Romanic Review volume 71 (1980)
Nichols, Stephen G., Jr. (1980). Sign as (Hi)story in the Couronnement de Louis. Romanic Review, 71, 1-9.
Berry, Alice Fiola. (1980). The Mix, the Mask and the Medical Farce: A Study of the Prologues to Rabelais's Quart Livre. Romanic Review, 71, 10-27.
Nash, Jerry C. (1980). The Notion and Meaning of Art in the Délie. Romanic Review, 71, 28-46.
Tompkins, Jane P. (1980). Sartre Resartus: A Reading of Les Mots. Romanic Review, 71, 47-56.
Kittay, Jeffrey S. (1980). Alibi: On Handwriting, Rewriting, and Writing Rhythms and Le Voyeur. Romanic Review, 71, 57-74.
Cardonne-Arlyck, Elisabeth. (1980). L'Italique, Signe et Figure. Romanic Review, 71, 75-87.
Arrathoon, Leigh A. (1980). L. G. Donovan, Recherches sur le Roman de Thèbes (Book Review). Romanic Review, 71, 88-90.
Tiefenbrun, Susan W. (1980). Le XVIIème siècle et la recherche (Book Review). Romanic Review, 71, 89-91.
Flores, Ralph. (1980). John C. Barker, Strange Contrarieties: Pascal in England of Reason (Book Review). Romanic Review, 71, 90-93.
May, Gita. (1980). Jean Macary (ed.), Essays on the Age of Enlightenment in Honor of Ira O. Wade (Book Review). Romanic Review, 71, 92-95.
Heathcote, Owen N. (1980). Grant Chrichfield, Three Novels of Madame de Duras: Ourika, Edouard, Olivier (Book Review). Romanic Review, 71, 94-96.
Breunig, Leroy C. (1980). Robert W. Greene, French Poets of Our Time: A Critical and Historical Study (Book Review). Romanic Review, 71, 95-98.
Roudiez, Lé|on S. (1980). Dean McWilliams, The Narratives of Michel Butor. The Writer as Janus (Book Review). Romanic Review, 71, 97-99.
Groves, Margaret. (1980). Missions et démarches de la critique. Mélanges offerts au Professeur J. A. Vier (Book Review). Romanic Review, 71, 98-101.
Holoka, James P. (1980). Patricia M. Gathercole, Tension in Boccaccio: Boccaccio and the Fine Arts (Book Review). Romanic Review, 71, 100-102.
Jones, Robin F. (1980). The Mechanics of Meaning in the Anglo-Norman 'Voyage of Saint Brendan'. Romanic Review, 71, 105-113.
Dane, Joseph A. (1980). Linguistic Trumpery: Notes on a French Sottie. Romanic Review, 71, 114-121.
McKinley, Mary B. (1980). The City of God and the City of Man: Limits of Language in Montaigne's Apologie. Romanic Review, 71, 122-140.
Stewart, Philip. (1980). Vox Naturae: A Reading of Prévost. Romanic Review, 71, 141-148.
Williams, D. A. (1980). The Role of Binet in Madame Bovary. Romanic Review, 71, 149-166.
Parker, Patricia. (1980). Mallarmé's Toast funèbre: Some Contexts and a Reading. Romanic Review, 71, 167-182.
Russell, Rinaldina. (1980). Significato come forma: una lettera della canzone Ancor che l'aigua per lo foco lassi di Guido Colonne. Romanic Review, 71, 183-196.
Fowler, Roger. (1980). Michael Riffaterre, Semiotics of Poetry (Book Review). Romanic Review, 71, 197-201.
Weinberg, Florence M. (1980). Robert Griffin, Clément Marot and the Inflections of Poetic Voice (Book Review). Romanic Review, 71, 200-202.
Goldin, Jeanne. (1980). S. W. Tiefenbrun, A Structural Stylistic Analysis of 'La Princesse de Clèves' (Book Review). Romanic Review, 71, 201-203.
May, Gita. (1980). Carol Sherman, Diderot and the Art of Dialogue Alice M. Laborde, Diderot et l'amour Jack Undank, Diderot: Inside, Outside and In-Between (Book Review). Romanic Review, 71, 202-205.
Kamuf, Peggy. (1980). Madeleine B. Ellis, Rousseau's Socratic Aemilian Myth: A Literary Collation of 'Emile' and the 'Social Contract' (Book Review). Romanic Review, 71, 204-208.
Franklin, Ursula. (1980). Paul Valéry Contemporain: Actes et colloques (Book Review). Romanic Review, 71, 207-209.
Franklin, Ursula. (1980). Grace Campbell, La Synphore dans La Jeune Parque de Paul Valéry (Book Review). Romanic Review, 71, 208-210.
