Department of French and Romance Philology  








Romanic Review volume 85 (1994)

Walters, Lori. (1994). Reading the Rose: Literacy and the Presentation of the Roman de la Rose in Medieval Manuscripts. Romanic Review, 85, 1-26.

Raybin, David. (1994). Translation, Theft, and Li Jeus de Saint Nicolai. Romanic Review, 85, 27-48.

Jameson, Maureen. (1994). Volupté: Récit d'un crime. Romanic Review, 85, 49-62.

Blanchard, Jean-Marc. (1994). The Anthropological Turn in Poetry from Rimbaud to Leiris. Romanic Review, 85, 63-90.

Ladenson, Elisabeth. (1994). The Law of the Mother: Proust and Madame de Sévigné. Romanic Review, 85, 91-112.

Bernofsky, Susan. (1994). Zazie in Wonderland: Queneau's Reply to the Realist Novel. Romanic Review, 85, 113-124.

Davis, Colin. (1994). Interpreting La Peste. Romanic Review, 85, 125-142.

Côté, Paul Raymond. (1994). Ellipse et réduplication: l'obsession du vide chez Patrick Modiano. Romanic Review, 85, 143-156.

Ahmed, Ehsan. (1994). Doranne Fenoaltea, Du palais au jardin, l'architecture des Odes de Ronsard (Book Review). Romanic Review, 85, 157-159.

Yates, Susan. (1994). Erica Harth, Cartesian Women: Versions and Subversions of Rational Discourse in the Old Regime (Book Review). Romanic Review, 85, 159-162.

Yates, Susan. (1994). Julia Douthwaite, Exotic Women: Literary Heroines and Cultural Strategies in Ancien Regime France (Book Review). Romanic Review, 85, 161-164.

Beizer, Janet. (1994). Emily Apter, Feminizing the Fetish: Psychoanalysis and Narrative Obsession in Turn-of-the-Century France (Book Review). Romanic Review, 85, 163-166.

Delcourt, Denyse. (1994). Magie, fiction, et phantasme dans le Roman de Perceforest: Pour une poétique de l'illusion au Moyen Age. Romanic Review, 85, 167-178.

Guild, Elizabeth. (1994). Le Moyen de faire de cela un grand homme: the Abbé de Choisy and the unauthorized body of representation. Romanic Review, 85, 179-190.

Trouille, Mary. (1994). Sexual/Textual Politics in the Enlightenment: Diderot and d'Epinay Respond to Thomas's Essay on Women. Romanic Review, 85, 191-210.

Lukacher, Maryline. (1994). Le dernière incarnation de Jules Sandeau: Mademoiselle de la Seiglière. Romanic Review, 85, 211-224.

Fortier, Anne-Marie. (1994). L'Occident fragile - Figures poétique et politique du Rimbuad des années 1930. Romanic Review, 85, 225-244.

Deries, Géraldine. (1994). L'Entre-deux au théâtre. La scène chez Mallarmé: le lieu de l'articulation entre parole poétique et fonction communicative du langage. Romanic Review, 85, 245-270.

Boldt-Irons, Leslie Anne. (1994). Irony/Humor in the Fast Lane: The Route to Desire in L'Abbé C. Romanic Review, 85, 271-290.

Jullien, Dominique. (1994). Rome n'est plus dans Rome: Mythe romain et intertexte chez Michel Butor. Romanic Review, 85, 291-312.

Graf, E. C. (1994). May I Have this Dance? Unveiling Vicente Aleixandre's El vals. Romanic Review, 85, 313-326.

Haac, Oscar A. (1994). Anne Deneys-Tunney. Ecritures du corps de Descartes àl Laclos (Book Review). Romanic Review, 85, 327-331.

May, Gita. (1994). Jean-Michel Racault. L'Utopie narrative en France et en Angleterre: 1675-1671. Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century (Book Review). Romanic Review, 85, 330-332.

Nesci, Catherine. (1994). Dominique Jullien. Récits du Nouveau Monde. Les voyageurs français en Amérique (Book Review). Romanic Review, 85, 331-335.

Yates, Susan. (1994). Sara E. Melzer and Leslie W. Rabin, eds. Rebel Daughters: Women and the French Revolution (Book Review). Romanic Review, 85, 334-337.

Howard, Carol. (1994). Joan DeJean and Nancy K. Miller, ed. Displacements: Women, Tradition, Literatures in French (Book Review). Romanic Review, 85, 336-341.

