Romanic Review volume 75 (1984)
Sareil, Jean. (1984). La Démolition comique de l'idéologie. Romanic Review, 75, 1-9.
Rigolot, François. (1984). Signature et signification: Les baisers de Louise Labé. Romanic Review, 75, 10-24.
Kritzman, Lawrence D. (1984). Rabelais in Papimania: Power and the Rule of Law. Romanic Review, 75, 25-34.
Raser, Timothy. (1984). Reference and Allegory in Romantic Description. Romanic Review, 75, 35-50.
Hannoosh, Michèle. (1984). Laforgue's Salomé and the Poetics of Parody. Romanic Review, 75, 51-69.
Cohn, Robert Greer. (1984). Earthy Mallarmé. Romanic Review, 75, 70-80.
Baetens, Jan. (1984). Le Métalinguistique dans le texte. (A propos des romans de R. Pinget). Romanic Review, 75, 81-100.
Mosher, Harold F., Jr. (1984). Philippe Hamon, Introduction à l'Analyse du Descriptif (Book Review). Romanic Review, 75, 101-105.
Beugnot, Bernard. (1984). Peter Bayley and Dorothy Gabe Coleman, eds., The Equilibrium of Wit. Essays for Odette de Mourgues (Book Review). Romanic Review, 75, 104-107.
Beugnot, Bernard. (1984). René Godenne, Les Romans de Mlle de Scudéry (Book Review). Romanic Review, 75, 107-109.
Meyer, Paul H. (1984). Wido Hempel, ed., Französische Literatur im Zeitalter der Aufklärung. Gedächtnisschrift für Fritz Schalk (Book Review). Romanic Review, 75, 108-111.
Vartanian, Aram. (1984). Corrado Rosso, Mythe de l'Égalité et Rayonnement des Lumières (Book Review). Romanic Review, 75, 110-113.
Blum, Carol. (1984). Frederick M. Keener, The Chain of Becoming: the Philosophical Tale, the Novel, and a Neglected Realism of the Enlightenment: Swift, Montesquieu, Voltaire, Johnson, and Austen (Book Review). Romanic Review, 75, 112-114.
Greenberg, Wendy. (1984). Hélène Cassou-Yager, La Polyvalence du Thème de la Mort dans Les Fleurs du Mal de Baudelaire (Book Review). Romanic Review, 75, 113-116.
Heck, Francis S. (1984). Robert L. Mitchell, Corbière, Mallarmé, Valéry: Preservations and Commentary (Book Review). Romanic Review, 75, 115-117.
Apter, Emily S. (1984). Christine Angelet, Symbolisme et Invention Formelle dans les Premiers Ecrits d'André Gide (Book Review). Romanic Review, 75, 116-119.
Avni, Ora. (1984). Dico Vobis: Préface, pacte, pari. Romanic Review, 75, 119-130.
Ghil, Eliza Miruna. (1984). Ideological Models and Poetic Modes in The Song of the Albigensian Crusade. Romanic Review, 75, 131-146.
Guthrie, Jeri S. (1984). The Je(u) in Le Bel Inconnu: Auto-Referentiality and Pseudo-Autobiography. Romanic Review, 75, 147-161.
Chiampi, James T. (1984). Consequentia Rerum: Dante's Pier della Vigna and the Vine of Israel. Romanic Review, 75, 162-175.
Wood, Hadley. (1984). The Language of Love in Jean Rotrou's Comedies. Romanic Review, 75, 176-188.
Rojtam, Betty. (1984). La Logique du détour dans Les Serments indiscrets de Marivaux. Romanic Review, 75, 189-199.
Clark, Priscilla P. (1984). The Metamorphosis of Mentor: Fénelon to Balzac. Romanic Review, 75, 200-215.
Brody, Jules. (1984). Let There Be Night: Intertextuality in a Poem of Victor Hugo. Romanic Review, 75, 216-229.
Allgren, Joseph and Dean McWilliam. (1984). The Structure of Michel Butor's Courrier des Antipodes. Romanic Review, 75, 230-241.
Roudiez, Léon S. (1984). Un Texte perturbé: Matière de rêves de Michel Butor. Romanic Review, 75, 242-255.
Breunig, Leroy C. (1984). For a Poetic of the Pseudonym. Romanic Review, 75, 256-262.
Cardonne-Arlyck, Elisabeth. (1984). Ruth Amossy et Elisheva Rosen, Les Discours du cliché (Book Review). Romanic Review, 75, 263-265.
Zoberman, Pierre. (1984). Louis Van Delft, Le Moraliste classique. Essai de définition et de typologie (Book Review). Romanic Review, 75, 264-267.
Franklin, Ursula. (1984). Marshall C. Olds, Desire seeking Expression: Mallarmé's 'Prose puor des Esseintes' (Book Review). Romanic Review, 75, 266-269.
Apter, Emily S. (1984). Brian Thompson and Carl A. Viggiani, eds., Witnessing André Malraux. Visions and Re-Visions (Book Review). Romanic Review, 75, 268-271.
