Romanic Review volume 78 (1987)
Sareil, Jean. (1987). La description négative. Romanic Review, 78, 2-9.
De Rocher, Gregory. (1987). The Curing Text: Maurice Scève's Delie as the Delie. Romanic Review, 78, 10-24.
Rothstein, Marian. (1987). The Problem of the Perfect Hero: Garnier's Hippolyte. Romanic Review, 78, 25-33.
Vuillemin, Jean-Claude. (1987). Nature et réception du spectacle tragique sur la scène française du XVIIème Siècle. Romanic Review, 78, 34-42.
Allentuch, Harriet Ray. (1987). Reading L'Illusion comique Psychologically. Romanic Review, 78, 43-56.
Bernard, Claudie. (1987). Rhétorique de la question dans Claude Gueux de Victor Hugo. Romanic Review, 78, 57-73.
Godfrey, Sima. (1987). Lending a Hand: Nerval, Gautier, Maupassant and the Fantastic. Romanic Review, 78, 74-83.
Steele, Meili. (1987). L'Éducation Sentimentale and the Bildungsroman: Reading Frédéric Moreau. Romanic Review, 78, 84-101.
Minahen, Charles D. (1987). Whirling toward the Void at Dead Center: Symbolic Turbulence in Mallarmé's Un coup de dés. Romanic Review, 78, 102-113.
Compagnon, Antoine. (1987). Fauré, Proust et l'unité retrouvée. Romanic Review, 78, 114-121.
Sommers, Paula. (1987). Henri Weber, A travers le XVIème siècle: dix études sur la poésie (Book Review). Romanic Review, 78, 122-124.
Russell, Daniel. (1987). William H. Huseman, La Personnalité| Litté|raire de Franç|ois de La Noue, 1531-1591"" (Book Review)". Romanic Review, 78, 124-126.
Fellows, Otis E. (1987). Vera Lee, Love and Strategy in the Eighteenth-Century French Novel (Book Review). Romanic Review, 78, 125-127.
Kadish, Doris Y. (1987). Wendy N. Greenberg, The Power of Rhetoric: Hugo's Metaphor and Poetics (Book Review). Romanic Review, 78, 126-128.
Marceau, William C. (1987). Jack Kolbert, The Worlds of André Maurois (Book Review). Romanic Review, 78, 127-129.
Sclippa, Norbert. (1987). Yvonne Guers-Villate, Continuité/Discontinuité de l'aeuvre durassienne (Book Review). Romanic Review, 78, 128-130.
Margolis, Nadia. (1987). Flamma, Furor, and Fol'Amors: Fire and Feminine Madness from the Aeneid to the Roman d'Eneas. Romanic Review, 78, 131-147.
Huot, Sylvia. (1987). Transformations of Lyric Voice in the Songs, Motets, and Plays of Adam de la Halle. Romanic Review, 78, 148-164.
Ahmed, Ehsan. (1987). Regenerating feminine poetic identity: Marguerite de Navarre's song of the Peronelle. Romanic Review, 78, 165-176.
Amprimoz, Alexandre L. (1987). Fêtes de la patience ou l'édifice imprimé d'Arthur Rimbaud. Romanic Review, 78, 177-187.
Brownlee, Marina Scordilis. (1987). Imprisoned Discourse in the Cárcel de amor. Romanic Review, 78, 188-201.
Sánchez-Eppler, Benigno. (1987). Stakes: The sexual vulnerability of the reader in La Regenta. Romanic Review, 78, 202-217.
Macary, Jean. (1987). De l'Ecriture Comique. Romanic Review, 78, 218-238.
Gravdal, Kathryn. (1987). E. Jane Burns and Roberta L. Krueger, eds., Courtly Ideology and Woman's Place in Medieval French Literature. Romance Notes XXV, 3 (Book Review). Romanic Review, 78, 239-242.
Zoberman, Pierre. (1987). Michael Mooney, Vico in the Tradition of Rhetoric (Book Review). Romanic Review, 78, 242-245.
Hayes, Julie C. (1987). R.J. Howells, A. Mason, H.T. Mason, and D. Williams, eds., Voltaire and His World: Studies Presented to W.H. Barber (Book Review). Romanic Review, 78, 244-247.
Meyer, Paul H. (1987). Otis Fellows and Diana Guiragossian Carr, eds., Diderot Studies XXII (Book Review). Romanic Review, 78, 246-249.
