Department of French and Romance Philology  








Romanic Review volume 91 (2000)

Michael, Colette V. (2000). Les Lettres de doléance: un genre de cahier ou des cahiers d'un nouveau genre. Romanic Review, 91, 1-13.

Armstrong, Marie-Sophie. (2000). Les "Hugoglyphes" des Misérables. Romanic Review, 91, 15-29.

Sirvent, Michel. (2000). Le Moule et l'empreinte: l'infrastructure ternaire dans Madame Bovary. Romanic Review, 91, 31-60.

Ippolito, Christophe. (2000). Critique du positivisme et fictions d'un gai savoir dans Bouvard et Pécuchet. Romanic Review, 91, 61-75.

Ziegler, Robert. (2000). Taking the Words Right Out of His Mouth: From Ventriloquism to Symbol-Reading in J.-K. Huysmans. Romanic Review, 91, 77-88.

Finn, Michael R. (2000). Rachilde, Maurice Barrès, and the Preface to Monsieur Vénus. Romanic Review, 91, 89-128.

Bracker, Nicole. (2000). Robinson Crusoe à Venir: Gertrude Stein and Roland Barthes. Romanic Review, 91, 129-152.

Martin, Vincent. (2000). Mirabile Visu: The wonderful' world of Calderón. Romanic Review, 91, 153-162.

Racz, Gregary J. (2000). Straight to the Source: Using Phaedrus and La Fontaine to Retranslate Fable V, 25, of Félix Maria Samaniego. Romanic Review, 91, 163-200.

O'Keeffe, Brian. (2000). Michel Leiris' Failles. Immobile in Mobili. Romanic Review, 91, 201-203.

Gordon, Terri J. (2000). Ecrire la danse. Romanic Review, 91, 204-224.

Hadlock, Philip G. (2000). Narrating the Gender Riddle: The Case of Maupassant's Yvette, M. Jocaste, and L'Ermite. Romanic Review, 91, 225-244.

Livak , Leonid. (2000). The Place of Suicide in the French Avant-Garde of the Inter-War Period. Romanic Review, 91, 245-288.

Goulet, Andrea. (2000). Blind Spots and Afterimages: The Narrative Optics of Claude Simon's Triptyque. Romanic Review, 91, 289-334.

Metzidakis, Stamos. (2000). Barthesian Discourse: Having Your Cake and Eating it too. Romanic Review, 91, 335-352.

Nouvet, Claire. (2000). An Allegorical Mirror: The Pool of Narcissus in Guillaume de Lorris' Romance of the Rose. Romanic Review, 91, 353-374.

Bizer, Marc. (2000). Qui a Pais n'a que Faire de Patrie: Joachim du Bellay's Resistance to a French Identity. Romanic Review, 91, 375-416.

Elmarsafy, Ziad. (2000). O Homines ad Servitutem Paratos!: Bajazet and the Scandal of Slave Rule. Romanic Review, 91, 417-432.

Augustyn, Joanna. (2000). Subjectivity in the Fictional ruin: The Caprice Genre. Romanic Review, 91, 433-458.

Goldfarb, Lisa. (2000). From Theory to Practice: A Musical Reading of Valéry's Profusion Du Soir. Romanic Review, 91, 459-480.

Boldt-Irons, Leslie Anne. (2000). Military Discipline and Revolutionary Exaltation: The Dismantling of l'illusion lyrique in Malraux's L'Espoir and Bataille's Le Bleu Du Ciel. Romanic Review, 91, 481-504.

James, Alison. (2000). Fear of Falling: The Myth of Icarus in La Vie Mode D'Emploi. Romanic Review, 91, 505-505.

Bibliography by Andrew Branch & Jonathan Eskew

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