Wylie, Hal. (1984). A. James Arnold, Modernism and Negritude: The Poetry and Poetics of Aimé Césaire (Book Review). Romanic Review, 75, 270-273.
Cooper, Linda. (1984). Irony as Courtly Poetic Truth in La Châtelaine de Vergy. Romanic Review, 75, 273-282.
Stewart, Joan Hinde. (1984). Allegories of Difference: An Eighteenth-Century Polemic. Romanic Review, 75, 283-293.
Paulson, William R. (1984). La Démarche balzacienne ou Le Livre sur Rien. Romanic Review, 75, 294-301.
Godfrey, Sima. (1984). Mummy Dearest: Cryptic Codes in Gautier's Pied de Momie. Romanic Review, 75, 302-311.
Kessler, Joan C. (1984). Art, Criminality and the Avorton: The Sinister Vision of Hugo's L'Homme qui rit. Romanic Review, 75, 312-334.
Bernard, Claudie. (1984). Le Supplément contractuel: Lecture de Quatrevingt-treize de Victor Hugo. Romanic Review, 75, 335-355.
Mann, C. G. H. (1984). Aubépines et arrosoirs: les fleurs et l'eau dans A La Recherche du temps perdu. Romanic Review, 75, 356-365.
Nichols, Geraldine Cleary. (1984). The Prison-House (and Beyond): El mismo mar de todos los veranos. Romanic Review, 75, 366-385.
Rigolot, François. (1984). Barbara C. Bowen, Words and the Man in French Renaissance Literature (Book Review). Romanic Review, 75, 386-387.
Meyer, Paul H. (1984). Otis Fellows and Diana Guiragossian Carr, eds., Diderot Studies XXI (Book Review). Romanic Review, 75, 386-389.
Ritchie, Adrian C. (1984). Etienne Hoffmann, ed., Benjamin Constant, Madame de Staël et le Groupe de Coppet: Actes du Deuxième Congrès de Lausanne, et du Troisième Colloque de Coppet, 15-19 juillet 1980 (Book Review). Romanic Review, 75, 388-392.
Muller, Marcel. (1984). Margaret Mein, Thèmes proustiens (Book Review). Romanic Review, 75, 391-394.
Rogers, Peter. (1984). Pascal Alain Ifri, Proust et son narrataire dans A la Recherche du temps perdu (Book Review). Romanic Review, 75, 393-396.
Winspur, Steven. (1984). "Christine M. Crow, ""Paul Valé|ry and the Poetry of Voice"" (Book Review)". Romanic Review, 75, 395-397.
LaFontaine, Cécile. (1984). Pia Birgander, Boris Vian romancier, Étude des techniques narratives (Book Review). Romanic Review, 75, 396-399.
Jordan, Constance. (1984). The Ending of Pulci's Morgante: The Poet as Vergil's Gallus. Romanic Review, 75, 399-413.
Kreiter, Janine Anseaume. (1984). Le Jeu signifiant des structures de Zaïde. Romanic Review, 75, 414-423.
Stone, Harriet. (1984). The Tragic Implication of Andromaque's Sacrifice. Romanic Review, 75, 424-431.
Brogyanyi, Gabriel J. (1984). Diderot's Est-il bon? Est-il méchant? Drama as Embodied Semiosis. Romanic Review, 75, 432-442.
Amprimoz, Alexandre L. (1984). Adolphe de Benjamin Constant: un roman engendré par son axe thermique. Romanic Review, 75, 443-452.
Raphael, Louis Nicholas. (1984). Semiotics, Nihilism, Mimesis: Baudelaire's Un Plaisant. Romanic Review, 75, 453-468.
Haig, Stirling. (1984). Madame Arnoux's Coffret: a Monumental Case. Romanic Review, 75, 469-482.
Boon, Jean-Pierre. (1984). Point de vue et temporalité dans Combray. Romanic Review, 75, 483-492.
Joseph, Jean R. (1984). Marcel Proust, ou les métamorphoses du portrait. Romanic Review, 75, 493-503.
Franko, Mark. (1984). Margaret McGowan, ed., Le Balet comique by Balthazar de Beaujoyeulx (Book Review). Romanic Review, 75, 504-507.
Rigolot, François. (1984). Jean-Claude Muhlethaler, Poétiques du quinzième siècle. Situation de François Villon et Michault Taillevent (Book Review). Romanic Review, 75, 506-508.
Kreiter, Janine Anseaume. (1984). G.J. Mallinson, The Comedies of Corneille, Experiments in the Comic (Book Review). Romanic Review, 75, 507-510.
Reck, Rima Drell. (1984). Albert Sonnenfeld, Crossroads: Essays on the Catholic Novelists (Book Review). Romanic Review, 75, 509-515.
Little, Marie-Noëlle. (1984). Ruth Holzberg, L'Oeil du serpent, dialectique du silence dans l'oeuvre de J.M.G. Le Clézio (Book Review). Romanic Review, 75, 514-517.
Watson, Nadine. (1984). Mary Ann Caws and Hermine Riffaterre, eds., The Prose Poem in France, Theory and Practice (Book Review). Romanic Review, 75, 516-518.
Bibliography by Andrew Branch & Jonathan Eskew