Department of French and Romance Philology  








Romanic Review volume 76 (1985)

Albanese, Ralph, Jr. (1985). Nomination et identité dans Rodogune. Romanic Review, 76, 1-11.

Muratore, M. J. (1985). Theater as Theater: The Language of Cornelian Illusion. Romanic Review, 76, 12-23.

Vartanian, Aram. (1985). The Preamble to Diderot's Pensées sur l'interprétation de la nature: A Decoding. Romanic Review, 76, 24-35.

Aynesworth, Donald. (1985). The Making and the Unmaking of History in Les Chouans. Romanic Review, 76, 36-54.

Toumayan, Alain. (1985). Différence et communication chez Antonin Artaud. Romanic Review, 76, 55-64.

Corn, Tony. (1985). La Négativité sans emploi (Derrida, Bataille, Hegel). Romanic Review, 76, 65-75.

Sonnenfeld, Albert. (1985). The Poetics of Anti-Semitism. Romanic Review, 76, 76-93.

Spraycar, Rudy S. (1985). Genre and Convention in Aucassin et Nicolette. Romanic Review, 76, 94-115.

Defaux, Gérard. (1985). Rigolot, François, Le Texte de la Renaissance, des Rhétoriqueurs à Montaigne (Book Review). Romanic Review, 76, 116-119.

Langer, Ullrich G. (1985). Michel Dassonville, Ronsard: Etude historique et littéraire, IV: Grandeurs et servitudes (Book Review). Romanic Review, 76, 118-120.

Zoberman, Pierre. (1985). Mitchell Greenberg, Detours of Desire. Readings in the French Baroque (Book Review). Romanic Review, 76, 119-121.

Fleming, Bruce. (1985). Naomi Schor and Henry F. Majewski, eds., Flaubert and Postmodernism (Book Review). Romanic Review, 76, 120-126.

De Looze, Laurence N. (1985). A Story of Interpretations: The Queste del Saint Graal as Metaliterature. Romanic Review, 76, 129-147.

Koch, Philip. (1985). Horace: Réponse cornélienne à la Querelle du Cid. Romanic Review, 76, 148-161.

Vallois, Marie-Claire. (1985). Politique du paradoxe: tableau de moeurs/tableau familial dans La Religieuse de Diderot. Romanic Review, 76, 162-171.

Fort, Bernadette. (1985). Manon's Suppressed Voice: The Uses of Reported Speech. Romanic Review, 76, 172-191.

Winspur, Steven. (1985). Lautréamont and the Question of the Intertext. Romanic Review, 76, 192-201.

Maddox, Donald. (1985). Antonin Artaud and a Semiotics of Theater. Romanic Review, 76, 202-215.

Fourny, Diane R. (1985). Charles Bernet, Le Vocabulaire des tragédies de Jean Racine. Analyse statistique (Book Review). Romanic Review, 76, 216-218.

Bishop, Lloyd. (1985). Jean-Bertrand Barrère, Victor Hugo: l'homme et l'oeuvre (Book Review). Romanic Review, 76, 217-219.

Schor, Naomi. (1985). Charles Berheimer, Flaubert and Kafka: Studies in Psychopoetic Structure (Book Review). Romanic Review, 76, 218-221.

Redman, Harry, Jr. (1985). Robert W. Artinian, Maupassant Criticism, a Centennial Bibliography 1880-1979 (Book Review). Romanic Review, 76, 220-223.

Rosasco, Joan Térésa. (1985). Diana Festa-McCormick, Proustian Optics of Clothes, Mirrors, Masks, Mores (Book Review). Romanic Review, 76, 222-224.

Muller, Marcel. (1985). Joan Térésa Rosasco, Voies de l'imagination proustienne (Book Review). Romanic Review, 76, 223-228.

Russo, Adelaide M. (1985). Marie-Claire Dumas, Robert Desnos ou l'exploration des limites (Book Review). Romanic Review, 76, 227-231.

Caws, Mary Ann. (1985). Jean-Claude Mathieu, La Poésie de René Char, ou Le Sel de la Splendeur (Book Review). Romanic Review, 76, 230-232.

Nouvet, Claire. (1985). Les Inter-dictions courtoises: Le Jeu des deux bouches. Romanic Review, 76, 233-250.

Humphries, Jefferson. (1985). The Rabelaisian Matrice. Romanic Review, 76, 251-270.

Mann, Jesse Thomas. (1985). Dom Japhet d'Arménie: Triumph of the Burlesque. Romanic Review, 76, 271-276.

Sareil, Jean. (1985). Les Quatre Premières Lettres Philosophiques ou les complications du jeu satirique. Romanic Review, 76, 277-286.

Lawler, James R. (1985). The Order of Tableaux parisiens. Romanic Review, 76, 287-306.

Petit, Susan. (1985). Gilles et Jeanne: Tournier's Le Roi des aulnes Revisited. Romanic Review, 76, 307-315.

Metzidakis, Stamos. (1985). Contra Deleuze: Towards a Singular Theory of Reading. Romanic Review, 76, 316-322.

Ancekewicz, Elaine. (1985). De la lettre au symbole: Aller-retour. Romanic Review, 76, 323-336.

Macary, Jean. (1985). Marie-Hélène Cotoni, L'Exégèse du Nouveau Testament dans la philosophie française dixhuitième siècle (Book Review). Romanic Review, 76, 337-339.

Gravdal, Kathryn. (1985). Donald Maddox, The Semiotics of Deceit: The Pathelin Era (Book Review). Romanic Review, 76, 338-340.

Roudiez, Léon S. (1985). Riannon Goldthorpe, Sartre: Literature and Theory (Book Review). Romanic Review, 76, 339-341.

Bloch, Howard R. (1985). Naturalism, Nationalism, Medievalism. Romanic Review, 76, 341-360.

Gravdal, Kathryn. (1985). Camouflaging Rape: The Rhetoric of Sexual Violence in the Medieval Pastourelle. Romanic Review, 76, 361-373.

Bruneau, Marie-Florine. (1985). Athalie, l'unique tragédie pure de Racine. Romanic Review, 76, 374-388.

Porter, Laurence M. (1985). The Disappearing Muse: Erasure of Inspiration in Mallarmé. Romanic Review, 76, 389-404.

Stillman, Linda Klieger. (1985). The Absent Structure of Farce: ça biche. Romanic Review, 76, 405-414.

Bohn, Willard. (1985). Semiosis and Intertextuality in Breton's Femme et oiseau. Romanic Review, 76, 415-428.

Cranmer, Jean. (1985). Escargots and Oysters on the Half Shell: Francis Ponge à la Carte. Romanic Review, 76, 429-443.

Gabriel, André. (1985). Joseph Marthan, Le Vieillard amoureux dans l'oeuvre cornélienne (Book Review). Romanic Review, 76, 444-446.

Hale, Jane Alison. (1985). Germain Poirier, Corneille et la vertu de prudence (Book Review). Romanic Review, 76, 445-450.

May, Gita. (1985). Joan DeJean, Rousseau, Laclos, Sade Joan DeJean, Literary Fortifications (Book Review). Romanic Review, 76, 449-451.

Jardine, Alice A. (1985). Verena Andermatt Conley, Hélène Cixous: Writing the Feminine (Book Review). Romanic Review, 76, 450-453.

Bibliography by Andrew Branch & Jonathan Eskew

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