Department of French and Romance Philology  








Romanic Review volume 68 (1977)

Katz, Richard A. (1977). Pattern and Motif in Du Bellay's Olive. Romanic Review, 68, 1-21.

Defaux, Gérard. (1977). Culpabilité et expiation dans l'Andromaque. Romanic Review, 68, 22-31.

Roudiez, Léon S. (1977). Une Gaité violette (Lecture d'un roman de Michel Butor). Romanic Review, 68, 32-42.

Suleiman, Susan Rubin. (1977). Reading Robbe-Grillet: Sadism and Text in Project pour une révolution à New York. Romanic Review, 68, 43-62.

Hyatte, Reginald. (1977). Joan M. Ferrante, The Conflict of Love and Honor Joan M. Ferrante, The Medieval Tristan Legend in France, Germany and Italy (Book Review). Romanic Review, 68, 63-66.

Rossman, Vladmir R. (1977). Roger Dubuis, Les Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles' et la tradition de la nouvelle en France au moyen âge (Book Review). Romanic Review, 68, 66-68.

Perry, T. Anthony. (1977). Charles H. Livingston, ed., Philippe de Vigneulles: Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles (Book Review). Romanic Review, 68, 67-70.

Duval, Edwin M. (1977). Jeanne Goldin, Cyrano de Bergerac et l'art de la pointe (Book Review). Romanic Review, 68, 69-70.

Sareil, Jean. (1977). Lilian Willens, Voltaire's Comic Theatre: Composition, Conflicts and Critics (Book Review). Romanic Review, 68, 69-71.

Braun, Theodore E. D. (1977). Voltaire Commentaires sur Corneille, Vol. I, David Williams, ed. (Book Review). Romanic Review, 68, 71-72.

Schofield, Ronald A. (1977). Philip Stewart Le Masque et la parole: Le Langage de l'amour au XVIIIe siècle (Book Review). Romanic Review, 68, 71-73.

Cutler, Maxine G. (1977). Ellen Sakari, Prophète et Pierrot. Thèmes et attitudes ironiques dans l'oeuvre de Jules Laforgue (Book Review). Romanic Review, 68, 72-75.

Brown, James W. (1977). Nathaniel Wing, Present Appearances: Aspects of Poetic Structure in Rimbaud's 'Illuminations' (Book Review). Romanic Review, 68, 74-77.

Muller, Marcel. (1977). Jean-Pierre Richard, Proust et le monde sensible (Book Review). Romanic Review, 68, 77-82.

Holzinger, Walter. (1977). Andrew P. Debicki, La Poesía de Jorge Guillén (Book Review). Romanic Review, 68, 81-83.

Wheelock, James T. S. (1977). Tibor Wlassics, Interpretazioni di prosodia dantesca (Book Review). Romanic Review, 68, 82-84.

Jones, Ann Rosalind and H. Bruce Von Ohlen. (1977). Si doulx, & attrayant subiect: Scève's Délie and Four Modern Critics. Romanic Review, 68, 85-102.

Thweatt, Vivien. (1977). L'Art de conferer: Art des Essais, art de vivre. Romanic Review, 68, 103-117.

Sareil, Jean. (1977). Les Apologues de Voltaire. Romanic Review, 68, 118-127.

Greene, Robert W. (1977). Poetry, Metapoetry and Revolution: Stages on Marcelin Pleynet's Way. Romanic Review, 68, 128-140.

Jackson, W. T. H. (1977). Vladimir R. Rossman, Perspectives of Irony in Medieval French Literature (Book Review). Romanic Review, 68, 141-144.

Jackson, W. T. H. (1977). Karl D. Uitti, Story, Myth, and Celebration in Old French Narrative Poetry 1050-1200 (Book Review). Romanic Review, 68, 143-145.

Vitz, Evelyn Birge. (1977). Joan M. Ferrante, Woman as Image in Medieval Literature, from the Twelfth Century to Dante (Book Review). Romanic Review, 68, 144-149.

Dens, Jean-Pierre. (1977). Antoine Godeau, De la galanterie à la sainteté (Book Review). Romanic Review, 68, 148-150.

Blum, Carol. (1977). Lester G. Crocker, Diderot's Chaotic Order: Approach to Synthesis (Book Review). Romanic Review, 68, 150-152.

Gossman, Lionel. (1977). Frank Paul Bowman, Le Christ romantique (Book Review). Romanic Review, 68, 151-154.

Paris, I. Mark. (1977). Richard B. Grant, Théophile Gautier (Book Review). Romanic Review, 68, 154-155.

Haac, Oscar A. (1977). Jeanne Calo, La Création de la femme chez Michelet (Book Review). Romanic Review, 68, 154-157.

Denommé|, Robert T. (1977). Lawrence A. Joseph, Henri Cazalis: sa vie, son oeuvre, son amitié avec Mallarmé (Book Review). Romanic Review, 68, 156-158.

Rosasco, Joan Té|ré|sa. (1977). Margaret Mein, A Foretaste of Proust: A Study of Proust and his Precursors (Book Review). Romanic Review, 68, 157-159.

Rosasco, Joan Té|ré|sa. (1977). Victor E. Graham, Bibliographie des études sur Marcel Proust et son oeuvre (Book Review). Romanic Review, 68, 158-159.

