Department of French and Romance Philology  








Romanic Review volume 70 (1979)

Jackson, W. T. H. (1979). The Arthuricity of Marie de France. Romanic Review, 70, 1-18.

Bauschatz, Cathleen M. (1979). The Development of the Narrator in Montaigne's Apologie de Raimond Sebond. Romanic Review, 70, 19-32.

Reiss, Timothy J. (1979). La Décision du Classicisme: Savoir ou Carnaval? Romanic Review, 70, 33-44.

Margitic, Milorad R. (1979). La Signification de l'homme cornélien: une proposition à partir de la mythologie du Cid. Romanic Review, 70, 45-55.

Grimaud, Michel. (1979). Trimètre et rôle poétique de la césure chez Victor Hugo. Romanic Review, 70, 56-68.

Bond, David J. (1979). André Pieyre de Mandiargues: Some Ideas on Art. Romanic Review, 70, 69-79.

Horst, Robert Ter. (1979). Ritual Time Regained in Zorrilla's Don Juan Tenorio. Romanic Review, 70, 80-93.

Dassonville, Michel. (1979). Raymond LaCharité, O un amy! Essays on Montaigne in Honor of Donald M. Frame. Romanic Review, 70, 94-102.

Frame, Donald M. (1979). Marcel Gutwirth, Michel de Montaigne ou le pari d'exemplarité (Book Review). Romanic Review, 70, 102-104.

Undank, Jack. (1979). Otis Fellows, Diderot (Book Review). Romanic Review, 70, 103-109.

Wing, Nathaniel. (1979). Henri Peyre, Rimbaud vu par Verlaine (Book Review). Romanic Review, 70, 108-111.

Heck, Francis S. (1979). Laudyce Rétat, Religion et Imagination religieuse (Book Review). Romanic Review, 70, 110-112.

Webb, Donald P. (1979). Wolmar's Méthode and the Function of Identity in La Nouvelle Héloïse. Romanic Review, 70, 113-118.

Brombert, Victor. (1979). Hugo's Condemned Man: Laughter of Revolution. Romanic Review, 70, 119-132.

Cohn, Robert Greer. (1979). O quel lointain: Memory in Mallarmé. Romanic Review, 70, 133-145.

Sivert, Eileen Boyd. (1979). Narration and Exhibitionism in Le Rideau Cramoisi. Romanic Review, 70, 146-158.

Nuccitelli, Angela. (1979). Sunrise and the Hero's Awakening in A La Recherche du Temps Perdu. Romanic Review, 70, 159-171.

Bolognese, Giuseppe. (1979). Dante and Guittone Revisited. Romanic Review, 70, 172-184.

Scully, Terence. (1979). Thomas E. Kelly, Le Haut Livre du Graal: Perlesvaus. A Structural Study (Book Review). Romanic Review, 70, 185-188.

Bossy, Michel-André|. (1979). William Calin, A Poet at the Fountain: Essays on the Narrative Verse of Guillaume de Machaut (Book Review). Romanic Review, 70, 187-188.

Kalwies, Howard K. (1979). Norman T. Burns and Christopher J. Regan (eds.) Concepts of the Hero in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance (Book Review). Romanic Review, 70, 188-190.

Thweatt, Vivien. (1979). Bernard Croquette, Pascal and Montaigne: Etude des réminiscences des Essais dans l'oeuvre de Pascal (Book Review). Romanic Review, 70, 189-190.

Holoch, George. (1979). Martin Kanes, Balzac's Comedy of Words (Book Review). Romanic Review, 70, 189-193.

Jennings, Chantal. (1979). Winston R. Hewitt, Through Those Living Pillars. Man and Nature in the Works of Emile Zola (Book Review). Romanic Review, 70, 192-194.

Brown, James W. (1979). Philip Stephan, Paul Verlaine and the Decadence - 1882-1890 (Book Review). Romanic Review, 70, 193-195.

Spencer, Michael. (1979). George Stambolian (ed.) Twentieth Century French Fiction, Essays for Germaine Brée (Book Review). Romanic Review, 70, 194-196.

Roudiez, Lé|on S. (1979). Evelyne Londyn, Maurice Blanchot Romancier (Book Review). Romanic Review, 70, 195-197.

Halsey, Martha T. (1979). Jaime Ferrán and Daniel P. Testa (eds.), Spanish Writers of 1936 (Book Review). Romanic Review, 70, 196-199.

Viglionese, Paschal C. (1979). Aldo S. Bernardo, Petrarch, Laura, and the 'Triumphs' (Book Review). Romanic Review, 70, 198-200.

Wlassics, Tibor. (1979). Brian Molony, Italo Svevo: A Critical Introduction (Book Review). Romanic Review, 70, 199-204.

Zumthor, Paul. (1979). Le Moyen Age et nous: questions de méthode. Romanic Review, 70, 205-218.

Morrison, Ian R. (1979). Peace and War in Gargantua: A Question of Didacticism. Romanic Review, 70, 219-233.

Gutwirth, Marcel M. (1979). Poésie et sainteté: la captivité de saint Malc. Romanic Review, 70, 234-243.