Wimmers, Inge Crosman. (1987). Marcel Muller, Préfiguration et structure romanesque dans 'A la recherche du temps perdu' (Book Review). Romanic Review, 78, 248-251.
Reid, Martine. (1987). Elisabeth Cardonne-Arlyck, La métaphore raconte, pratique de Julien Gracq (Book Review). Romanic Review, 78, 250-253.
Alter, Jean. (1987). L'esprit antibourgeois exorcisé dans la 'Chanson de Roland'. Romanic Review, 78, 253-270.
Clej, Alina. (1987). La Parole et Le Royaume: une variation romanesque sur un thème évangélique dans Li Contes Del Graal de Chrétien de Troyes. Romanic Review, 78, 271-290.
Kittay, Jeffrey S. (1987). On Octo (Response to Rethinking Old French Literature: The Orality of the Octosyllabic Couplet by Evelyn Birge Vitz). Romanic Review, 78, 291-298.
Vitz, Evelyn Birge. (1987). Orality, Literacy and the Early Tristan Material: Béroul, Thomas, Marie de France. Romanic Review, 78, 299-310.
Franko, Mark. (1987). Act and Voice in Neo-Classical Theatrical Theory: d'Aubignac's 'Pratique' and Corneille's 'Illusion'. Romanic Review, 78, 311-326.
Guentner, Wendelin A. (1987). Reading the Romantic Journal: Meaning Formation in the Discontinuous Text. Romanic Review, 78, 327-347.
Weil, Kari. (1987). Romantic Androgyny and Its Discontents: The Case of 'Mlle De Maupin'. Romanic Review, 78, 348-358.
Schick, Constance G. (1987). A Case Study of Descriptive Perversion: Theophile Gautier's Travel Literature. Romanic Review, 78, 359-367.
Douchin-Shahin, Andrée. (1987). Paradoxalement Parlant: Quelques réflexions sur L'Abbé C. de Georges Bataille. Romanic Review, 78, 368-382.
Jullien, Dominique. (1987). L'érudition imaginaire de Jorge-Luis Borges. Romanic Review, 78, 383-398.
May, Gita. (1987). Georges May, Les Mille et une nuits d'Antoine Galland| ou le chef-d'oeuvre invisible (Book Review). Romanic Review, 78, 399-401.
Bernard, Claudie. (1987). Victor Brombert, Victor Hugo and The Visionary Novel (Book Review). Romanic Review, 78, 400-404.
Sonnenfeld, Albert. (1987). The Pathology of Anger: Wrath and Rhetoric. Romanic Review, 78, 405-419.
Spencer, Catherine J. (1987). Cinna: Un crayon imparfait ...? Romanic Review, 78, 420-431.
Haase-Dubosc, Danielle. (1987). La filiation maternelle et la femme-sujet au 17ème siècle: lecture plurielle de La Princesse de Clèves. Romanic Review, 78, 432-460.
Debaisieux, Martine. (1987). From Criminality to Hysteria: Translating the Marquise de Merteuil. Romanic Review, 78, 461-470.
Howells, Bernard. (1987). On the meaning of Great Men Baudelaire and Emerson Revisited. Romanic Review, 78, 471-489.
Buisine, Alain. (1987). Un style, des styles. Romanic Review, 78, 490-507.
Etienne, Marie-France. (1987). L'Oubli et la répétition: Hiroshima mon Amour. Romanic Review, 78, 508-514.
Rosello, Mireille. (1987). Amertume: l'eau chez Marguerite Duras. Romanic Review, 78, 515-524.
Gnerro, Mark L. (1987). Cinquecento Theory and the Obscure Muses of Ariosto and Tasso. Romanic Review, 78, 525-532.
Benstock, Sharon. (1987). Nancy K. Miller, ed. The Poetics of Gender (Book Review). Romanic Review, 78, 533-539.
Mackenzie, Louis A., Jr. (1987). Sara E. Melzer, Discourses of the Fall. A Study of Pascal's Pensées (Book Review). Romanic Review, 78, 538-543.
May, Gita. (1987). Walter E. Rex, The Attraction of the Contrary Essays on the Literature of the French Enlightenment (Book Review). Romanic Review, 78, 542-544.
Jullien, Dominique. (1987). Gérard Mace, Le manteau de Fortuny (Book Review). Romanic Review, 78, 543-546.
Bibliography by Andrew Branch & Jonathan Eskew