Romanic Review volume 74 (1983)
Haidu, Peter. (1983). The Hermit's Pottage: Deconstruction and History in Yvain. Romanic Review, 74, 1-15.
Nablow, Ralph Arthur. (1983). Some Reflections on Voltaire's Poetic Imagery. Romanic Review, 74, 16-33.
De Jean, Joan. (1983). Les 120 Journées de Sodome: Disciplining the Body of Narrative. Romanic Review, 74, 34-45.
Blumenfeld-Kosinski, Renate. (1983). La Structure Dynamique de La Tentation de St. Antoine de Flaubert: Une Mé|moire Féconde. Romanic Review, 74, 46-53.
Nykrog, Per. (1983). Ça ne veut pas rien dire. Sur la lettre de Rimbaud à Izambard, 13 mai 1871. Romanic Review, 74, 54-66.
Besnard-Coursodon, Micheline. (1983). Enfantaisie Littérale: Les Gens de Lettres de Charles Cros. Romanic Review, 74, 67-71.
Reichler, Claude. (1983). Le Maître Désorienté. Romanic Review, 74, 72-76.
Gallop, Jane. (1983). Quand nos lèvres s'écrivent: Irigaray's Body Politic. Romanic Review, 74, 77-83.
Horowitz, Louise K. (1983). (Me)mor(i)alistes. Romanic Review, 74, 84-90.
Plottel, Jeanine Parisier. (1983). The Battle of Charles Baudelaire's 'Les Chats'. Romanic Review, 74, 91-103.
Jackson, W. T. H. (1983). Georges Guntert, Marc-René Jung, Kurt Ringger, ed., Orbis mediaevalis. Mélanges de langue et de littérature médiévale offerts à Reto Radulf Bessola (Book Review). Romanic Review, 74, 104-106.
McKinley, Mary B. (1983). Robert D. Cottrell, Sexuality/Textuality: A Study of the Fabric of Montaigne's Essais (Book Review). Romanic Review, 74, 105-108.
Sareil, Jean. (1983). Emile Lize, Voltaire, Grimm et la Correspondance littéraire, Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century (Book Review). Romanic Review, 74, 107-109.
Cohn, Robert Greer. (1983). Austin Gill, The Early Mallarmé (Book Review). Romanic Review, 74, 108-110.
Muller, Marcel. (1983). J.E. Rivers, Proust and the Art of Love: the Aesthetics of Sexuality in the Life, Times and Art of Marcel Proust (Book Review). Romanic Review, 74, 109-112.
Lustig, Bette H. (1983). Malcolm Scott, Mauriac: The Politics of a Novelist (Book Review). Romanic Review, 74, 111-115.
Ritchie, Adrian C. (1983). Paul D'Hollander, Colette, ses apprentissages (Book Review). Romanic Review, 74, 114-117.
Issacharoff, Michael. (1983). Gerard Durozoi, Artaud, l'aliénation et la folie (Book Review). Romanic Review, 74, 116-118.
Lipski, John M. (1983). Salvador Jiménez-Fajardo, Claude Simon (Book Review). Romanic Review, 74, 117-119.
Rizzuto, Anthony. (1983). Raymond, Gay-Croiser, ed., Albert Camus 1980, Second International Conference (Book Review). Romanic Review, 74, 118-120.
Brody, Jules. (1983). Les Oreilles de Montaigne. Romanic Review, 74, 121-135.
Evans, Peter. (1983). Peribáñez and Ways of Looking at Golden Age Dramatic Characters. Romanic Review, 74, 136-151.
Randel, Mary Gaylord. (1983). Ending and Meaning in Cervantes' Persiles y Sigismunda. Romanic Review, 74, 152-169.
Laden, Marie-Paule. (1983). The Pitfalls of Success: Jacob's Evolution in Marivaux's Le Paysan Parvenu. Romanic Review, 74, 170-182.
Abetti, Frank. (1983). La honteuse nécessité de devenir finesse: The Pathos of Style in La Vie de Marianne. Romanic Review, 74, 183-201.
Selvin, Susan Cauley. (1983). Spatial Form in Flaubert's Trois Contes. Romanic Review, 74, 202-220.
Lindsay, Cecile. (1983). Le Degré Zéro de la Fiction: La Science du Nouveau Roman. Romanic Review, 74, 221-232.
Farrell, C. Frederick and Edith R. Farrell. (1983). Title as Image: Marguerite Yourcenar's 'Le Chef rouge'/'La Veuve Aphrodissia'. Romanic Review, 74, 233-244.
Stewart, Philip. (1983). Oxford| the Voltaire Foundation, Transactions of the Fifth International Congress on the Enlightenment (Book Review). Romanic Review, 74, 245-248.
Welch, Marcelle Maistre. (1983). Jane Tucker Mitchell, A Thematic Analysis of Mme. d'Aulnoy's Contes de fées (Book Review). Romanic Review, 74, 247-249.
Redman, Harry, Jr. (1983). Benjamin F. Bart and Robert Francis Cook, The Legendary Sources of Flaubert's Saint Julien (Book Review). Romanic Review, 74, 248-252.
Zepp, Evelyn H. (1983). Anthony Rizzuto, Camus' Imperial Vision (Book Review). Romanic Review, 74, 251-253.
