Department of French and Romance Philology  








Romanic Review volume 92 (2001)

Jullien, Dominique. (2001). Aragon, Elsa Triolet: Love and Politics in the Cold War. Romanic Review, 92, 3-12.

Wall, Irwin. (2001). The PCF, Stalinism, and the Cold War. Romanic Review, 92, 13-46.

Gavronsky, Serge. (2001). Aragon: Politics and Picasso. Romanic Review, 92, 47-60.

Suleiman, Susan Rubin. (2001). Aragon's Le mentir-vrai: Reflections on Truth and Self-knowledge in Autobiography. Romanic Review, 92, 61-72.

Wall, Irwin. (2001). The Mentir-vrai and Aragon's Politics. Romanic Review, 92, 73-78.

Spurling, Hilary. (2001). Matisse Through the Looking Glass. Romanic Review, 92, 79-86.

Vaugeois, Dominique. (2001). Luxe, Feinte et Vérité... Polemics, Politics and Poetics in Aragon's Henri Matisse, Roman. Romanic Review, 92, 87-162.

Griffiths, David A. (2001). Les Deux Discours inédits d'Aragon au 3ème congres de la League of American Writers, le 2 Juin 1939. Romanic Review, 92, 163-244.

Johnston, Guillemette. (2001). Constitutive Elements of the Discourse of Natural Instruction in Rousseau's Emile: Situations and Implications. Romanic Review, 92, 245-276.

Willging, Jennifer. (2001). Partners in slime: The Liquid and the Viscous in Sarraute and Sartre. Romanic Review, 92, 277-330.

Mascia, Mark J. (2001). To Judge Through Verse: The Sonnets of Lope de Vega's La Circe and His Engagement With Literature. Romanic Review, 92, 331-350.

Aurora, Vincent. (2001). Maternal Echoes. Romanic Review, 92, 351-354.

Kuhlisch, Tina. (2001). Discourses of Poverty: Social Reform and the Picaresque Novel in Early Modern Spain. Romanic Review, 92, 355-362.

Hurtig, Dolliann Margaret. (2001). I Do, I Do: Medieval Models Of Marriage and Choice Of Parners in Marie De France's Le Frainse. Romanic Review, 92, 363-380.

Chang, Leah L. (2001). Clothing Dame Helisenne: The Staging Of Female Authorship and the Production of the 1538 Angoysses Douloureuses Qui Procedent D'amours. Romanic Review, 92, 381-404.

Marrone, Claire. (2001). George Sand and Cristina Di Belgiojoso's Literary Dialogue. Romanic Review, 92, 405-416.

Bold, Stephen C. (2001). The Anxiety of Senecan Influence in Racine, or Phèdre in the Labyrinth. Romanic Review, 92, 417-454.

Duffy, Jean. (2001). Tradition, Ritual and Identity in Jean Rouad's Loire-inférieure Cycle. Romanic Review, 92, 455-490.

Chiampi, James T. (2001). Testifying To His Text: Primo Levi And The Concentrationary Sublime. Romanic Review, 92, 491-512.

May, Gita. (2001). Le Dix-huitième Siècle français au quotidien: Textes tirés des memoires, des journaux, et des correspondances de l'époque. Romanic Review, 92, 513-513.

O'Keeffe, Brian. (2001). Beauty Raises the Dead. Literature and Loss in the Fin de Siecle. Romanic Review, 92, 514-514.

Bibliography by Andrew Branch & Jonathan Eskew

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