Romanic Review volume 66 (1975)
Kelly, Thomas E. (1975). Love in the Perlesvaus: Sinful Passion or Redemptive Force. Romanic Review, 66, 1-12.
Sweetser, Marie-Odile G. (1975). Racine rival de Corneille: innutrition et innovations dans Britannicus. Romanic Review, 66, 13-31.
Danahy, Michael. (1975). Narrative Timing and The Structures of L'Education Sentimentale. Romanic Review, 66, 32-46.
Delcroix, Maurice. (1975). La Littéralité profonde. Romanic Review, 66, 47-56.
Arrivé, Michel. (1975). Un Aspect de l'isotopie sexuelle dans le texte de Jarry: sadisme et masochisme. Romanic Review, 66, 57-75.
Festa-McCormick, Diana. (1975). Franco Simone, ed., Dizionario Critico della Letteratura Francese (Book Review). Romanic Review, 66, 76-78.
Rossman, Vladmir R. (1975). Arié Serper, La Manière satirique de Rutebeuf: Le Ton et le style and Jean de la Mote, Le Parfait du paon (édition critique| Richard J. Carey, ed.) (Book Review). Romanic Review, 66, 77-80.
Brombert, Victor. (1975). Margaret Tillett, Stendhal. The Background to the Novels (Book Review). Romanic Review, 66, 79-81.
Freilich, Joan S. (1975). Jacqueline de Labriolle, Les Christophe Colomb de Paul Claudel and John MacCombie, The Prince and the Genie: A Study of Rimbaud's Influence on Claudel (Book Review). Romanic Review, 66, 80-82.
Wood, Michael. (1975). Harold Watson, Claudel's Immortal Heroes (Book Review). Romanic Review, 66, 81-83.
Suleiman, Susan Rubin. (1975). W. D. Redfern, Paul Nizan: Committed Literature in a Conspiratorial World (Book Review). Romanic Review, 66, 82-85.
Zumthor, Paul. (1975). Du Nouveau sur la poésie des troubadours et trouvères. Romanic Review, 66, 85-92.
Mercken-Spaas, Godelieve. (1975). From amour de soi to amour passion: Rousseau's Conceptual Categories Exemplified in Constant's Adolphe. Romanic Review, 66, 93-99.
Clayton, Alan J. (1975). Exaltation et imagination chez Alban de Bricoule (A propos du Songe et des Bestiaires). Romanic Review, 66, 100-112.
Price, R. M. (1975). Fiction and False Testimony in La hora de todos. Romanic Review, 66, 113-122.
Delas, Daniel. (1975). Propositions pour une théorie de la production textuelle et intertextuelle en poésie: Airs de Philippe Jaccottet. Romanic Review, 66, 123-139.
Pickens, Rupert T. (1975). William W. Ryding, Structure in Medieval Narrative (Book Review). Romanic Review, 66, 140-142.
Rossman, Vladmir R. (1975). Alberto Varvaro, Beroul's Romance of Tristan (Book Review). Romanic Review, 66, 141-143.
Bowen, Barbara C. (1975). Marcel Tetel, Marguerite de Navarre's Heptameron: Themes, Language, and Structure (Book Review). Romanic Review, 66, 142-144.
Chang, Dorothy. (1975). Ronald W. Tobin, Racine and Seneca (Book Review). Romanic Review, 66, 143-146.
Singerman, Alan J. (1975). Jacques Le Brun, La Spiritualité de Bossuet (Book Review). Romanic Review, 66, 145-148.
Sareil, Jean. (1975). Lionel Gossman, French Society and Culture. Background for 18th Century Literature (Book Review). Romanic Review, 66, 147-149.
May, Gita. (1975). Jacques Chouillet, L'Esthétique des Lumières (Book Review). Romanic Review, 66, 148-150.
Sareil, Jean. (1975). Pierre Rétat, Le Dictionnaire de Bayle et la lutte philosophique au dix-huitième siècle (Book Review). Romanic Review, 66, 149-151.
May, Gita. (1975). Theodore Besterman, ed., Transactions of the Third International Congress on the Enlightenment (Book Review). Romanic Review, 66, 150-156.
Ward, Patricia A. (1975). Charles Affron, A Stage for Poets. Studies in the Theatre of Hugo and Musset (Book Review). Romanic Review, 66, 155-156.
Gauvin, Lise. (1975). Roland Beyen, Michel de Ghelderode, ou la hantise du masque (Book Review). Romanic Review, 66, 156-157.
Durá|n, Manuel. (1975). Stephen Gilman, The Spain of Fernando de Rojas. The Intellectual and Social Landscape of 'La Celestina' (Book Review). Romanic Review, 66, 156-159.
Higginbotham, Virginia. (1975). C. B. Morris, Surrealism and Spain (Book Review). Romanic Review, 66, 158-160.
Hendricks, William O. (1975). Pierre R. Léon, et al., ed., Problèmes de l'analyse textuelle (Book Review). Romanic Review, 66, 159-162.