Randall-Coats, Catharine. (1994). Changing Places: Marguerite Porete, Meister Eckhard and the Question of Perspective. Romanic Review, 85, 341-360.

Albanese, Ralph, Jr. (1994). Masculin/féminin: Discours et pouvoir dans Le Cid. Romanic Review, 85, 361-370.

O'Neal, John C. (1994). Sensationist Aesthetics in Françoise de Graffigny's Lettres d'une Péruvienne. Romanic Review, 85, 371-390.

Mahuzier, Brigitte. (1994). Mater-ialité du langage: Chemins et cheminements du narrateur proustien. Romanic Review, 85, 391-402.

Gré|goire, Vincent. (1994). Monde sourd - monde absurde ou Pour une impossibilité de s'entendre dans L'Etranger. Romanic Review, 85, 403-418.

Ireland, John. (1994). Sartre's Last Chance or What Is Unfinished Literature? Romanic Review, 85, 419-436.

Duffy, Jean. (1994). Claude Simon's L'Invitation: A Formalist Reading. Romanic Review, 85, 437-458.

Meadows, Patrick. (1994). Henri Michaux: Acheminement vers une poétique chinoise. Romanic Review, 85, 459-472.

Metzidakis, Stamos. (1994). From Poetic to Prosaic Animal Portraits: Arreola's El elefante. Romanic Review, 85, 473-482.

Heylen, Rorny. (1994). Doranne Fenoaltea, David Lee Rubin, The Ladder of High Designs: Structure and Interpretation of the French Lyric Sequence (Book Review). Romanic Review, 85, 483-486.

May, Gita. (1994). Geneviève Haroche-Bouzinac, Voltaire dans ses lettres de jeunesse (1711-1733): Le Formation d'un épistolier au XVIIIe siècle (Book Review). Romanic Review, 85, 485-488.

Zuber, Isabelle. (1994). Karlheinz Stierle, Der Mythos von Paris. Zeichen und Bewusstsein der Stadt (Book Review). Romanic Review, 85, 487-491.

Nesci, Catherine. (1994). Allan Pasco, Balzacian Montage. Configuring La Comédie humaine (Book Review). Romanic Review, 85, 490-493.

Paliyenko, Adrianna M. (1994). Robert Greer Cohn, Vues sur Mallarmé (Book Review). Romanic Review, 85, 492-494.

De Looze, Laurence N. (1994). Sex, Lies, and Fabliaux: Gender, Scribal Practice, and Old/New Philology in Du Cheualier Qui Fist les Cons Parler. Romanic Review, 85, 495-516.

McCracken, Peggy. (1994). The Boy Who Was a Girl: Reading Gender in the Roman de Silence. Romanic Review, 85, 517-536.

Wygant, A. M. Y. (1994). Pierre Corneille's Medea-Machine. Romanic Review, 85, 537-552.

Goodkin, Richard E. (1994). Between Genders, Between Genres: Célimène's Letter to Alceste in Molière's Le Misanthrope. Romanic Review, 85, 553-572.

Hottell, Ruth A. (1994). The Delusory Dénouement and Other Narrative Strategies in Maupassant's Fantastic Tales. Romanic Review, 85, 573-586.

Ziegler, Robert. (1994). Something from Nothing: Regenerated Narrative in Mirbeau's Le Jardin des supplices. Romanic Review, 85, 587-598.

Strysick, Michael. (1994). Mallarmé and the Madness of Obscurity. Romanic Review, 85, 599-614.

Beugnot, Bernard. (1994). Les Amitiés et la littérature: Francis Ponge épistolier. Romanic Review, 85, 615-628.

Howard, Carol. (1994). Thomas M. Kavanagh, Enlightenment and the Shadows of Chance: The Novel and the Culture of Gambling in Eighteenth-Century France (Book Review). Romanic Review, 85, 629-633.

Heathcote, Owen N. (1994). Lucienne Frappier-Mazur, Sade et l'écriture de l'orgie. Pouvoir et parodie dans l'Histoire de Julliette (Book Review). Romanic Review, 85, 632-634.

Hamou, Sion. (1994). Richard Rand, editor, Logomachia. The Conflict of Faculties (Book Review). Romanic Review, 85, 634-637.

Bibliography by Andrew Branch & Jonathan Eskew

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