Department of French and Romance Philology  








Romanic Review volume 80 (1989)

Buda, Milada. (1989). Early Historical Narrative and the Dynamics of Textual Reference. Romanic Review, 80, 1-17.

Force, Pierre. (1989). What is a man worth? Ethics and Economics in Molière and Rousseau. Romanic Review, 80, 18-29.

Golopentia, Sanda. (1989). De Versailles aux Yvelines. Romanic Review, 80, 30-49.

Doiron, Normand. (1989). La Bruyère naturaliste. Pamphile, ou l'ordre des grandeurs. Romanic Review, 80, 50-56.

Wilkinson, Lynn R. (1989). Gender and Class in Stendhal's 'Lamiel'. Romanic Review, 80, 57-74.

Gutwirth, Marcel M. (1989). A propos du Gâteau: Baudelaire, Rousseau et le recours à l'enfance. Romanic Review, 80, 75-88.

Bivort, Olivier. (1989). Un système linguistique de création dans les Illuminations: l'exemple de l'article défini générique. Romanic Review, 80, 89-99.

Ambrosio-Griffith, G. D. and R. Drew Griffith. (1989). Hairy Waves: The Intertextual Flow of Mallarmé. Romanic Review, 80, 100-108.

Nykrog, Per. (1989). A la veille du grand adieu. Sur les 'idéogrammes lyriques' d'Apollinaire. Romanic Review, 80, 109-123.

Azzi, Marie-Denise Boros. (1989). L'incipit des Faux-Monnayeurs d'André Gide: une mise en abyme de l'écriture romanesque. Romanic Review, 80, 124-130.

Greene, Robert W. (1989). Words for Love in Marguerite Duras: L'Après-midi de Monsieur Andesmas (1962) and Le Ravissement de Lol V. Stein (1964). Romanic Review, 80, 131-148.

Kerr, Cynthia B. (1989). A. Donald Sellstrom, Corneille, Tasso and Modern Poetics (Book Review). Romanic Review, 80, 149-152.

Dunn, Susan. (1989). Corrado Rosso, Les Tambours de Santerre, Essais sur quelques éclipses des Lumières au XVIIIe siècle (Book Review). Romanic Review, 80, 151-153.

Wight, Doris T. (1989). Helen G. Zagona, Flaubert's Roman Philosophique and the Voltairian Heritage (Book Review). Romanic Review, 80, 152-154.

Chambers, Ross. (1989). Susan Nash, Paul Valé|ry's Album de vers anciens. A Past Transfigured (Book Review). Romanic Review, 80, 153-156.

Rosenstein, Roy. (1989). Mouvance and the Editor as Scribe: Trascrittore tradittore? Romanic Review, 80, 157-171.

Walters, Lori. (1989). Un mythe fondamental de la Délie - Maurice Scève - Prométhée. Romanic Review, 80, 172-184.

Marvick, Louis W. (1989). Heart of Flesh, Hearts of Stone: A Reading of Diderot's 'La Religieuse'. Romanic Review, 80, 185-206.

Kelly, Dorothy. (1989). Oscillation and Its Effects: Flaubert's 'L'Education sentimentale'. Romanic Review, 80, 207-217.

Mugnier-Manfredi, F. (1989). Mécanismes de censure textuelle dans la fiction de Barbey d'Aurevilly. Romanic Review, 80, 218-228.

Guenette, Mark D. (1989). Le Loup et le Narrateur. The Masking and Unmasking of Homosexuality in Proust's 'A la recherche du temps perdu'. Romanic Review, 80, 229-246.

O'Hanlon, Redmond. (1989). Sartre's Philosophic Myth: 'Légende de la vérité'. Romanic Review, 80, 247-261.

Murphy, Carol J. (1989). Gracq's fictional historian: textuality as history in 'Le Rivage des Syrtes'. Romanic Review, 80, 262-276.

Johnson, Kathleen A. (1989). Narrative Revolutions/Narrative Resolutions: Jorge Semprun's 'Le grand voyage'. Romanic Review, 80, 277-287.

Bivort, Olivier. (1989). Personal Involvement and Poetic Tradition in the Spanish Renaissance: Some Thoughts on Reading Garcilaso. Romanic Review, 80, 288-304.

Rossi, Albert L. (1989). The Poetics of Resurrection: Virgil's Bees (Paradiso XXXI, 1-12). Romanic Review, 80, 305-324.