Saisselin, Remy G. (1975). Alexandre Jovicevich, Jean-François de La Harpe, adepte et rénégat des lumières and Christopher Todd, Voltaire's disciple: Jean-François de La Harpe and Jean-François de La Harpe, Letters to the Shuvalovs (Book Review). Romanic Review, 66, 161-164.
Pasco, Allan H. (1975). Kurt Weinberg, On Gide's Prométhée: Private Myth and Public Mystification (Book Review). Romanic Review, 66, 163-165.
Heck, Francis S. (1975). Montaigne's Conservatism and Liberalism: A Paradox? Romanic Review, 66, 165-171.
Bloomberg, Edward. (1975). Raison et dialectique chez Pascal. Romanic Review, 66, 172-186.
Gans, Eric. (1975). Prose poétique. Romanic Review, 66, 187-198.
Davis, Barbara. (1975). The Style of Mateo Alemán's Guzmán de Alfarache. Romanic Review, 66, 199-213.
Beaujour, Michel. (1975). A propos de l'écart dans la Révolution du langage poétique de Julia Kristeva. Romanic Review, 66, 214-233.
Crumpacker, Mary M. (1975). Donald Stone, From Tales to Truth: Essays on French Fiction in the Sixteenth Century (Book Review). Romanic Review, 66, 234-235.
Stone, Donald, Jr. (1975). Detlef Brüning, Clement Marots Bearbeitung des Rosenromans (1526) (Book Review). Romanic Review, 66, 234-236.
Crumpacker, Mary M. (1975). Raymond C. La Charité, From Marot to Montaigne: Essays on French Renaissance Literature (Book Review). Romanic Review, 66, 235-237.
Tiefenbrun, Susan W. (1975). Edward Morot-Sir, Pascal [Jean-Albert Bédé], Peter France, Rhetoric and Truth in France: Descartes to Diderot (Book Review). Romanic Review, 66, 236-241.
Sareil, Jean. (1975). William Trapnell, Voltaire and his Portable Dictionary (Book Review). Romanic Review, 66, 240-242.
Walker, Philip D. (1975). Jean-Albert Bédé, Emile Zola (Book Review). Romanic Review, 66, 241-243.
Langlois, Walter G. (1975). Pascal Sabourin, La Réflexion sur l'art d'André Malraux, origines et evolution" (Book Review). Romanic Review, 66, 242-244.
Ruggerio, Michael J. (1975). Dorothy Sherman Severin, Memory in 'La Celestina' (Book Review). Romanic Review, 66, 243-245.
Horst, Robert Ter. (1975). Anthony Watson, Juan de la Cueva and the Portuguese Succession (Book Review). Romanic Review, 66, 244-246.
Pickens, Rupert T. (1975). Estoire, Lai and Romance: Chrétien's Erec et Enide and Cligès. Romanic Review, 66, 247-262.
Glauser, Alfred. (1975). Montaigne et le roseau pensant de Pascal. Romanic Review, 66, 263-268.
Bourget, Jean-Loup. (1975). Balzac et le néo-classicisme: à propos des Secrets de la Princesse de Cadignan. Romanic Review, 66, 269-282.
Genette, Gérard. (1975). Le Parti pris des mots. Romanic Review, 66, 283-287.
De Armas, F. A. (1975). La Celestina: An Example of Love Melancholy. Romanic Review, 66, 288-295.
McDonald, Christie V. (1975). Jean-Jacques Rousseau: The Biographfiend's False Friend. Romanic Review, 66, 296-311.
Frame, Donald M. (1975). Margaret M. McGowan, Montaigne's Deceits. The Art of Persuasion in the 'Essais' (Book Review). Romanic Review, 66, 312-314.
Tiefenbrun, Susan W. (1975). Claude Abraham, Corneille (Book Review). Romanic Review, 66, 313-315.
Dens, Jean-Pierre. (1975). Bernard Beugnot et Roger Zuber, Boileau, Visages anciens, visages nouveaux (Book Review). Romanic Review, 66, 314-316.
Sareil, Jean. (1975). R. S. Ridgeway, Voltaire and Sensibility (Book Review). Romanic Review, 66, 315-317.
Sareil, Jean. (1975). Edgar Mass, Le Marquis d'Adhémar: La Correspondance inédite d'un ami des philosophes à la cour de Bayreuth (Book Review). Romanic Review, 66, 316-318.
Denommé, Robert T. (1975). Jean-Bertrand Barrère, La Fantaisie de Victor Hugo. III: Thèmes et motifs (Book Review). Romanic Review, 66, 317-319.
Storzer, Gerald H. (1975). Bernard Guyon, Péguy (Book Review). Romanic Review, 66, 318-320.
Thompson, B. Bussell. (1975). Ursula Klenk, ed., La Leyenda de Yusuf: Ein Aljamiadotext (Book Review). Romanic Review, 66, 319-321.
Ilie, Paul. (1975). C. B. Morris, Surrealism and Spain, 1920-1936 (Book Review). Romanic Review, 66, 320-323.
Bibliography by Andrew Branch & Jonathan Eskew