

Boon, Jean-Pierre. (1967). Filiation entre religion et morale dans les Essais de Montaigne. Romanic Review, 58, 12-22.

Sices, David. (1967). Musset's Fantasio: The Paradise of Chance. Romanic Review, 58, 23-37.

Godenne, R. (1967). Comment appeler un auteur de nouvelles? Romanic Review, 58, 38-43.

O'Gorman, Richard. (1967). Franklin P. Sweetser, ed., Blancandin et l'Orgueilleuse d'amour (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 44-45.

Schmitt, Charles B. (1967). Paul Eugene Memmo, Jr., ed., Giordano Bruno's 'The Heroic Frenzies' (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 45-48.

Katz, Richard A. (1967). Frederick B. Artz, From the Renaissance to Romanticism: Trends in Style in Art, Literature, and Music, 1300-1830 (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 48-49.

Olga, Mary. (1967). Hugh M. Davidson, Audience, Words, and Art: Studies in Seventeenth-Century French Rhetoric (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 49-50.

Lafeuille, Germaine. (1967). Jean Pommier, La Vie de Pascal par Gilberte Périer (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 50-52.

Waldinger, Renée. (1967). Paul Cornelius, Languages in Seventeenth- and Early Eighteenth-Century Imaginary Voyages (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 52-53.

Berkowe, Christiane. (1967). Vivienne Mylne, The Eighteenth-Century French Novel: Techniques of Illusio (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 53-55.

Hytier, Adrienne D. (1967). Jean McDonald, Rousseau and the French Revolution, 1762-1791 (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 55-56.

Topazio, Virgil W. (1967). James A. Leith, The Idea of Art as Propaganda in France, 1750-1799 (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 56-57.

Meyer, Paul H. (1967). Werner Krauss, ed., Morelly: Gesetzbuch der natürlichen Gesellschaft (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 57-58.

Meyer, Paul H. (1967). Helene Wahlbröhl, Der Fürst von Ligne, Leben und Werk (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 58-59.

Sachs, Murray. (1967). John S. Wood, Sondages, 1830-1848: Romanciers français secondaires (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 59-60.

Hubert, Judd D. (1967). Angelo P. Bertocci, From Symbolism to Baudelaire (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 60-62.

Weinberg, Henry H. (1967). Murray Sachs, The Career of Alphonse Daudet: A Critical Study (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 62-63.

Austin, Lloyd James. (1967). Jacques Duchesne-Guillemin, Etudes pour un Paul Valéry (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 63-65.

Roudiez, Léon S. (1967). N. Jussem-Wilson, Charles Péguy (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 65-65.

Roudiez, Léon S. (1967). Gerda Blumenthal, The Poetic Imagination of Georges Bernanos (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 65-68.

Corrigan, Beatrice. (1967). Philippe Van Tieghem, Histoire du théâtre italien (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 68-68.

Greene, Tatiana. (1967). Raymond Picard, Nouvelle Critique ou nouvelle imposture (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 68-77.

Galand, Rene M. (1967). Une Enigme baudelairienne. Romanic Review, 58, 77-82.

Livingstone, Leon. (1967). The Theme of Intelligence and Will in the Novels of Azorín. Romanic Review, 58, 83-94.

Matthews, J. H. (1967). Julien Gracq and the Theme of the Grail in Surrealism. Romanic Review, 58, 95-108.

Salvan, Albert J. (1967). Duranty Ressuscité? Romanic Review, 58, 109-119.

Louria, Yvette. (1967). Recent Studies of Proust's Stylistic and Narrative Techniques. Romanic Review, 58, 120-126.

Ferrante, Joan M. (1967). Henry and Renée Kahane, The Krater and the Grail: Hermetic Sources of the Parzival (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 127-128.

Gilbert, Neal W. (1967). Bruno Nardi, Studi su Pietro Pomponazzi (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 128-129.

Katz, Richard A. (1967). Donald Stone, Jr., ed., Four Renaissance Tragedies (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 129-130.

Carrington, Samuel M. (1967). Mark S. Whitney, ed., Olivier de Magny: Les Odes amoureuses de 1559 (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 130-131.

Graham, Victor E. (1967). P. A. Jannini, ed., Guillaume Colletet: Traitté de l'épigramme et Traitté du sonnet (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 131-133.

Brush, Craig B. (1967). Pierre Bayle, Hétérodoxie et rigorisme (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 133-133.

Brush, Craig B. (1967). Elisabeth Labrousse, Inventaire critique de la correspondance de Pierre Bayle (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 133-133.