Mitchell, Robert L. (1980). Reino Virtanen, L'Imagerie scientifique de Paul Valéry (Book Review). Romanic Review, 71, 209-211.
Roudiez, Lé|on S. (1980). Adelheid Mü|ller-Lissner, Sartre als Biograph Flauberts/Zu Zielen und Methoden von 'L'Idiot de la famille' (Book Review). Romanic Review, 71, 210-213.
Vitz, Evelyn Birge. (1980). Desire and Causality in Medieval Narrative. Romanic Review, 71, 213-243.
Sturges, Robert S. (1980). Texts and Readers in Marie de France's Lais. Romanic Review, 71, 244-264.
Jordan, Constance. (1980). Montaigne's Chasse de Cognoissance: Language and Play in the Essais. Romanic Review, 71, 265-280.
Guy, Basil. (1980). Rousseau Improv'd: The Prince de Ligne's Fragments de l'histoire de ma vie. Romanic Review, 71, 281-294.
Mercié|, Jean-Luc H. (1980). Madame Bovary: Lecture d'un fragment de la noce. Romanic Review, 71, 295-306.
York, R. A. (1980). Bonnefoy and Mallarmé: Aspects of Intertextuality. Romanic Review, 71, 307-318.
Plottel, Jeanine Parisier. (1980). The Mathematics of Surrealism. Romanic Review, 71, 319-329.
Felman, Shoshana. (1980). Les Signes de la Séduction. Romanic Review, 71, 330-335.
McCarthy, Marianne B. (1980). Antoine de Montchrestien, La Reine d'Escosse (Book Review). Romanic Review, 71, 336-337.
McCarthy, Marianne B. (1980). Antoine de Montchrestien, Tristan L'Hermite. Le Théâtre complet de Tristan L'Hermite (Book Review). Romanic Review, 71, 337-339.
Kerr, Cynthia B. (1980). Angela S.-M. Goulet, L'Univers théâtral de Corneille: paradoxe et subtilité héroïques (Book Review). Romanic Review, 71, 338-340.
de Dobay-Rifelj, Carol. (1980). Pierre Rétat, ed. Les Paradoxes du romancier: les Egarements de Crébillon (Book Review). Romanic Review, 71, 339-341.
Sareil, Jean. (1980). Jacques Marx, Charles Bonnet contre les Lumières, 1738-1850 (Book Review). Romanic Review, 71, 340-341.
Roudiez, Lé|on S. (1980). Joachim Leeker, Die Perspektive der Wirklichkeitsflucht in Romanwerk von André Malraux (Book Review). Romanic Review, 71, 341-342.
Ferreri, Denise Valtz. (1980). L. Jenaro-MacLennan, The Trecento Commentaries on the 'Divina Commedia' and the Epistle to Cangrande (Book Review). Romanic Review, 71, 341-343.
Kennedy, William J. (1980). Mia Cocco, La Tradizione cortese ed il Petrarchismo nella poesia di Clément Marot (Book Review). Romanic Review, 71, 342-344.
Lydgate, Barry. (1980). Printing, Narrative and the Genesis of the Rabelaisian Novel. Romanic Review, 71, 345-373.
Mehlman, Jeffrey. (1980). Mallarmé/Maxwell: Elements. Romanic Review, 71, 374-380.
Thomas, Jean-Jacques. (1980). 'L'Enserrement Vif' de Guillaume Apollinaire. Romanic Review, 71, 381-393.
Gaudin, Colette. (1980). Tours et détours négatifs dans La confession dédaigneuse de Breton. Romanic Review, 71, 394-412.
Ollier, Marie-Louise. (1980). Modernité de Chrétien de Troyes. Romanic Review, 71, 413-444.
Gans, Eric. (1980). Aragon, Raymonde Debray-Genette, Claudine Quémar, Jean Bellemin-Noël, Bernard Brun, Henri Mitterand, Essais de critique génétique (Book Review). Romanic Review, 71, 445-448.
Scully, Terence. (1980). Marguerite Rossi, Huon de Bordeaux et l'évolution du genre épique au XIIIe siècle (Book Review). Romanic Review, 71, 447-450.
Stewart, Philip. (1980). Francine Levy, 'Le Mariage de Figaro': essai d'interprétation (Book Review). Romanic Review, 71, 449-451.
Grimaud, Michel. (1980). Jean-Pierre Richard, Microlectures (Book Review). Romanic Review, 71, 450-454.
Boyman, Anne. (1980). Mary Ann Caws, The Presence of René Char (Book Review). Romanic Review, 71, 453-456.
Boulware-Miller, Kay. (1980). Oreste Macri, La obra poética de Jorge Guillén (Book Review). Romanic Review, 71, 455-458.
Bibliography by Andrew Branch & Jonathan Eskew