Nash, Suzanne. (1979). Story-telling and the Loss of Innocence in Balzac's Comédie humaine. Romanic Review, 70, 244-267.

Hiller, Anne. (1979). Mérimée structuraliste: l'exemple de la Chronique du règne de Charles IX. Romanic Review, 70, 268-277.

Kadish, Doris Y. (1979). Two Semiological Features of Four Functions of Description: the Example of Flaubert. Romanic Review, 70, 278-298.

Arrathoon, Leigh A. (1979). J. Neale Carman, A Study of the Pseudo-Map Cycle of Arthurian Romance (Book Review). Romanic Review, 70, 299-302.

Olson, Susan. (1979). Marie-José Southworth, Etude comparée de quatre romans médiévaux (Book Review). Romanic Review, 70, 301-303.

Thomas, Jean-Jacques. (1979). Jeffrey S. Kittay, From Telling to Talking: a Study of Style and Sequence in Rabelais (Book Review). Romanic Review, 70, 303-306.

Montbertrand, Gé|rard. (1979). Pierre Dumonceaux, Langue et sensibilité au XVIIe siècle. L'évolution du vocabulaire affectif (Book Review). Romanic Review, 70, 305-308.

Lapp, John C. (1979). Raymond Picard, De Racine au Parthénon: Essais sur la littérature et l'art de l'âge classique (Book Review). Romanic Review, 70, 307-311.

Lapp, John C. (1979). Raymond Picard, Nouveau corpus racinianum. Recueil-inventaire des textes et documents du XVIIe siècle concernant Jean Racine (Book Review). Romanic Review, 70, 310-312.

Meyer, Paul H. (1979). Otis Fellows and Diana Guiragossian Carr, eds., Diderot Studies XIX (Book Review). Romanic Review, 70, 311-313.

McCarthy, Patrick. (1979). Auguste Anglès, André Gide et le premier groupe de la Nouvelle Revue Française (Book Review). Romanic Review, 70, 312-315.

Brosman, Catharine S. (1979). Arthur King Peters, Jean Cocteau and André Gide (Book Review). Romanic Review, 70, 314-316.

Hytier, Jean. (1979). Alexandre Lazaridès, Valéry, pour un poétique du dialogue (Book Review). Romanic Review, 70, 315-317.

Breunig, Leroy C. (1979). Mary Ann Caws, The Surrealist Voice of Robert Desnos (Book Review). Romanic Review, 70, 316-318.

Roudiez, Léon S. (1979). Germaine Brée, Littérature française. Le XX^sup e^ siècle. II 1920-1970 (Book Review). Romanic Review, 70, 317-320.

Weinberg, Florence M. (1979). Chess as a Literary Idea in Colonna's Hypnerotomachia and in Rabelais' Cinquiesme Livre. Romanic Review, 70, 321-335.

Kuhn, Reinhard. (1979). The Palace of Broken Words: Reflections on Racine's Andromaque. Romanic Review, 70, 336-345.

de Dobay-Rifelj, Carol. (1979). Diction and Figure in Hugo's Réponse à un acte d'accusation. Romanic Review, 70, 346-356.

Paganini, Maria. (1979). Séquence textuelle et événement singulatif: l'aller et retour dans Un Amour de Swann. Romanic Review, 70, 357-374.

Paterson, Janet M. (1979). Le Vitrail de Caïn: l'engendrement textuel dans L'Emploi du temps de Michel Butor. Romanic Review, 70, 375-383.

York, R. A. (1979). Some Semantic Structures in the Verse of Jean Follain. Romanic Review, 70, 384-398.

Roudiez, Lé|on S. (1979). Robert Sayre, Solitude in Society. A Sociological Study in French Literature (Book Review). Romanic Review, 70, 399-400.

Zoberman, Pierre. (1979). Jacques Hennequin, Henri IV dans ses Oraisons funèbres ou la naissance d'une légende (Book Review). Romanic Review, 70, 400-403.

Kerr, Cynthia B. (1979). Marie-Odile Sweetser, La Dramaturgie de Corneille (Book Review). Romanic Review, 70, 402-404.

Sareil, Jean. (1979). André Michel Rousseau, L'Angleterre et Voltaire, Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century (Book Review). Romanic Review, 70, 403-405.

Macary, Jean. (1979). Jean Sareil, Voltaire et les Grands (Book Review). Romanic Review, 70, 404-406.

May, Gita. (1979). Anne Srabian de Fabry, Etudes autour de 'La Nouvelle Héloïse' (Book Review). Romanic Review, 70, 405-407.

May, Gita. (1979). Micheline Levowitz-Treu, L'Amour et la mort chez Stendhal, Métamorphoses d'un apprentissage affectif (Book Review). Romanic Review, 70, 406-408.

Orringer, Nelson R. (1979). Philip W. Silver, Ortega as Phenomenologist: The Genesis of 'Meditaitons on Quixote' (Book Review). Romanic Review, 70, 407-410.

Holoka, James P. (1979). Manfred Bambeck, Göttliche Komödie und Exegese (Book Review). Romanic Review, 70, 409-411.

Bibliography by Andrew Branch & Jonathan Eskew

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