Brush, Craig B. (1967). Pierre Bayle, Du pays de Foix à la cité d'Erasme (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 133-133.

Cabaud, Jacques M. (1967). Robert J. Nelson, ed., ;Corneille and Racine, Parallels and Contrasts (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 133-137.

Loy, J. Robert. (1967). David Lowenthal, ed., Montesquieu: Considerations on the Causes of the Greatness of the Romans and their Decline (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 137-138.

Topazio, Virgil W. (1967). Remy G. Saisselin, Taste in Eighteenth-Century France: Critical Reflections on the Origins of Aesthetics or An Apology for Amateurs (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 138-139.

Vartanian, Aram. (1967). Jean Ehrard, L'Idée de nature en France dans la première moitié du XVIIIe siècle (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 139-142.

Loy, J. Robert. (1967). Jacques Proust, L'Encyclopédie (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 142-142.

Gay, Peter. (1967). Merle L. Perkins, Voltaire's Concept of International Order (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 142-143.

Loy, J. Robert. (1967). Otis Fellows and Diana Guiragossian, eds., Diderot Studies, VIII (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 143-146.

Riffaterre, Michael. (1967). León-Francois Hoffmann, Répertoire géographique de la Comédie humaine, I: L'Etranger (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 146-146.

Riffaterre, Michael. (1967). George B. Raser, Guide to Balzac's Paris, An Analytical Subject Index (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 146-150.

Delattre, Geneviève. (1967). Olli Välikangas, Les Termes d'appellation et d'interpellation dans la Comédie humaine d'Honoré de Balzac (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 150-151.

Sachs, Murray. (1967). Léon Guichard, ed., Dans la vigne de Jules Renard (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 151-153.

Czoniczer, Elizabeth. (1967). Leo Bersani, Marcel Proust, The Fictions of Life and of Art (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 153-154.

Nozick, Martine. (1967). Eleanor Krane Paucker, Los cuentos de Unamuno, clave de su obra (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 154-157.

Urgoiti, María Soledad Carrasco. (1967). Mélanges offerts à Marcel Bataillon par les hispanistes français (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 157-161.

Browder, Clifford. (1967). Henri Lemaître, La Poésie depuis Baudelaire (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 161-166.

Keith, George H. (1967). A Medieval Prose Voie de paradis. Romanic Review, 58, 166-172.

Himelblau, Jack. (1967). A Further Contribution to the Sources of Acuñ|a's Sonnets. Romanic Review, 58, 173-182.

Aubery, Pierre. (1967). Mécislas Golberg, Emmanuel Signoret, et André Gide. Romanic Review, 58, 183-195.

O'Brien, Justin. (1967). Camus and Conrad: An Hypothesis. Romanic Review, 58, 196-199.

Deguise, Pierre. (1967). La Doctrine politique de Benjamin Constant. Romanic Review, 58, 200-203.

Weinberg, Henry H. (1967). Anatole France - Adventures in Skepticism. Romanic Review, 58, 204-209.

Ferrante, Joan M. (1967). Joseph Linskill, ed., The Poems of the Troubadour Raimbaut de Vaqueiras (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 210-210.

Ferrante, Joan M. (1967). Peter T. Ricketts, ed., Les Poésies de Guilhem de Montanhagol (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 210-211.

Peckham, Lawton P. G. (1967). John Flinn, Le Roman de Renart dans la littérature française et dans les littératures étrangèlres au Moyen Age (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 211-212.

Mermier, Guy. (1967). Jean Misrahi and Charles A. Knudson, eds., Antoine de la Sale: Jehan de Saintré (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 212-214.

Schmitt, Charles B. (1967). Carol Maddison, Marcantonio Flaminio, Poet, Humanist, and Reformer (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 214-215.

Corrigan, Beatrice. (1967). Suzanne Thérault, ed., La Commedia dell'Arte vue à travers le Zibaldone de Pérouse. Etude suivie d'un choix de scenari de Placido Adrian (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 215-216.

Gross, Nathan. (1967). Bernard Bray, ed., Jean Chapelain: Soixante-dix-sept Lettres inédites à Nicolas Heinsius (1649-1658) (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 216-217.

Gross, Nathan. (1967). Jules Brody, ed., French Classicism: A Critical Miscellany (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 217-218.

McKee, Kenneth N. (1967). E. J. H. Greene, Marivaux (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 218-220.

Loy, J. Robert. (1967). Jean Fabré, et al., L'Abbé Prévost (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 220-221.

Hytier, Adrienne D. (1967). H. Lagrave, ed., René Louis de Voyer de Paulmy, marquis d'Argenson: Notices sur les oeuvres de théâtre (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 221-224.

