Romanic Review volume 97 (2006)
Harris, Joseph. (2006). Novel Upbringings: Education and Gender in Choisy and La Fayette. Romanic Review, 97, 3-14.
Hainge, Greg. (2006). Tempest in Another Time: Shakespeare, Greenaway, Céline. Romanic Review, 97, 15-32.
Mortimer, Armine Kotin. (2006). The Essay According to Sollers: a Personal and Parabolic Genre. Romanic Review, 97, 33-50.
Silverman, René M. (2006). Questioning the Territory of Modernism: Ultraísmo and the Aesthetic of the First Spanish Avant-qarde. Romanic Review, 97, 51-72.
Campaignolle-Catel, Hélène. (2006). L'Ecriture ambivalente du labyrinthe dans le jardin aux sentiers qui bifurquent (Borges, 1941). Romanic Review, 97, 73-92.
Bernard, Claudie. (2006). Balzac, romancier du regard. Romanic Review, 97, 93-93.
Thornberry, Robert S. (2006). De la beauté comme violence. L'Esthétique du fascisme français (1919-1939). Romanic Review, 97, 94-97.
Thornberry, Robert S. (2006). Études sur Louis Aragon. Romanic Review, 97, 98-98.
Augustyn, Joanna. (2006). Bodies in Art: French Literary Realism and the Artist's Model. Romanic Review, 97, 99-100.
Kilbane, Aimée. (2006). The Bohemians of the Latin Quarter. Romanic Review, 97, 101-105.
Stamelman, Richard. (2006). Philippe Jaccottet. L'Évidence du simple et l'éclat de l'obscur. Romanic Review, 97, 106-108.
Parker, Thomas. (2006). Essais sur l'imaginaire classique. Romanic Review, 97, 109-113.
Carron, Jean-Claude. (2006). The Site of Petrarchism: Early Modern National Sentiment in Italy, France, and England. Romanic Review, 97, 114-117.
Santos, Jose. (2006). Batailles d'écrivains. Littérature et politique, 1870-1914. Romanic Review, 97, 118-119.
Birkenmaier, Anke. (2006). The Logic of Fetishism. Alejo Carpentier and the Cuban Tradition. Romanic Review, 97, 120-121.
Zenkin, Sergey. (2006). Le Livre de l'hospitalité. Accueil de l'étranger dans l'histoire et les cultures. Romanic Review, 97, 122-126.
Prior, Sandra Pierson. (2006). The Love that Dares Not Speak Its Name: Displacing and Silencing the Shame of Adultery in Le Chevalier de la Charrete. Romanic Review, 97, 127-152.
Renner, Bernd. (2006). Ni l'un ni l'autre et tous les deux à la fois: Le Paradoxe ménippéen inversé dans Le Tiers Livre de Rabelais. Romanic Review, 97, 153-168.
Samuels, Maurice. (2006). Metaphors of Modernity: Prostitutes, Bankers, and Other Jews in Balzac's Splendeurs et Misères des Courtisanes. Romanic Review, 97, 169-184.
Cryle, Peter M. (2006). The Open Secret: Hiding and Revealing Sexuality in the Roman de Mœurs (1880-1905). Romanic Review, 97, 185-200.
Allamand, Carole. (2006). Anne Ernaux: à la serpe, à l'aiguille et au couteau. Romanic Review, 97, 201-212.
Munro, Martin. (2006). Theorizing the Haitian Fragment and Fragmenting Caribbeanist Theory Émile Ollivier's Passages. Romanic Review, 97, 213-230.
Truglio, Maria. (2006). Strangely Familiar: The Uncanny Poetics Of Giovanni Pascoli. Romanic Review, 97, 231-254.
Roustang-Stoller, Eve-Alice. (2006). La Renaissance et la nuit. Romanic Review, 97, 255-255.
Malaguti, Andrea. (2006). The Cambridge Companion to the Italian Novel. Romanic Review, 97, 256-260.
Jullien, Dominique. (2006). A Letter From the Outgoing Editior-In-Chief. Romanic Review, 97, 261-264.
Wittman, Laura. (2006). Imagined Geographies. Romanic Review, 97, 265-274.
Luzzi, Joseph. (2006). Translator's Introduction: Italy in Translation. Romanic Review, 97, 275-278.
de Staël, Germaine. (2006). The Spirit of Translation. Romanic Review, 97, 279-284.
Gambarota, Paola. (2006). Syntax and Passions: Bouhours, Vico, And The Genius of The Nation. Romanic Review, 97, 285-308.
Cornish, Alison. (2006). Translation Galliae: Effects of Early Franco-italian Literary Exchange. Romanic Review, 97, 309-330.
Somigli, Luca. (2006). The Mirror of Modernity: Marinetti's Early Criticism Between Decadence And Renaissance Latine. Romanic Review, 97, 331-352.
Cesaretti, Enrico. (2006). Dyspepsia As Dystopia? F.T. Marinetti's Le Roi Bombance. Romanic Review, 97, 353-370.
Pireddu, Nicoletta. (2006). Primitive Marks of Moderntiy: Cultural Reconfiguration in The Franco-Italian Fin De Siècle. Romanic Review, 97, 371-400.
Chiesa, Laura. (2006). Italo Calvino And Georges Perec: The Multiple And Contrasting Emotions of Cities and Puzzles. Romanic Review, 97, 401-422.
Malaguti, Andrea. (2006). Le Mirror De L'étranger: Subjectivity in André Frénaud's le Silence de Genova. Romanic Review, 97, 423-444.
Leake, Elizabeth. (2006). Nor Do I Want Your Interpretation: Suicide, Surrealism, And The Site of Illegibility in Amelia Rosselli's Sleep. Romanic Review, 97, 445-460.
Renga, Dana. (2006). Staging Memory and Trauma In French And Italian Holocaust Film. Romanic Review, 97, 461-482.
Ricciardi, Alessia. (2006). The Italian Redemption of Cinema: Neorealism From Bazin to Godard. Romanic Review, 97, 483-500.
Harrison, Thomas. (2006). Laughter And The Tree of Knowledge. Romanic Review, 97, 501-516.
Livorni , Ernesto. (2006). In Sé Da Simulacro a Fiamma Vera / Errando: Ungaretti's Poetry From Bergson To Plato. Romanic Review, 97, 517-517.
Bibliography by Andrew Branch & Jonathan Eskew