Department of French and Romance Philology  








Romanic Review volume 87 (1996)

Isbell, John. (1996). The Painful Birth of the Romantic Heroine: Staël as Political Animal, 1786-1818. Romanic Review, 87, 59-82.

Dale, Catherine. (1996). The Mirror of Romanticism: Images of Music, Religion and art Criticism in George Sand's Eleventh Lettre d'un Voyageur to Giacomo Meyerbeer. Romanic Review, 87, 83-112.

Ifri, Pascal. (1996). The Epitexts and Allotexts of Lucien Rebatet's Les Deux étendards. Romanic Review, 87, 113-130.

Met, Philippe. (1996). Of Men and Animals: Hergé's Tintin au Congo, a Study in Primitivism. Romanic Review, 87, 131-143.

Bellver, Catherine G. (1996). Humor and the Resistance to Meaning in El Rapto del Santo Grial. Romanic Review, 87, 144-156.

Blumenfeld-Kosinski, Renate. (1996). Femme de corps et Femme par sens: Christine de Pizan's Saintly Women. Romanic Review, 87, 157-208.

Dobie, Madeleine. (1996). Langage Inconnu: Montesquieu, Graffigny and the Writing of Exile. Romanic Review, 87, 209-238.

Cohen, Emily Jane. (1996). Mud into Gold: Baudelaire and the Alchemy of Public Hygiene. Romanic Review, 87, 239-256.

Chatlos, Jon. (1996). Loss of Self and Coming to Voice in Les Noces d'Hérodiade. Romanic Review, 87, 257-270.

Armstrong, Marie-Sophie. (1996). Une lecture "Hugo-centrique" de La Fortune des Rougon. Romanic Review, 87, 271-283.

Elbon, Andrew. (1996). Spoonerism as Literary Device in Desnos, Leiris, and Roubaud. Romanic Review, 87, 285-296.

Neal, Lisa and Steven Rendall. (1996). Polyphonic Narrative in Early Modern France: A Question of Literary History. Romanic Review, 87, 297-306.

Spence, Sarah. (1996). Lo cop mortal: The Evil Eye and the Origins of Courtly Love. Romanic Review, 87, 307-318.

Randall-Coats, Catharine. (1996). He doesn't have a Leg to Stand on: Lameness and Knowledge in Des Boyteux. Romanic Review, 87, 319-328.

Mickelsen, David. (1996). Travel, Transgression, and Possession in Merimee's Carmen. Romanic Review, 87, 329-344.

Nunley, Charles. (1996). Adieu, Arthur Rimbaud: A Future for Syntax in Le Parti pris de choses. Romanic Review, 87, 345-362.

Saunders, Rebecca. (1996). The Syntactic Panopticon and Mallarméan Resistance. Romanic Review, 87, 363-376.

Walsh, Cathleen. (1996). Rereading Swann's Narrative. Romanic Review, 87, 377-390.

Silk, Sally. (1996). Céline's Voyage au Bout de la Nuit: The nation constructed Through Storytelling. Romanic Review, 87, 391-418.

Issacharoff, Michael and Lelia Madrid. (1996). Between Myth and Reference: Puig and Ionesco. Romanic Review, 87, 419-433.

O'Keeffe, Brian. (1996). L'Alcool du silence: sur la decadence. Romanic Review, 87, 434-436.

Barolini, Teodolinda. (1996). Minos's tail: The Labor of Devising hell (Inferno 5.1-24). Romanic Review, 87, 437-464.

Brown, Saskia. (1996). The Childhood of Reason: Pedagogical Strategies in Descartes's La Recherche De La Vérité Par La Lumiere Naturelle. Romanic Review, 87, 465-492.

Stubbs, Jeremy. (1996). Surrealism's Book of Revelation: Isidore Ducasse's Poesies, Detournement and Automatic Writing. Romanic Review, 87, 493-510.

Breines, Joseph. (1996). Submerging and Drowning the Characters: Zola's Wet Determinism. Romanic Review, 87, 511-530.

Van Tuyl, Jocelyn. (1996). All Roads Lead to Rome: The Parodic Pilgrimage in Les Cave Du Vatican. Romanic Review, 87, 531-540.

Bryden, Mary. (1996). No Stars Without Stripes: Beckett and Dante. Romanic Review, 87, 541-596.

May, Gita. (1996). L'Encyclopedie de Diderot et de ... Jaucourt Essai biographique sur le Chevalier Louis de Jaucourt. Romanic Review, 87, 597-597.

Ramazani, Vaheed K. (1996). The Writing of Melancholy: Modes of Opposition in Early French Modernism. Romanic Review, 87, 598-598.

Bibliography by Andrew Branch & Jonathan Eskew

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