Deguise, Pierre. (1967). Jean-René Derré, ed., Benjamin Constant: Wallstein (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 224-225.

Waldinger, Renée. (1967). Pierre Deguise, Benjamin Constant méconnu. Le Livre De la religion (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 225-227.

Berkowe, Christiane. (1967). Marcel Raymond, Senancour, Sensations et révélations (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 227-229.

Evans, Arthur R., Jr. (1967). Donald Adamson, The Genesis of Le Cousin Pons (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 229-230.

Chadbourne, Richard M. (1967). Lorin A. Uffenbeck, ed., Hortense Allart: Nouvelles Lettres à Sainte-Beuve (1832-1864) (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 230-231.

Grant, Elliott M. (1967). A. C. Proulx, Aspects épiques des Rougon-Macquart de Zola (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 231-234.

Charney, Hanna. (1967). Dieter Steland, Dialektische Gedanken in Stéphane Mallarmés Divagations (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 234-235.

Frohock, W. M. (1967). John Porter Houston, em>The Design in Rimbaud's Poetry (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 235-237.

Roudiez, Léon S. (1967). Jochen Schlobach, Geschichte und Fiktion in L'Eté 1914 von Roger Martin du Gard (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 237-238.

Bloch, Adèle. (1967). Winifried Engler, Der Franzö|sische Roman (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 238-241.

Alazraki, Jaime. (1967). Motivación e invención en Niebla"" de Unamuno". Romanic Review, 58, 241-253.

Braun, Sidney D. (1967). André Suarès' Unpublished Early Notebooks. Romanic Review, 58, 254-270.

Swenson, Birgit Ewerts. (1967). Charles Du Bos and the Riddle of Poetic Inspiration. Romanic Review, 58, 271-282.

Vergani, Gianangelo. (1967). Sisyphus' Work, or Reconstructing The Divine Comedy. Romanic Review, 58, 283-290.

Peckham, Lawton P. G. (1967). Robert Bossuat, et al., Dictionnaire des lettres françaises. Le Moyen Age (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 291-291.

Magill, Robert A. (1967). John Vernon Myers, ed., Jehan de Lanson': Chanson de Geste of the Thirteenth Century (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 291-293.

Iliescu, Nicolae. (1967). Mark Musa, The Poetry of Panuccio del Bagno (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 293-294.

Palermo, Joseph. (1967). Leonard R. Mills, ed., Le Mystère de Saint-Sébastien (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 294-296.

Pollin, Alice M. (1967). Frank Sedwick, A History of the Useless Precaution Plot in Spanish and French Literature (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 296-296.

Nelson, Robert J. (1967). René Taveneaux, ed., Jansénisme et politique (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 296-301.

Fellows, Otis E. (1967). Theodore Besterman, ed., Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century, XXXVII (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 301-302.

Pollin, Alice M. (1967). J. Hunter Peak, Social Drama in Nineteenth-Century Spain (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 302-302.

Fellows, Otis E. (1967). R. A. Leigh, ed., Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Correspondance complete, II: 1744-1754 (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 302-303.

Chadbourne, Richard M. (1967). Jean Pommier, L'Univers poétique et musical d'Ernest Renan (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 303-303.

Chadbourne, Richard M. (1967). Jean Pommier, George Sand et le rêve monastique: Spiridion (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 303-304.

Lapp, John C. (1967). F. W. J. Hemmings, Emile Zola (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 304-306.

Uitti, Karl D. (1967). Glenn S. Burne, Remy de Gourmont, His Ideas and Influence in England and America (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 306-307.

Florit, Eugenio. (1967). Philip Silver, 'Et in Arcadia ego': A Study of the Poetry of Luis Cernuda (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 307-308.

Godenne, R. (1967). Jean David, Le Procés de l'intelligence dans les lettres françaises au seuil de l'entre-deux-guerres, 1919-1927 (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 308-309.

Whiting, Charles G. (1967). Henry W. Decker, Pure Poetry, 1925-1930: Theory and Debate in France (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 309-310.

Bédé, Jean-Albert. (1967). Ariel Ginsbourg, Paul Nizan (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 310-313.

Szogyi, Alex. (1967). Joseph McMahon, The Imagination of Jean Genet (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 313-315.

O'Brady, Frédéric. (1967). Jürgen Grimm, Die literarische Darstellung der Pest in der Antike und in der Romana (Book Review). Romanic Review, 58, 315-315.

Bibliography by Andrew Branch & Jonathan Eskew

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