Romanic Review volume 72 (1981)
Brightenback, Kristine. (1981). The Metamorphoses and Narrative conjointure Deus Amanz, Yonec, and Le Laüstic. Romanic Review, 72, 1-12.
Joseph, George. (1981). Rhetoric, Intertextuality, and Genre in Marot's Elégies Déploratives. Romanic Review, 72, 13-25.
Booker, John T. (1981). Retrospective Movement in the Stendhalian Narration. Romanic Review, 72, 26-38.
Truhn, J. Patrick. (1981). The Wave of Wine: Revolution and Revelation in Apollinaire's Vendémaire. Romanic Review, 72, 39-55.
Bé|har, Henri. (1981). La réécriture comme poétique - ou le même et l'autre. Romanic Review, 72, 56-65.
Pé|rez-Firmat, Gustavo. (1981). Locura y muerte de Nadie: Two Novels by Jarnés. Romanic Review, 72, 66-78.
Kirkham, Victoria. (1981). Love's Labors Rewarded and Paradise Lost. Romanic Review, 72, 79-93.
Roudiez, Léon S. (1981). On Several Approaches to Céline. Romanic Review, 72, 94-104.
Kittay, Jeffrey S. (1981). Jean Larmat, Le Moyen âge dans le Gargantua de Rabelais (Book Review). Romanic Review, 72, 105-107.
Knutson, Harold C. (1981). Han Verhoeff, Les Comédies de Corneille: une psycholecture (Book Review). Romanic Review, 72, 106-109.
Judovitz, Dalia. (1981). Milorad Margitic, Essai sur la mythologie du Cid (Book Review). Romanic Review, 72, 108-111.
Fellows, Otis E. (1981). Frederick A. Spear, Bibliographie de Diderot: répertoire analytique international (Book Review). Romanic Review, 72, 110-111.
May, Gita. (1981). Jean T. de Booy, ed., Denis Diderot: Ecrits inconnus de jeunesse, 1745, Haydn Mason, ed., Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century (178) (Book Review). Romanic Review, 72, 111-113.
Showalter, English, Jr. (1981). Nancy K. Miller, The Heroine's Text: Readings in the French and English Novel 1722-1782 (Book Review). Romanic Review, 72, 112-115.
Breunig, Leroy C. (1981). Robert L. Mitchell, The Poetic Voice of Charles Cros: a Centennial Study of his Songs (Book Review). Romanic Review, 72, 114-117.
Nash, Suzanne. (1981). Jean-Bertrand Barrère, Le Regard d'Orphée ou l'échange poétique: Hugo, Baudelaire, Rimbaud, Apollinaire (Book Review). Romanic Review, 72, 116-119.
Miller, Nancy K. (1981). Janet Todd, Women's Friendship in Literature (Book Review). Romanic Review, 72, 118-122.
Suleiman, Susan Rubin. (1981). David L. Schalk, The Spectrum of Political Engagement. Mounier, Benda, Nizan, Brasillach, Sartre (Book Review). Romanic Review, 72, 121-124.
Hult, David F. (1981). The Allegorical Fountain: Narcissus in the Roman de la Rose. Romanic Review, 72, 125-148.
Henein, Eglai. (1981). Hercule ou le pessimisme. Analyse de 'Ingénu. Romanic Review, 72, 149-165.
Bohn, Willard. (1981). Metaphor and Metonymy in Apollinaire's Calligrams. Romanic Review, 72, 166-181.
Fischler, Alexander. (1981). The Sotie as a Field of White: A Re-reading of Gide's Les Caves du Vatican. Romanic Review, 72, 182-203.
Morot-Sir, Edouard. (1981). L'Art des pronoms et le nommé dans l'oeuvre de Nathalie Sarraute. Romanic Review, 72, 204-214.
Bermann, Sandra L. (1981). Rhetoric and Consciousness in the Petrarchan Sonnet. Romanic Review, 72, 215-225.
Amossy, Ruth. (1981). (Re)lectures. Romanic Review, 72, 226-242.
Scully, Terence. (1981). Francois Suard, Guillaume d'Orange. Etude du roman en prose (Book Review). Romanic Review, 72, 243-245.
Seaton, Beverly. (1981). Laurence M. Porter, The Renaissance of the Lyric in French Romanticism: Elegy, Poëme and Ode (Book Review). Romanic Review, 72, 244-246.
May, Gita. (1981). R. A. Leigh, ed., Correspondance complète de Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Tomes XXVI-XXXVI (Book Review). Romanic Review, 72, 246-248.
Breunig, Leroy C. (1981). Lydia Crowson, The Esthetic of Jean Cocteau (Book Review). Romanic Review, 72, 247-249.
Breunig, Leroy C. (1981). Marie-Laure Ryan, Rituel et poésie: une lecture de Saint-John Perse (Book Review). Romanic Review, 72, 248-251.
