Romanic Review volume 84 (1993)
Greene, Thomas H. (1993). Regrets Only: Three Poetic Paradigms in Du Bellay. Romanic Review, 84, 1-18.
Cohn, Robert Greer. (1993). Baudelaire's Frisson nouveau. Romanic Review, 84, 19-26.
Le Calvez, Eric. (1993). Description, Stéréotype, Intertextualité (une analyse génétique de l'Éducation sentimentale de Flaubert). Romanic Review, 84, 27-42.
Lathers, Marie. (1993). L'Eve future and the Hypnotic Feminine. Romanic Review, 84, 43-54.
Bongie, Chris. (1993). Between Apocalypse and Narrative: Drieu la Rochelle and the Fascist Novel. Romanic Review, 84, 55-76.
Reid, James H. (1993). Allegorizing Jameson's Postmodernist Space: Waiting for Godot. Romanic Review, 84, 77-96.
Schwartz, Marcy E. (1993). The Function of the Fantastic in Clarín's La Regenta. Romanic Review, 84, 97-108.
Sigal, Gale. (1993). The Pit or the Pedestal? The Dichotomization of the Lady in Troubadour Lyric. Romanic Review, 84, 109-142.
Nash, Jerry C. (1993). Fantastiquant mille monstres bossus: Poetic Incongruities, Poetic Epiphanies, and the Writerly Semiosis of Pierre de Ronsard. Romanic Review, 84, 143-162.
Chaitin, Gilbert D. (1993). The Birth of the Subject in Camus' L'Etranger. Romanic Review, 84, 163-180.
Platten, David P. (1993). The Geist in the Machine: Nazism in Michel Tournier's Le Roi des aulnes. Romanic Review, 84, 181-194.
Schneider, Marshall J. (1993). Problematizing the Autobiographical Act: Observations on the Frame in Ramon J. Sender's Crónica del alba. Romanic Review, 84, 195-208.
Randall-Coats, Catharine. (1993). Rape as Narrative Strategy: Entexting Woman in Her Place - A Review Essay of Kathryn Gravdal, Ravishing Maidens. Romanic Review, 84, 209-220.
Force, Pierre. (1993). Du corps et de l'âme des Fables de La Fontaine. Romanic Review, 84, 221-222.
Van Vleck, Amelia E. (1993). Rigaut de Berbezilh and the Wild Sound: Implications of a Lyric Bestiary. Romanic Review, 84, 223-240.
Wallace, Nathaniel. (1993). The Subject of Repetition/Repetition of the Subject: De la ressemblance des enfans aux peres. Romanic Review, 84, 241-254.
Saint-Amand, Pierre. (1993). Fictions de parures: Maupassant. Romanic Review, 84, 255-268.
Mann, C. G. H. (1993). Mlle de Stermaria and the fin de siècle. Romanic Review, 84, 269-282.
Lamiot, Christophe. (1993). Leiris's Glossaire j'y serre mes gloses: Subverting Dictionaries. Romanic Review, 84, 283-298.
Ha, Marie-Paule. (1993). Duras on the Margins. Romanic Review, 84, 299-320.
Wall, Anthony. (1993). Chatter, Memory, and Mysticism in Louis-René des Forêts. Romanic Review, 84, 321-338.
Powell, David A. (1993). Isabelle Hoog Naginski, George Sand: Writing for Her Life (Book Review). Romanic Review, 84, 339-339.
May, Gita. (1993). Peter Allan, Alan Dainard, Marie-Thérèse Inguenaud, Jean Orsoni, and David Smith, eds., Correspondance générale d'Helvétius, volume III: 1761-1774 (Book Review). Romanic Review, 84, 339-339.
Hiner, Susan. (1993). Doris Y. Kadish, Politicizing Gender: Narrative Strategies in the Afterman of the French Revolution (Book Review). Romanic Review, 84, 339-347.
Burgwinkle, William. (1993). For Love or Money: UC de Saint circ and the Rhetoric of Exchange. Romanic Review, 84, 347-376.
Ramey, Lynn Tarte. (1993). Representations of Women in Chrétien's Erec et enide: Courtly Literature or Misogyny? Romanic Review, 84, 377-386.
Rothberg, Michael. (1993). Marketing Power: The Seduction of Rhetoric in Dom Juan. Romanic Review, 84, 387-404.
Senior, Matthew. (1993). Quand Même je dormirais: Philosophy and Secondary Revision in Descrates. Romanic Review, 84, 405-422.
Legouis, Catherine. (1993). Optics and Rhetoric: Images of Light in Zola. Romanic Review, 84, 423-436.
Gilbert, Inger. (1993). The Quotidian Sublime: From Language to Imagination in Beckett's Three Novels and Happy Days. Romanic Review, 84, 437-462.
Boyer, Agustín. (1993). Geography as a Linking Device in the Poema de Mio Cid. Romanic Review, 84, 463-474.
Burton, Grace M. (1993). Justice in Peribáñez: The Creation of a New Order in Language. Romanic Review, 84, 475-475.
Bibliography by Andrew Branch & Jonathan Eskew