Department of French and Romance Philology  








Romanic Review volume 93 (2002)

Kristeva, Julia. (2002). Nous Deux or a (Hi)story of Intertextuality Romanic Review, 93, 7-30.

Rabaté, Jean-Michel. (2002). Michael Riffaterre and the Unfinished Project of Structuralism. Romanic Review, 93, 31-56.

Meltzer, Françoise. (2002). Rupture and the Limits of Reading. Romanic Review, 93, 57-80.

Ladenson, Elisabeth. (2002). The Imperial Superreader, or : Semiotics of Indecency. Romanic Review, 93, 81-110.

Shaw, Mary Lewis. (2002). Semiosis and Hunder: Riffaterre on Mallarmé. Romanic Review, 93, 111-150.

Riffaterre, Michael. (2002). Victor Hugo's Poetics. Romanic Review, 93, 151-160.

Riffaterre, Michael. (2002). Victor Hugo on the Universe within the Poet. Romanic Review, 93, 161-172.

Riffaterre, Michael. (2002). Hugo's Orientales Revisited. Romanic Review, 93, 173-184.

Riffaterre, Michael. (2002). Fear of Theory. Romanic Review, 93, 185-258.

Creamer, Paul. (2002). Woman-Hating in Marie de France's Bisclavret. Romanic Review, 93, 259-274.

Ahmed, Ehsan. (2002). L'État, C'est L'autre: Passion, Politics, and Alterity in Senault and Racine. Romanic Review, 93, 275-306.

Ryan, Paul. (2002). Penser Cetter Chambre ou Penser Univers: Valéry and the Universe of the Room. Romanic Review, 93, 307-322.

Poiana, Peter. (2002). Figures of Scandal in the Later Narratives of Marguerite Duras. Romanic Review, 93, 323-360.

Sheaffer-Jones, Caroline. (2002). Fixing the Gaze: Jean Cocteau's La Belle et la Bête Romanic Review, 93, 361-368.

Nash, Jerry C. (2002). Fictional Evil and the Reader's Seduction: Rabelais's Creations of L'esprit Maling. Romanic Review, 93, 369-386.

Taormina, Michael. (2002). Poetry and Power: Théophile's Franchise and the Limits of Clientage, 1621-1623. Romanic Review, 93, 387-414.

Losse, Deborah N. (2002). A Storied Life and a Lived Story: Writing Oneself in Montaigne's Essais. Romanic Review, 93, 415-426.

Champagne, Roland A. (2002). The Devil's Advocate: Baudelaires's Cat as the Daimon of Erotic Mysticism in Les Fleurs du mal. Romanic Review, 93, 427-444.

Shaw, Mary Lewis. (2002). Parody and Metaphysics: Le Coup Du Livre. Romanic Review, 93, 445-471.

Bloom, Sam W. (2002). L'Honneur (1893-1902). Romanic Review, 93, 472-473.

James, Alison. (2002). Literary Memory, Consciousness, and the Group Oulipo. Romanic Review, 93, 474-477.

Nematollahy, Ali. (2002). The Sunday of Fiction. The Modern French Eccentric. Romanic Review, 93, 478-478.

Bibliography by Andrew Branch & Jonathan Eskew

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