Rosasco, Joan Té|ré|sa. (1977). Philip Kolb, Correspondance de Marcel Proust (Book Review). Romanic Review, 68, 159-160.

Besser, Gretchen R. (1977). C. D. E. Tolton, André Gide and the Art of Autobiography: A Study of 'Si le grain ne meurt' (Book Review). Romanic Review, 68, 159-161.

Roudiez, Léon S. (1977). Joseph Halpern, Critical Fictions: The Literary Criticism of Jean-Paul Sartre (Book Review). Romanic Review, 68, 161-163.

Caws, Mary Ann. (1977). Elizabeth R. Jackson, Worlds Apart: Structural Parallels in the Poetry of Paul Valéry, Saint-John Perse, Benjamin Péret and René Char (Book Review). Romanic Review, 68, 162-164.

Wheelock, James T. S. (1977). Mark Musa, Advent at the Gates: Dante's 'Comedy' (Book Review). Romanic Review, 68, 163-165.

Kasell, Walter. (1977). Proust as a Reader of Nerval. Romanic Review, 68, 165-174.

Gaudin, Colette. (1977). Niveaux de lisibilité dans Leçon de choses de Claude Simon. Romanic Review, 68, 175-196.

Riffaterre, Michael. (1977). Intertextual Scrambling. Romanic Review, 68, 197-206.

Wimmers, Inge Crosman. (1977). The Status of Metaphoric Discourse: Paul Ricoeur: La Métaphore vive. Romanic Review, 68, 207-216.

Uitti, Karl D. (1977). Sartre's L'Idiot de la famille: A Contribution to the Theory of Narrative Style. Romanic Review, 68, 217-234.

Thomas, Jean-Jacques. (1977). Giuseppe di Stefano, Essais sur le moyen français (Book Review). Romanic Review, 68, 235-238.

Diamant, Naomi. (1977). Alexandre Lorian, Tendances stylistiques dans la prose narrative française du XVIe siècle (Book Review). Romanic Review, 68, 237-240.

Entin-Bates, Lee R. (1977). Florence M. Weinberg, The Wine and the Will: Rabelais's Bacchic Christianity (Book Review). Romanic Review, 68, 239-241.

Holoch, George. (1977). Peter Brooks, The Melodramatic Imagination: Balzac, Henry James, Melodrama, and the Mode of Excess (Book Review). Romanic Review, 68, 240-243.

Bowman, Frank Paul. (1977). Philippe Lejeune, Le pacte autobiographique (Book Review). Romanic Review, 68, 242-246.

Lawrence, Francis L. (1977). Saint-Amant's L'Hyver des Alpes: A Structural Analysis. Romanic Review, 68, 247-253.

Stary, Sonja G. (1977). Providential Justice in Balzac's Comédie Humaine. Romanic Review, 68, 254-263.

Jenny, Laurent. (1977). Économie du récit réaliste. Romanic Review, 68, 264-275.

Wheelock, James T. S. (1977). A Function of the Amore Figure in the Vita Nuova. Romanic Review, 68, 276-286.

Merrell, Floyd. (1977). The Dialectic of Cosmologies in Rulfo's Pedro Paramo. Romanic Review, 68, 287-299.

Berrong, Richard M. (1977). Alfred Glauser, Le faux Rabelais, ou, De l'inauthenticité du Cinquième livre (Book Review). Romanic Review, 68, 300-302.

Defaux, Gérard. (1977). Noémi Hepp and Georges Livet, eds., Héroïsme et création Littéraire sous les règnes d'Henri IV et de Louis XIII (Book Review). Romanic Review, 68, 302-304.

Sareil, Jean. (1977). James C. Mitchell, ed., Madame Riccoboni's Letters to David Hume, David Garrick and Sir Robert Liston: 1764-1782 (Book Review). Romanic Review, 68, 303-305.

Brée, Germaine. (1977). Victor Brombert, La Prison romantique. Essai sur l'imaginaire (Book Review). Romanic Review, 68, 304-307.

Besser, Gretchen R. (1977). Anthony R. Pugh, Balzac's Recurring Characters (Book Review). Romanic Review, 68, 306-308.

Beauchamp, William. (1977). Robert Emmet Jones, Gérard de Nerval (Book Review). Romanic Review, 68, 307-309.

Abeel, Erica. (1977). Helmut Schwartz, Idéologie et art Romanesque chez Jules Barbey d'Aurevilly (Book Review). Romanic Review, 68, 308-310.

Ward, Patricia A. (1977). Janine R. Dakyns, The Middle Ages in French Literature. 1851-1900 (Book Review). Romanic Review, 68, 309-311.

Breunig, Leroy C. (1977). Richard Howard Stamelman, The Drama of Self in Guillaume Apollinaire's Alcools (Book Review). Romanic Review, 68, 310-313.

Mistacco, Vicki E. (1977). Monique Crochet, Les Mythes dans l'oeuvre de Camus (Book Review). Romanic Review, 68, 312-315.

Caserta, Ernesto G. (1977). Julius A. Molinar, Petrarch to Pirandello: Studies in Italian Literature in Honour of Beatrice Corrigan (Book Review). Romanic Review, 68, 314-319.

Caserta, Ernesto G. (1977). Sergio Pacifici, The Modern Italian Novel: from Capuana to Tozzi (Book Review). Romanic Review, 68, 318-321.

Bibliography by Andrew Branch & Jonathan Eskew

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