Trovato, Mario. (1981). Olga Ragusa, Narrative and Drama, Essays in Modern Italian Literature from Verga to Pasolini (Book Review). Romanic Review, 72, 250-253.
Barnard, Mary E. (1981). The Grotesque and the Courtly in Garcilaso's Apollo and Daphne. Romanic Review, 72, 253-273.
Reed, Arden. (1981). Baudelaire's 'La Pipe': De la vaporisation du 'Moi' Romanic Review, 72, 274-284.
Gans, Eric. (1981). La Femme en X: Mallarmé anthropologue. Romanic Review, 72, 285-303.
Chatelain, Daniè|le. (1981). Récit itératif et concrétisation. Romanic Review, 72, 304-316.
Livingston, Beverly. (1981). Fiction by and under Interrogation: Pinget's L'Inquisitoire. Romanic Review, 72, 317-332.
Hofstadter, Marc. (1981). From Alienation to Incarnation: Yves Bonnefoy's Hier régnant désert. Romanic Review, 72, 333-348.
García-Sarriá, Francisco. (1981). ¿Lenguaje surrealista? Romanic Review, 72, 349-356.
Haac, Oscar A. (1981). Robert Challe, Journal d'un voyage aux Indes., Sister Lois Ann Russell, Robert Challe: A Utopian View of the Early Enlightenment (Book Review). Romanic Review, 72, 357-360.
Laborde, Alice M. (1981). Ronald C. Rosbottom, Choderlos de Laclos (Book Review). Romanic Review, 72, 359-361.
Henry, Patrick. (1981). Ralph Arthur Nablow, A Study of Voltaire's Lighter Verse (Book Review). Romanic Review, 72, 360-362.
Haase, Donald P. (1981). Teresa Cortey, Le Rêve dans les contes de Charles Nodier (Book Review). Romanic Review, 72, 361-363.
Avni, Ora. (1981). Claire Gilbert, Nerval's Double: A Structural Study (Book Review). Romanic Review, 72, 362-364.
Tinter, Sylvie. (1981). Shoshana Felman, La Folie et la chose littéraire (Book Review). Romanic Review, 72, 363-367.
Schenck, Mary Jane Stearns. (1981). Narrative Structure in the Exemplum, Fabliau, and the Nouvelle. Romanic Review, 72, 367-382.
Lyons, John D. (1981). Narrative, Interpretation and Paradox: La Princesse de Clèves. Romanic Review, 72, 383-400.
Woshinsky, Barbara. (1981). The Discourse of Disbelief in Molière's Dom Juan. Romanic Review, 72, 401-408.
Conroy, Peter V., Jr. (1981). Real Fiction: Authenticity in the French Epistolary Novel. Romanic Review, 72, 409-424.
Borowitz, Helen O. (1981). Balzac's Unknown Masters. Romanic Review, 72, 425-441.
Joseph, Jean R. (1981). A la recherche de l'unité perdue: Idéologie et thématique dans le Curé de Village d'Honoré de Balzac. Romanic Review, 72, 442-459.
Rashkin, Esther. (1981). Truth's Turn: Rereading the Fantastic in Villiers' Véra. Romanic Review, 72, 460-471.
Cohn, Robert Greer. (1981). New Approaches to Hérodiade. Romanic Review, 72, 472-481.
Redfern, Walter D. (1981). Ponge Enacting the Goat: La Chèvre. Romanic Review, 72, 482-488.
Kreiter, Janine Anseaume. (1981). Perception et réflexion dans La Route des Flandres: Signes et sémantique. Romanic Review, 72, 489-494.
Beckerman, Bernard. (1981). Les Voies de la création théâtrale, vol. VIII (Book Review). Romanic Review, 72, 495-497.
Sturges, Robert S. (1981). Madeleine Pelner Cosman and Bruce Chandler, ed., Machaut's World: Science and Art in the Fourteenth Century (Book Review). Romanic Review, 72, 496-499.
Garaud, Christian. (1981). Gérard Defaux, Molière ou les métamorphoses du comique: de la comédie morale au triomphe de la folie (Book Review). Romanic Review, 72, 498-500.
Baumann, Sally. (1981). Jean Lafond, La Rochefoucauld, Augustinisme et littérature (Book Review). Romanic Review, 72, 500-502.
Rosbottom, Ronald C. (1981). Jean-Jacques Rousseau Quatre études de Jean Starobinski, Jean-Louis Lecercle, Henri Coulet, Marc Eigeldinger (Book Review). Romanic Review, 72, 501-505.
Roudiez, Léon S. (1981). Ronald Aronson, Jean-Paul Sartre-Philosophy in the World, Jeanette Colombel, Sartre ou le parti de vivre (Book Review). Romanic Review, 72, 504-507.
Bibliography by Andrew Branch & Jonathan Eskew