Romanic Review volume 89 (1998)
Silver, Susan K. (1998). 'La Salade' and Ronsard's writing cure. Romanic Review, 89, 21-54.
Rubidge, Bradley. (1998). The Code of Reciprocation in Corneille's Heroic Drama. Romanic Review, 89, 55-88.
Schwartz, Stephen Adam. (1998). Was Mallarme a Transcendental Philosopher?: The Place of Literature in the Divagations. Romanic Review, 89, 89-122.
Boldt-Irons, Leslie Anne. (1998). In Search of a Forgotten Culture: Artaud, Mexico and the Balance of Matter and Spirit. Romanic Review, 89, 123-186.
Hamilton, James F. (1998). René's Volcano, Creative Center and Gendered Periphery. Romanic Review, 89, 187-206.
Metzidakis, Stamos. (1998). Baudelaire: Sculptor of Words. Romanic Review, 89, 207-218.
McCall, Anne E. (1998). On the Heels of Corinne: Venice, Sand's Traveler and a Case for Urban Renewal. Romanic Review, 89, 219-268.
Rodini, Robert J. (1998). ...Avaro Seme Di Donna: Patrizia Cavalli's Transgressive Discourse. Romanic Review, 89, 269-284.
Hopkins, John A. F. (1998). For Theory: Modernism, Intentionality and Context. Romanic Review, 89, 285-296.
Grieshaber, Verene. (1998). The Uses of Aberrant Literacy: Delisle de Sales and a Manuscript of Plato. Romanic Review, 89, 297-306.
Raser, Timothy. (1998). Victor Hugo's Politics and Aesthetics of Race in Bug-Jargal. Romanic Review, 89, 307-320.
Krause, Virginia and Christian Martin. (1998). Une Charogne or Les Amours Decomposed: Corpse, Corpora and Corpus. Romanic Review, 89, 321-344.
Lerner, L. Scott. (1998). The Genesis of Jewish Swann. Romanic Review, 89, 345-366.
Bohn, Willard. (1998). Louis Aragon and the Critical Muse. Romanic Review, 89, 367-380.
DeDomenico, Peter F. (1998). Revenge of the Novel: Roger Caillois's Literary Criticism in the Wake of the 1930s. Romanic Review, 89, 381-444.
Hayes, Jarrod. (1998). In the Nation's Closets: Sexual Marginality and the Ltinerary of National Identity in Tahar Ben Jelloun's La Prière De L'Absent. Romanic Review, 89, 445-468.
Festa, Lynn. (1998). Empires of the Sun: Colonialism and Closure in Louis XIV's 1662 Carrousel and Cyrano's Les Estats et Les Empires du Soleil. Romanic Review, 89, 469-490.
Peters, Jeffrey N. (1998). Ideology, Culture and the Threat of Allegory in Chapelain's Theory of la Vraisemblance. Romanic Review, 89, 491-506.
Rebejkow, Jean-Christophe. (1998). A Propos de Mystification: L'Ironie de Diderot. Romanic Review, 89, 507-522.
Mesch, Rachel L. (1998). Did Women Have an Enlightenment? Graffigny's Zilia as Female Philosophe. Romanic Review, 89, 523-538.
Fisher, Sova. (1998). The Vision Thing: The Cat's Eye and the Sacred in Georges Bataille's Histoire de L'Oeil. Romanic Review, 89, 539-548.
Klaw, Barbara. (1998). Intertextuality and Destroying the Myth of Woman in Simone de Beauvoir's Tous Les Hommes Sont Mortels. Romanic Review, 89, 549-566.
Mohsen, Caroline. (1998). Place, Memory, and Subjectivity, in Marguerite Duras' Hiroshima Mon Amour. Romanic Review, 89, 567-582.
Duffy, Jean. (1998). Ce n'est pas une Allégorie. C'est une Feuille Tout Simplement: Text, Intertext and Biography in Claude Simon's Jardin des Plantes. Romanic Review, 89, 583-620.
Bell, Mark and Corinne Iverson. (1998). Reality, Transference and the Classroom: Ces Enfants de Ma Vie by Gabrielle Roy. Romanic Review, 89, 621-638.
Muller, Marcel. (1998). Reading Proust. In Search of the Wolf-fish. Romanic Review, 89, 639-639.
Bibliography by Andrew Branch & Jonathan Eskew