Department of French and Romance Philology  








Romanic Review volume 86 (1995)

Rivers, Christopher. (1995). Inintelligibles pour une Femme Honnête: Sexuality, Textuality and Knowledge in Diderot's La Religieuse and Gautier's Mademoiselle de Maupin. Romanic Review, 86, 1-30.

Stewart, Philip. (1995). Half-Title or Julie Beheaded. Romanic Review, 86, 31-44.

Martyn, David. (1995). Sade's Ethical Economies. Romanic Review, 86, 45-64.

Weltman-Aron, Brigitte. (1995). Denying Authorship: Sade and the Censor. Romanic Review, 86, 65-76.

Van Zuylen, Marina. (1995). Senancour's Oberman: Experiments in the Ascetic Sublime. Romanic Review, 86, 77-102.

McGuinness, Patrick. (1995). Beaucoup de bruit pour rien': Mallarmé's Ptyx and the Symbolist Bric-à-Brac. Romanic Review, 86, 103-114.

Wilson, Emma. (1995). Textuality and (Homo-)Sexuality in Tournier's Les Météores. Romanic Review, 86, 115-128.

Pollin, Alice M. (1995). La Fe Como Creación en Calderón de La Barca: El Santo Rey Don Fernando, Segunda Parte. Romanic Review, 86, 129-140.

Wreen, Michael J. (1995). Don Quixote Rides Again! Romanic Review, 86, 141-164.

Gravdal, Kathryn. (1995). Introduction. Romanic Review, 86, 165-168.

Rollo, David. (1995). Gerald of Wales' Topographia Hibernica: Sex and the Irish Nation. Romanic Review, 86, 169-190.

Leyser, Conrad. (1995). Cities of the Plain: The Rhetoric of Sodomy in Peter Damian's Book of Gomorrah. Romanic Review, 86, 191-212.

Scanlon, Larry. (1995). Speaking the Unspeakable: Sexual Regulation and the Priesthood of Genius. Romanic Review, 86, 213-242.

Lomperis, Linda. (1995). Bodies That Matter in the Court of Late Medieval England and in Chaucer's Miller's Tale. Romanic Review, 86, 243-264.

Kinoshita, Sharon. (1995). The Politics of Courtly Love: La Prise d'Orange and the Conversion of the Saracen Queen. Romanic Review, 86, 265-288.

McCracken, Peggy. (1995). The Queen's Secret: Adultery in the Feudal Court. Romanic Review, 86, 289-306.

Howell, Martha. (1995). Rewriting Marriage in Late Medieval Douai. Romanic Review, 86, 307-338.

Brownlee, Kevin. (1995). Widowhood, Sexuality, and Gender in Christine de Pizan. Romanic Review, 86, 339-354.

Solterer, Helen. (1995). Flaming Words: Free Speech, Fiction, and the Querelle des Femmes. Romanic Review, 86, 355-378.

Freccero, Carla. (1995). Bodies and Pleasures: Early Modern Interrogations. Romanic Review, 86, 379-392.

Compagnon, Antoine. (1995). Introduction. Romanic Review, 86, 393-402.

Hay, Louis. (1995). Critique de la critique génétique. Romanic Review, 86, 403-418.

Neefs, Jacques. (1995). La critique génétique, entre histoire et esthétique. Romanic Review, 86, 419-428.

Falconer, Graham. (1995). La Critique génétique un retour à l'histoire? Romanic Review, 86, 429-436.

Lebrave, Jean-Louis. (1995). Penser, dicter, écrire: pour une histoire des pratiques de composition. Romanic Review, 86, 437-450.

Callu, Florence. (1995). La Construction du manuscrit en objet scientifique. Romanic Review, 86, 451-462.

Guyaux, André. (1995). Les Variantes et la Mécanique du vers. Romanic Review, 86, 463-472.

Beugnot, Bernard. (1995). Silences et béances du manuscrit: le cas Ponge. Romanic Review, 86, 473-484.

Rabaté, Jean-Michel. (1995). Pound, Joyce and Eco: Modernism and the Ideal Genetic Reader. Romanic Review, 86, 485-500.

Ferrer, Daniel and Michael Groden. (1995). Post-Genetic Joyce. Romanic Review, 86, 501-512.

Froula, Christine. (1995). Modernism, Genetic Texts and Literary Authority in Virginia Woolf's Portraits of the Artist as the Audience. Romanic Review, 86, 513-526.

Mendelson, Edward. (1995). We are Changed by what we Change: The Power Politics of Auden's Revisions. Romanic Review, 86, 527-598.

Golopentia, Sanda. (1995). Un Schéma Dramatique: La Liste des Personnages. Romanic Review, 86, 599-622.

Moe, Nelson. (1995). Not a Love Story: Sexual Aggression, Law and Order in Decameron X 4. Romanic Review, 86, 623-638.

Davis, Nina Cox. (1995). Marriage and Investment in El celoso extremeño. Romanic Review, 86, 639-656.

Bordas, Eric. (1995). Sade ou l'écriture de la destruction. Romanic Review, 86, 657-680.

Lack, Roland-François. (1995). La Littérature de Martial': Plagiarism as Figures in Sade, Lautréamont, Ouologuem, and Sony Labou Tansi. Romanic Review, 86, 681-696.

Paliyenko, Adrianna M. (1995). Dreamwork in Rimbaud's Illuminations: The Scene of the Other in Bottom. Romanic Review, 86, 697-706.

Gronhovd, Anne-Marie. (1995). Le Boucher-éphèbe de la Prisonnière et du Temps retrouvé. Romanic Review, 86, 707-720.

Poiana, Peter. (1995). L'Acacia de Claude Simon: la voie du sensible. Romanic Review, 86, 721-734.

Murphy, Timothy S. (1995). After()Birth: Philosophoria. Romanic Review, 86, 735-746.

Motte, Warren F., Jr. (1995). Toussaint's Small World. Romanic Review, 86, 747-760.

Ahmed, Ehsan. (1995). Ullrich Langer, Divine and Poetic Freedom in the Renaissance, Nominalist Theology and Literature in France and Italy (Book Review). Romanic Review, 86, 761-761.

Bibliography by Andrew Branch & Jonathan Eskew

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