Department of French and Romance Philology  








Romanic Review volume 88 (1997)

Vitz, Evelyn Birge. (1997). Rereading Rape in Medieval Literature: Literary, Historical, and Theoretical Reflections. Romanic Review, 88, 1-26.

Sullivan, Karen. (1997). The Inquisitorial Origins of Literary Debate. Romanic Review, 88, 27-52.

Marsh, Leonard. (1997). Of Horns and Words: A Reading of Rabelais's signs. Romanic Review, 88, 53-66.

Bold, Stephen C. (1997). Ce Noeud Subtil: Molière's Invention of Comedy from L'Étourdi to Les Fourberies de Scapin. Romanic Review, 88, 67-88.

Fowler, J. E. (1997). Diderot's Family Romance: Les Bijoux Indiscrets Reappraised. Romanic Review, 88, 89-102.

Strauss, Jonathan. (1997). Nerval's Le Christ aux Oliviers: The Subject Writes After its Own Death. Romanic Review, 88, 103-144.

Jenkins, Linda Jones. (1997). Ce tourment qui est un rire: Maurice Blanchot with Samuel Beckett. Romanic Review, 88, 145-162.

Redfern, Walter D. (1997). Praxis and Parapraxis: Sartre's Le Mur. Romanic Review, 88, 163-188.

French, Patrick. (1997). Tel Quel and Surrealism: A Re-evaluation. Has the Avant-garde Become a Theory? Romanic Review, 88, 189-198.

Porter, Laurence M. (1997). Selon Mallarme. Romanic Review, 88, 199-202.

Hampton, Timothy. (1997). The Subject of America: History and Alterity in Montaigne's Des Coches. Romanic Review, 88, 203-240.

Mortimer, Armine Kotin and Armine Kotin. (1997). Naive and Devious: La Religieuse. Romanic Review, 88, 241-250.

Betts, Christopher J. (1997). Surface Structure and Symmetry in Maupassant: An alternative view of Deux amis. Romanic Review, 88, 251-266.

Genova, Pamela. (1997). Japonisme and Decadence: Painting the Prose of A Rebours. Romanic Review, 88, 267-314.

Sirvent, Michel. (1997). Reader-Investigators in the Post-Nouveau Roman: Lahougue, Peeters, and Perec. Romanic Review, 88, 315-336.

Cowell, Andrew. (1997). Deadly letters: Deus amanz, Marie's Prologue to the Lais and the Dangerous Nature of the Gloss. Romanic Review, 88, 337-356.

Ahmed, Ehsan. (1997). Clément Marot, Redemption, and the Temple de Cupido. Romanic Review, 88, 357-364.

Barnett, Richard-Laurent. (1997). Excising the Text: Narrative Ablation in Guilleragues' Lettres Portugaises. Romanic Review, 88, 365-384.

Peterson, Thomas E. (1997). Le Dernier Coup de Pinceau: Perception and Generality in Le Chef-d'oeuvre iconnu. Romanic Review, 88, 385-408.

Duran, Richard. (1997). Purging Venice of Desire and Proust's Other Two Ways. Romanic Review, 88, 409-484.

Kritzman, Lawrence D. (1997). The Nostalgia for the Subject: French Intellectual Thought of the 1980s. Romanic Review, 88, 485-498.

May, Gita. (1997). Dictionnaire de Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Romanic Review, 88, 499-499.

Walker, Keith L. (1997). Conversations with Maryse Conde. Romanic Review, 88, 499-502.

Black, Nancy B. (1997). Woman as Savior: The Virgin Mary and the Empress of Rome in Gautier de Coinci's Miracles. Romanic Review, 88, 503-518.

LaGuardia, David. (1997). Un Bon Esmoucheteur par Mousches Jamais Émouché Ne Sera: Panurge as Trickster. Romanic Review, 88, 519-556.

Riggs, Larry. (1997). The Régime of Substitutions: Panoptical Gluttony in the Modern, Manageable World of L'Avare. Romanic Review, 88, 557-570.

Goldstein, Claire. (1997). Love letters: Discourses of Gender and Writing in the Criticism of the Lettres Portugaises. Romanic Review, 88, 571-590.

Clemmen, Yves W. A. (1997). Anny Duperey: The Silence of Photography. Romanic Review, 88, 591-606.

Collins, Marsha S. (1997). El Humorismo, Romantic Irony, and the Carnivalesque World of Galdós's El amigo Manso. Romanic Review, 88, 607-656.

Hiner, Susan. (1997). Where Flaubert Lies: Chronology, Mythology, History. Romanic Review, 88, 657-658.

Macé, Marielle. (1997). On Bataille. Critical essays. Romanic Review, 88, 659-659.

Bibliography by Andrew Branch & Jonathan Eskew

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