Department of French and Romance Philology  








Romanic Review volume 82 (1991)

Gravdal, Kathryn. (1991). Law and Literature in the French Middle Ages: Rape Law on Trial in Le Roman de Renart. Romanic Review, 82, 1-24.

Ages, Anrold. (1991). Diderot's Personal Credo: The Testimony of the Correspondence. Romanic Review, 82, 25-35.

Durand-Sendrail, Béatrice. (1991). Madame de Staël et la condition post-révolutionnaire. Romanic Review, 82, 36-48.

Van Slyke, Gretchen. (1991). History in Her Story: Historical Referents in Sand's La Petite Fadette. Romanic Review, 82, 49-69.

Winspur, Steven. (1991). Queneau's Contexts of Irony. Romanic Review, 82, 70-75.

Rasson, Luc. (1991). Colonialisme fasciste: Drieu, Brasillach. Romanic Review, 82, 76-88.

Brandt, Joan. (1991). The Power and Horror of Love: Kristeva on Narcissism. Romanic Review, 82, 89-104.

Barbera, Raymond E. (1991). No puedo creer que la tenga en su poder. Romanic Review, 82, 105-110.

Bernheimer, Charles. (1991). Gustave Flaubert, Carnets de travail, Pierre-Marc de Biasi ed. (Book Review). Romanic Review, 82, 111-111.

May, Gita. (1991). Wilda Anderson, Diderot's Dream (Book Review). Romanic Review, 82, 111-115.

Aronstein, Susan. (1991). Prize or Pawn?: Homosocial Order, Marriage and the Redefinition of Women in the Gawain Continuation. Romanic Review, 82, 115-126.

Hannoosh, Michèle. (1991). La Femme, la ville, le réalisme: fondements épistémologiques dans le Paris de Balzac. Romanic Review, 82, 127-145.

Schehr, Lawrence R. (1991). Le Faust de Nerval: Poésie et Vérité. Romanic Review, 82, 146-163.

Cornille, Jean-Louis. (1991). L'Epître châtiée. Romanic Review, 82, 164-178.

Diamant, Naomi. (1991). Judaism and Other Sign Systems in A la recherche du temps perdu. Romanic Review, 82, 179-192.

Motte, Warren F., Jr. (1991). Raymond Queneau and the Aesthetic of Formal Constraint. Romanic Review, 82, 193-209.

Sarkonak, Ralph. (1991). Un drôle d'arbre: L'Acacia de Claude Simon. Romanic Review, 82, 210-232.

Frederick, Patricia. (1991). The Triad and the Sacrifice in Kateb Yacine's Nedjma. Romanic Review, 82, 233-239.

Grossman, Kathryn M. (1991). Claudie Bernard, Le Chouan romanesque: Balzac, Barbey d'aurevilly, Hugo (Book Review). Romanic Review, 82, 240-240.

Hanning, R. W. (1991). Eugene Vance, From Topic to Tale. Logic and Narrativity in the Middle Ages (Book Review). Romanic Review, 82, 240-240.

Winspur, Steven. (1991). Michelle Hannoosh, Parody and Decadence: Laforgue's Moralités légendaires (Book Review). Romanic Review, 82, 240-251.

Bruckner, Matilda T. (1991). Of Men and Beasts in Bisclavret. Romanic Review, 82, 251-269.

Masters, Bernadette A. (1991). The Distribution, Destruction and Dislocation of Authority in Medieval Literature and its Modern Derivatives. Romanic Review, 82, 270-285.

O'Brien, John. (1991). Les seuils de d'Aubigné. Romanic Review, 82, 286-296.

Bach, Raymond. (1991). Les Contemplations or Paternity Regained. Romanic Review, 82, 297-316.

Stivale, Charles J. (1991). Like the Sculptor's Chisel': Voices On and Off in Barbey d'Aurevilly's Les Diaboliques. Romanic Review, 82, 317-330.

Rubenstein, Steven. (1991). The Figuration of Genre: Baudelaire's Prose Poem L'Horloge. Romanic Review, 82, 331-345.

Golopentia, Sanda. (1991). L'Histoire d'un verdict superlatif - Nathalie Sarraute: Ich sterbe. Romanic Review, 82, 346-361.

Ladenson, Elisabeth. (1991). Elizabeth J. MacArthur, Extravagant Narratives: Closure and Dynamics in the Epistolary Form (Book Review). Romanic Review, 82, 362-362.

Koch, Erec R. (1991). Pierre Force, Le Problème herméneutique chez Pascal (Book Review). Romanic Review, 82, 362-362.

Nykrog, Per. (1991). Kathryn Gravdal, Vilain and Courtois: Transgressive Parody in French Literature of the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries (Book Review). Romanic Review, 82, 362-371.

De Weever, Jacqueline. (1991). The Lady, the Knight, and the Lover: Androgyny and Integration in La Chanson d'Yde et Olive. Romanic Review, 82, 371-391.

Huffer, Lynne R. (1991). Weaving and Seduction: Les Chansons de toile. Romanic Review, 82, 392-411.

McRae, Laura Kathryn. (1991). Interpretation and the Acts of Reading and Writing in Christine de Pisan's Livre de la Cité des Dames. Romanic Review, 82, 412-433.

De Rocher, Gregory. (1991). Inverted Erotic Imagery in Scève's Délie: Hand in Glove. Romanic Review, 82, 434-442.

Spencer, Catherine J. (1991). Les Glaneurs du Parnasse: L'Astrée, à quels titres? Romanic Review, 82, 443-455.

Douthwaite, Julian V. (1991). Relocating the Exotic Other in Graffigny's Lettres d'une Péruvienne. Romanic Review, 82, 456-474.

Mahuzier, Brigitte. (1991). The Framing of Stendhal's Vie de Henry Brulard. Romanic Review, 82, 475-484.

Jerez-Farrán, C. (1991). Una posible fuente pictórica de la escena de retablo en Divinas palabras de Valle-Inclán. Romanic Review, 82, 485-499.

Infantino, Stephen C. (1991). Photoghosts. Romanic Review, 82, 500-506.

Bernard, Claudie. (1991). Henri Mitterand, Zola, l'Histoire et la Fiction (Book Review). Romanic Review, 82, 507-511.

St. Aubyn, F. C. (1991). Yann Le Pichon, Le Musée retrouvé de Marcel Proust (Book Review). Romanic Review, 82, 511-515.

Cardonne-Arlyck, Elisabeth. (1991). Michel Murat, Robert Desnos. Les Grands Jours du poète (Book Review). Romanic Review, 82, 515-515.

Bibliography by Andrew Branch & Jonathan Eskew

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