Romanic Review volume 81 (1990)
Barnett, Richard-Laurent. (1990). Of Discourse Subverted: Metonymic Dysfunction in Corneille's Horace. Romanic Review, 81, 1-10.
de Dobay-Rifelj, Carol. (1990). Cendrillon and the Ogre: Women in Fairy Tales and Sade. Romanic Review, 81, 11-24.
Suck, Titus T. (1990). The Paternal Signifier: The Monetary Metaphor in Balzac's Le Père Goriot. Romanic Review, 81, 25-44.
Reid, Martine. (1990). Déà, déà vu: Graziella de Lamartine. Romanic Review, 81, 45-55.
Marsh, Leonard. (1990). Félicité on the Road: A Synchronic Reading of Un coeur simple. Romanic Review, 81, 56-65.
Bertrand, Antoine. (1990). Une version inédite de l'article de Marcel Proust: La Simplicité de Monsieur de Montesquiou. Romanic Review, 81, 66-87.
Compagnon, Antoine. (1990). Note sur La simplicité de Monsieur de Montesquiou. Romanic Review, 81, 88-91.
McGinnis, Reginald. (1990). L'inconnaissable Gomorrhe: à propos d' Albertine disparue. Romanic Review, 81, 92-104.
Jullien, Dominique. (1990). De César à Lupin: patrimoine et cambiolage dans l'aiguille creuse de Maurice Leblanc. Romanic Review, 81, 105-118.
Armstrong, Marie-Sophie. (1990). L'Onomastique comme matrice fictionnelle dans Un balcon en forêt de Julien Gracq. Romanic Review, 81, 119-129.
Morganroth-Schneider, Judith. (1990). Albert Memmi and Alain Finkielkraut: Two discourses on French Jewish Identity. Romanic Review, 81, 130-136.
Mehlman, Jeffrey. (1990). Prosopopeia Revisited. Romanic Review, 81, 137-144.
Stone, Harriet. (1990). Reading the Orient: Lafayette's Zaïde. Romanic Review, 81, 145-160.
Koch, Erec R. (1990). Tragic Disclosures of Racine's Iphigénie. Romanic Review, 81, 161-172.
Zanger, Abby E. (1990). The Spectacular Gift: Rewriting the Royal Scenario in Molière's Les Amants Magnifiques. Romanic Review, 81, 173-188.
Gans, Eric. (1990). Flaubert's Scenes of Origin. Romanic Review, 81, 189-202.
Gross, Irena Grudzinska. (1990). Hippolyte Taine's Polemical Vision of Italy. Romanic Review, 81, 203-210.
Metzidakis, Stamos. (1990). Graphemic Gymnastics in Surrealist Literature. Romanic Review, 81, 211-223.
Robillard, Monic. (1990). L'Ange et le Nom divin de Cocteau. Romanic Review, 81, 224-235.
Sarkonak, Ralph. (1990). Comment fait-on un cocktail simonien? ou Les Géorgiques relues et corrigées. Romanic Review, 81, 236-247.
Baetens, Jan. (1990). Texte classé X. Romanic Review, 81, 248-255.
Navarrete, Ignacio. (1990). Boscán's rewriting of Petrarch. Romanic Review, 81, 256-269.
Bernheimer, Charles. (1990). Victor Brombert, The Hidden Reader (Book Review). Romanic Review, 81, 270-272.
Scullion, Rose-Marie. (1990). Philip Solomon, Night Rider: A Reading of Louis-Ferdinand Céline (Book Review). Romanic Review, 81, 271-275.
Conley, Verena. (1990). Claudine Guégan Fisher, La Cosmosgonie d'Hélène Cixous (Book Review). Romanic Review, 81, 274-276.
Menocal, María Rosa. (1990). Robert Pogue Harrison, The Body of Beatrice. Romanic Review, 81, 275-277.
Blumenfeld-Kosinski, Renate. (1990). Christine de Pizan and the Misogynistic Tradition. Romanic Review, 81, 279-292.
Rollo, David. (1990). Sexual Escapades and Poetic Process: Three Poems by William IXth of Aquitane. Romanic Review, 81, 293-311.
Baker, Mary J. (1990). Narration in Pantagruel. Romanic Review, 81, 312-319.
Van Den Abbeele, Georges. (1990). Pascal and the Forgery of Belief. Romanic Review, 81, 320-338.
Murphy, Steve. (1990). Le Mauvais Vitrier ou La Crise du Verre. Romanic Review, 81, 339-349.
Schlossman, Beryl. (1990). (Pas) Encore! - Flaubert, Baudelaire, and don Giovanni. Romanic Review, 81, 350-367.
Bellver, Catherine G. (1990). Assimilation and confrontation in Esther Tusquets's Para no volver. Romanic Review, 81, 368-376.
Troyan, Scott D. (1990). Rhetoric without Genre: Orality, Textuality and the Shifting Scene of the Rhetorical Situation in the Middle Ages. Romanic Review, 81, 377-395.
De Looze, Laurence N. (1990). Marie de France et la textualisation. Romanic Review, 81, 396-408.
Lukacher, Maryline. (1990). La Communauté à venir: la fiction sandienne entre 1832 et 1845. Romanic Review, 81, 409-424.
Lowrie, Joyce O. (1990). Let Them Eat Cake: The Irony of La Pièce Montée in Madame Bovary. Romanic Review, 81, 425-437.
Lyndon, Mary. (1990). Pli selon pli: Proust and Fortuny. Romanic Review, 81, 438-453.
Powrie, Phil. (1990). Breton's Vertical Labyrinth. Towards a Psycho-Semiosis. Romanic Review, 81, 454-465.
Ahern, John. (1990). Nudi Grammantes: The Grammar and Rhetoric of Deviation in Inferno XV. Romanic Review, 81, 466-486.
Chiampi, James T. (1990). Tasso's Rinaldo in the Body of the Text. Romanic Review, 81, 487-503.
Blumenfeld-Kosinski, Renate. (1990). Dieter Ingenschav, Alltagswelt und Selbsterfahrung: Ballade und Testament bei Deschamps und Villon (Book Review). Romanic Review, 81, 504-506.
Chambers, Ross. (1990). Vaheed K. Ramazani, The Free Indirect Mode: Flaubert and the Poetics of Irony (Book Review). Romanic Review, 81, 505-507.
Bibliography by Andrew Branch & Jonathan Eskew