Wilkinson, Lynn R. (1989). Annie Collet, Stendhal et Milan (Book Review). Romanic Review, 80, 325-327.

Meyer, Paul H. (1989). Otis Fellows and Diana Guiragossian eds., Diderot Studies XXIII (Book Review). Romanic Review, 80, 327-329.

Kelly, Dorothy. (1989). Stirling Haig, Flaubert and the Gift of Speech: Dialogue and Discourse in Four 'Modern' Novels (Book Review). Romanic Review, 80, 328-331.

Paden, William D. (1989). Rape in the Pastourelle. Romanic Review, 80, 331-349.

Frelick, Nancy M. (1989). Absence in Presence, Death in Life: A Study of the Poetics of Desire in Scève's Délie through an Analysis of Dizain 144. Romanic Review, 80, 350-362.

Henry, Patrick. (1989). Raisonner in 'Candide'. Romanic Review, 80, 363-370.

Cryle, Peter M. (1989). Passing the Time in Erotic Narrative: Fictions of Power and Negotiation in Crébillon, Nerciat and Sade. Romanic Review, 80, 371-390.

Rand, Nicholas. (1989). The Red and the Black, Author of Stendhal: Pseudonyms and Cryptonyms of Beyle. Romanic Review, 80, 391-403.

Dunn, Susan. (1989). Michelet and Lamartine: Making and Unmaking the Nationalist Myth of Jeanne d'Arc. Romanic Review, 80, 404-418.

Cohn, Robert Greer. (1989). Man and Woman in Gide's 'The Immoralist'. Romanic Review, 80, 419-433.

Dobbs, Annie-Claude. (1989). Enquête sur une déviance syntaxique dans Les Vrilles de la Vigne de Colette. Romanic Review, 80, 434-444.

O'Callaghan, Raylene L. (1989). Reading Nathalie Sarraute's Enfance. Reflections on Critical Validity. Romanic Review, 80, 445-461.

Paganini, Maria. (1989). Inscription juridique dans Les Bonnes de Jean Genet. Romanic Review, 80, 462-482.

Running-Johnson, Cynthia. (1989). The Medusa's Tale: Feminine Writing and 'la Genet'. Romanic Review, 80, 483-496.

Menocal, María Rosa. (1989). Signs of the Times: Self, Other and History in Aucassin et Nicolette. Romanic Review, 80, 497-511.

Toumayan, Alain. (1989). The Iconology and Iconography of Paris in Pierre Grognet's Blason de la Noble Ville et Cité de Paris. Romanic Review, 80, 512-520.

Stewart, Joan Hinde. (1989). La Lettre et l'interdit. Romanic Review, 80, 521-528.

Rashkin, Esther. (1989). Phantom Legacies: Balzac's Facino Cane. Romanic Review, 80, 529-540.

Purcell, Shelley. (1989). Hérodias': A Key to Thematic Progression in 'Trois contes'. Romanic Review, 80, 541-547.

Ramazani, Vaheed K. (1989). Lacan/Flaubert: Towards a Psychopoetics of Irony. Romanic Review, 80, 548-559.

Apter, Emily S. (1989). Allegories of Reading/Allegories of Justice: The Gidean fait divers. Romanic Review, 80, 560-570.

Adamowicz, Elza. (1989). Narcisse se noie. Lecture de L'Union libre d'André Breton. Romanic Review, 80, 571-581.

Cardonne-Arlyck, Elisabeth. (1989). Histoire d'i ou le ravissement de la poésie chez Francis Ponge. Romanic Review, 80, 582-590.

Wisman, Josette A. (1989). Idéologie chrétienne et idéologie nazie: une lecture herméneutique du Roi des Aulnes de Michel Tournier. Romanic Review, 80, 591-606.

Gallacher, Patrick J. (1989). The Conversion of Tragic Vision in Dante's 'Comedy'. Romanic Review, 80, 607-625.

Blumenfeld-Kosinski, Renate. (1989). Marie-Louise Ollier ed., Masques et déguisements dans la littérature médiévale (Book Review). Romanic Review, 80, 626-629.

Winspur, Steven. (1989). Renée Riese Hubert, Surrealism and the Book (Book Review). Romanic Review, 80, 628-631.

Chambers, Ross. (1989). Marjorie Perloff, The Poetics of Indeterminacy: Rimbaud to Cage (Book Review). Romanic Review, 80, 630-633.

Bibliography by Andrew Branch & Jonathan Eskew

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