Romanic Review volume 77 (1986)
Cooper, Kate. (1986). Merlin Romancier: Paternity, Prophecy and Poetics. Romanic Review, 77, 1-24.
Gutwirth, Marcel M. (1986). Don Juan et le tabou d'inceste. Romanic Review, 77, 25-32.
Coman, Colette. (1986). Le Monde inanimé dans Adolphe: Bons et mauvais objets. Romanic Review, 77, 33-41.
Rand, Nicholas. (1986). Texte passeur: Dialogies intra-textuelles dans La Légende de Saint Julien L'Hospitalier de Flaubert. Romanic Review, 77, 42-55.
Hilliard, Aouicha E. (1986). Le Rythme de Smarh: deux modes contrastés du voeu de désintégration chez Gustave Flaubert. Romanic Review, 77, 56-70.
Rabaté, Dominique. (1986). Le Bavard or the Drama of Speech. Romanic Review, 77, 71-86.
Kennedy, William J. (1986). Ronsard's Petrarchan Textuality. Romanic Review, 77, 87-103.
Hoffmann, Kathryn A. (1986). The Space of Difference in Racine's Bajazet. Romanic Review, 77, 104-115.
Fleming, John A. (1986). Representational A, B, C's: Cipher and Structure in Dominique. Romanic Review, 77, 116-124.
Cohn, Robert Greer. (1986). Rescuing a Sonnet of Verlaine: L'espoir luit ... Romanic Review, 77, 125-130.
Whiteside, Anna. (1986). Moi, toi, and Apollinaire. Romanic Review, 77, 131-140.
Mason, Barbara. (1986). Illustration in Michel Butor's Illustrations. Romanic Review, 77, 141-154.
Winspur, Steven. (1986). Yves Bonnefoy's Three Strikes Against the Sign. Romanic Review, 77, 155-166.
Phillippy, Patricia A. (1986). Establishing Authority: Boccaccio's De Claris Mulieribus and Christine de Pizan's Le Livre de la Cité des Dames. Romanic Review, 77, 167-194.
Runyon, Randolph. (1986). Trumpet Variations on an Original Air: Self-Referential Allusion in Montaigne's Apology. Romanic Review, 77, 195-208.
Winn, Colette H. (1986). La Dynamique appellative des femmes dans L'Heptaméron de Marguerite de Navarre. Romanic Review, 77, 209-218.
Gaines, James F. (1986). Tragic Moment and Dramatic Action in Garnier's Hippolyte. Romanic Review, 77, 219-232.
Hayes, Julie C. (1986). Retrospection and Contradiction in Diderot's La Religieuse. Romanic Review, 77, 233-242.
Lepage, Raymond. (1986). The Interrogative Sentence as a Sadian Narrative Device in the Service of Ars Erotica. Romanic Review, 77, 243-253.
McDonald, Christie V. (1986). Unsettling the Score: Poetry and Music. Romanic Review, 77, 254-263.
Apter, Emily S. (1986). Female Impersonations: Gender and Narrative Voice in Gide's L'Ecole des Femmes, Robert, and Geneviève. Romanic Review, 77, 264-278.
Virtanen, Reino. (1986). Paul Valéry and the Cartesian Cogito. Romanic Review, 77, 279-288.
Motte, Warren F., Jr. (1986). Literal Jabès. Romanic Review, 77, 289-306.
Vitz, Evelyn Birge. (1986). Rethinking Old French Literature: The Orality of the Octosyllabic Couplet. Romanic Review, 77, 307-321.
Losse, Deborah N. (1986). Rabelaisian Paradox: Where the Fantastic and the Carnivalesque Intersect. Romanic Review, 77, 322-329.
Galand, Rene M. (1986). Chateaubriand: Le Rocher de René. Romanic Review, 77, 330-342.
Young, Michael. (1986). Beginnings, Endings and Textual Identities in Balzac's Louis Lambert. Romanic Review, 77, 343-358.
Olmsted, William. (1986). The Palimpsest of Memory: Recollection and Intratextuality in Baudelaire Spleen II. Romanic Review, 77, 359-367.
Stary, Sonja G. (1986). The Ironic Pursuit of Freedom in Gide's Les Caves du Vatican. Romanic Review, 77, 368-375.
Waite, Alan. (1986). Sens et Absence dans Nadja. Romanic Review, 77, 376-390.
O'Neal, Mary Anne. (1986). Pierre Jean Jouve as Meditative Poet: An Analysis of La Vierge de Paris. Romanic Review, 77, 391-403.
Cruz, Anne J. (1986). La mitología como retórica poética: El mito implícito como metáfora en Garcilaso. Romanic Review, 77, 404-414.
Valis, Noel M. (1986). Benito Pérez Galdos' Miau and the Display of Dialectic. Romanic Review, 77, 415-427.
Bongie, Chris. (1986). Fathers and Sons the Self-revelations of Flaubert and Céline. Romanic Review, 77, 428-447.
Nash, Suzanne. (1986). Jean-Pierre Richard, Pages Paysages: Microlectures II (Book Review). Romanic Review, 77, 448-453.
Sturges, Robert S. (1986). E. Jane Burns, Arthurian Fictions: Rereading the Vulgate Cycle (Book Review). Romanic Review, 77, 452-456.
Kennedy, William J. (1986). Raymond C. La Charité Ed., A Critical Bibliography of French Literature: Volume II, Revised, The Sixteenth Century (Book Review). Romanic Review, 77, 455-458.
Nunn, Robert R. (1986). Marcel Tetel, Montaigne (Book Review). Romanic Review, 77, 457-459.
Stary, Sonja G. (1986). Bertrand Fillaudeau, L'Univers Ludique d'André Gide: Les Soties (Book Review). Romanic Review, 77, 458-461.
Bibliography by Andrew Branch & Jonathan Eskew