Department of French and Romance Philology  








Romanic Review volume 90 (1999)

Reeser, Todd W. (1999). Moderation and Masculinity in Renaissance Marriage Discourse and in Rabelais's Tiers Livre. Romanic Review, 90, 1-26.

McAlpin, Mary. (1999). Poststructuralist Feminism and the Imaginary Women Writer: The Lettres Portugaises. Romanic Review, 90, 27-92.

Tambling, Jeremy. (1999). The Violence of Venus: Eroticism in Paradiso. Romanic Review, 90, 93-114.

Byrne, K. B. Conal. (1999). Open-ended: The Captive's Tales of Don Quijote. Romanic Review, 90, 115-154.

McClure , Ellen M. (1999). Une Parfaite et Sincère Bonne Correspondance et Amitié: French-Turkish Trade and Artistic Exchange in Molière's Bourgeois Gentilhomme. Romanic Review, 90, 155-206.

Van Hulle, Dirk. (1999). Marcel Proust à l'ombre de Francis Ponge (en fleurs). Romanic Review, 90, 207-234.

Breines, Joseph. (1999). A Trial Against Myself: Identity and Determinism in Diderot's Jacques le Fataliste. Romanic Review, 90, 235-262.

Porter, Laurence M. (1999). Poétiques de Baudelaire dans Les Fleurs du mal: Rythme, Parfum, Lueur. Romanic Review, 90, 263-266.

Resina, Joan Ramon. (1999). Ruin and Restitution: Reinterpreting Romanticism in Spain. Romanic Review, 90, 267-284.

Malicote, Sandra Obergfell. (1999). The Illuminated Geste de Saint Gille: Questions of Genre. Romanic Review, 90, 285-300.

Frelick, Nancy M. (1999). Sex, Lies, and Anamorphosis: Love as Transference in Sceve's Delie. Romanic Review, 90, 301-316.

Adams, Tracy. (1999). Archetypes and Copies in Thomas's Tristan: A Re-examination of the Salle Aux Images Scenes. Romanic Review, 90, 317-332.

Russo, Elena. (1999). Monstrous Virtue: Montesquieu's Considérations sur les Romains. Romanic Review, 90, 333-352.

Bouvier, Luke. (1999). Where Spain Lies: Narrative Dispossession and the Seductions of Speech in Mérimée's Carmen. Romanic Review, 90, 353-378.

Lowrie, Joyce O. (1999). Barbey D'Aurevilly's Une Page D'Histoire: A poetics of Incest. Romanic Review, 90, 379-396.

Vanbaelen, Sylvie. (1999). Anny, Syrinx De Roquentin: Musique et érotique dans La Nausée De Jean-Paul Sartre. Romanic Review, 90, 397-408.

Racevskis, Roland. (1999). J.M.G. Le Clezio's Terra Amata: A micro-fictional Affection for the Real. Romanic Review, 90, 409-416.

Tumanov, Vladimir. (1999). John and Abel in Michel Tournier's Le Roi Des Aulnes. Romanic Review, 90, 417-434.

McCaffrey, Philip. (1999). Guillaume de Lorris and Jean de Meun: Narcissus and Pygmalion. Romanic Review, 90, 435-450.

Frisch, Andrea. (1999). On the Ambiguity of Silence: Tacit Dimensions of the Essais. Romanic Review, 90, 451-468.

Shuh, Rachel. (1999). Du Salon a la Chambre: Wit and Politics in Stendhal's Lucien Leuwen. Romanic Review, 90, 469-480.

Hanrahan, Mairead. (1999). Helene Cixous's Improper Name. Romanic Review, 90, 481-498.

Aurora, Vincent. (1999). Mixed Metaphors: Michel Leiris Poet: Paradigm and the One Behind the any. Romanic Review, 90, 499-510.

Barnet, Marie-Claire. (1999). Chasse-Croise in Algeria: Reading Ponge and Leiris Between the Lines. Romanic Review, 90, 511-526.

Lantelme, Michel. (1999). Darrieussecq's Pig Tales: Marianne's Misfortunes at the Turn of the Millennium. Romanic Review, 90, 527-527.

Bibliography by Andrew Branch & Jonathan Eskew

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