De Looze, Laurence N. (1983). Chivalry Qualified: the Character of Gauvain in Chrétien de Troyes' Le Chevalier de la Charrette. Romanic Review, 74, 253-259.
Akehurst, F. Ronald P. (1983). Abashed and Impotent: Conon de Bethune's Si Voirement Con ... Romanic Review, 74, 260-270.
Greenberg, Mitchell. (1983). Horace, Classicism and Female Trouble. Romanic Review, 74, 271-292.
Schehr, Lawrence R. (1983). Le Dialogue en contre-pied: sur La Recherche de la Vérité de Descartes. Romanic Review, 74, 293-305.
Todorov, Tzvetan. (1983). Reflexions sur les Lettres Persanes. Romanic Review, 74, 306-315.
Thielemann, Leland. (1983). The Thousand Lights and Intertextual Rhapsody: Diderot or Mme. Dupin? Romanic Review, 74, 316-329.
Bernheimer, Charles. (1983). Female Sexuality and Narrative Closure: Barbey's La Vengeance d'une femme and A un dîner d'athées. Romanic Review, 74, 330-341.
Hanney, Roxanne. (1983). Proust and Negative Plates Photography and the Photographic Process in A la Recherche du temps perdu. Romanic Review, 74, 342-354.
Franklin, Ursula. (1983). Valéry's Broken Angel. Romanic Review, 74, 355-373.
Henry, Patrick. (1983). Mary E. Ragland, Rabelais and Panurge (Book Review). Romanic Review, 74, 374-376.
Zoberman, Pierre. (1983). Peter Bayley, French Pulpit Oratory, 1598-1650 (Book Review). Romanic Review, 74, 375-377.
Woshinsky, Barbara. (1983). C.J. Gossip, An Introduction to French Classical Tragedy (Book Review). Romanic Review, 74, 376-378.
Stary, Sonja G. (1983). Nelly Furman, La Revue des Deux Mondes et le romantisme (Book Review). Romanic Review, 74, 377-379.
Stivale, Charles J. (1983). F.W.J. Hemmings, Baudelaire the Damned (Book Review). Romanic Review, 74, 378-380.
Roudiez, Léon S. (1983). Brian T. Fitch, Monde à l'envers/texte réversible: la fiction de Georges Bataille (Book Review). Romanic Review, 74, 380-381.
Ungar, Steven. (1983). Alain D. Ranwez, Jean-Paul Sartre's Les Temps Modernes: A Literary History, 1945-52 (Book Review). Romanic Review, 74, 381-383.
Vitz, Evelyn Birge. (1983). The Lais of Marie de France: Narrative Grammar and the Literary Text. Romanic Review, 74, 383-404.
Berke, Bradley. (1983). Social Marginality and the Urban Theater. Romanic Review, 74, 405-412.
Georges, André. (1983). La Pensée Politique de Cinna. Romanic Review, 74, 413-424.
Weinreb, Ruth Plaut. (1983). In Defense of Don Juan: Deceit and Hypocrisy in Tirso de Molina, Molière, Mozart and G.B. Shaw. Romanic Review, 74, 425-440.
Greenberg, Wendy. (1983). Extended Metaphor in On loge à la nuit. Romanic Review, 74, 441-454.
Bishop, Lloyd. (1983). Musset's First Sonnet: A Semiotic Analysis. Romanic Review, 74, 455-460.
Edson, Laurie. (1983). Rimbaud's Une Saison en Enfer and Matisse's La Danse. Romanic Review, 74, 461-474.
Thomas, Jean-Jacques. (1983). Antonin Artaud: à corps et à écrits. Romanic Review, 74, 475-484.
Hewitt, Leah D. (1983). Events in Life and Writing: The Autobiographical Act of Michel Leiris. Romanic Review, 74, 485-493.
Frame, Donald M. (1983). Of Montaigne's Ears, of the Tyranny and Terrorism of his Text, and of Mimetophobia: A Reply to Jules Brody. Romanic Review, 74, 494-495.
Chilton, Paul A. (1983). Wolfgang Boerner, Das Cymbalum Mundi des Bonaventure Des Pèriers. Eine Satire auf die Redepraxis im Zeitalter der Glaubensspaltung (Book Review). Romanic Review, 74, 496-498.
Vartanian, Aram. (1983). Ann Thomson, Materialism and Society in the Mid-Eighteenth Century: La Mettrie's Discours Préliminaire (Book Review). Romanic Review, 74, 497-500.
Mullady, Eileen. (1983). Kurt Ringger, L'Ame et la Page: Trois Essais sur Stendhal (Book Review). Romanic Review, 74, 499-501.
Metzidakis, Stamos. (1983). James R. Lawler, René Char, The Myth and The Poem (Book Review). Romanic Review, 74, 500-502.
Nykrog, Per. (1983). Henri Mitterand, Le Discours du Roman (Book Review). Romanic Review, 74, 501-503.
Reichler, Claude. (1983). Annette Lavers, Roland Barthes, Structuralism and After (Book Review). Romanic Review, 74, 502-505.
Shaw, Mary Lewis. (1983). Betsy Erkkila, Walt Whitman among the French: Poet and Myth (Book Review). Romanic Review, 74, 505-507.
Bibliography by Andrew Branch & Jonathan Eskew