Department of French and Romance Philology  








Romanic Review volume 98 (2007)

Nesci, Catherine. (2007). Soi-même comme une autre. Flora Tristan et les pérégrinations d'une paria. Romanic Review, 98, 3-6.

Michaud, Stéphane. (2007). Flora Tristan américaine. Romanic Review, 98, 7-22.

Wettlaufer, Alexandra K. (2007). She is me: Tristan, Gauguin and the Dialectics of Colonial Identity. Romanic Review, 98, 23-50.

Rabine, Leslie W. (2007). Flora Tristan's Closet. Romanic Review, 98, 51-70.

Le Huenen, Roland. (2007). Péeégrinations d'une paria: Voyage, bâtardise, écriture. Romanic Review, 98, 71-82.

McCall, Anne E. (2007). Still Life and Fetal Exploits in flora Tristan's Pérégrinations D'une Paria. Romanic Review, 98, 83-102.

Cross, Máire. (2007). Pérégrinations d'une paria. Romanic Review, 98, 103-104.

Nesci, Catherine. (2007). La Paria et son rêve. Romanic Review, 98, 105-105.

Nesci, Catherine. (2007). Le Paradis - un peu plus loin. Romanic Review, 98, 106-108.

Wilkinson, Marta. (2007). De Flora Tristan à Mario Vargas Llosa. Romanic Review, 98, 109-110.

Wilkinson, Marta. (2007). Revolution and Women's Autobiography in Nineteenth-Century France. Romanic Review, 98, 111-116.

Levine, S. (2007). Borges: The Reader in the Twenty-First Century. Romanic Review, 98, 117-122.

Bell, Mark. (2007). Nietzsche, Borges, García Márquez on the Art of Memory and Forgetting. Romanic Review, 98, 123-134.

Bosteels, B. (2007). The Truth is in the Making: Borges and Praqmatism. Romanic Review, 98, 135-152.

Castillo, J. (2007). A Poetics of the interstice: The Mundane and the Metaphysical in Fervor de Buenos Aires. Romanic Review, 98, 153-168.

Dove, P. (2007). Metaphor and Image in Borqes's El Zahir. Romanic Review, 98, 169-188.

Fiddian, R. (2007). El Oriente by Jorge Luis Borqes: A Poetic Bouquet and Emblem of the East. Romanic Review, 98, 189-204.

Jullien, Dominique. (2007). In Praise of Mistranslation: The Melancholy Cosmopolitanism of Jorge Luis Borges. Romanic Review, 98, 205-224.

Kristal, E. (2007). Unrequited Sublimations: Borqes Reads Spinoza. Romanic Review, 98, 225-236.

MacAdam, A. (2007). Emma Zunz Revisited. Romanic Review, 98, 237-248.

Sharkey, E. (2007). Linquistic Finitude as Capability in Borqes and Wittqenstein. Romanic Review, 98, 249-264.

Tcherepashenets, N. (2007). Shaping The Word: Repression, Archive, and Dialogical Discourse in Jorge Luis Borqes's La Muralla y los Libros. Romanic Review, 98, 265-274.

Williamson, Edward. (2007). Borges Against Perón: a Contextual Approach to El Fin. Romanic Review, 98, 275-296.

Dove, P. (2007). Invisible Work: Borges and Translation/Borges and Translation: The Irreverence of the Periphery. Romanic Review, 98, 297-301.

Yates, D. (2007). Borges. A Life. Romanic Review, 98, 302-322.

Leushuis, R. (2007). Dialogue, Space, and Selfhood in La Chastelaine de Vergi and Marguerite de Navarre's Heptaméron 70. Romanic Review, 98, 323-342.

Schmid, M. (2007). Sade ou I'eglise défroquée:La Puissance du sacrilège. Romanic Review, 98, 343-360.

Singh-Brinkman, N. (2007). Present and Poison: Gift Exchange in Prosper Merimée's Carmen. Romanic Review, 98, 361-374.

Marin, M. (2007). Un cœur simple: Variations sur un paysage normand. Romanic Review, 98, 375-386.

Duffy, Jean. (2007). Territoriality Disputes, Pollution and Abjection in Nathalie Sarraute and Hélène Lenoir. Romanic Review, 98, 387-412.

Escobar, M. (2007). X: Identity, Reflexivity and Potential Space in Perec's W ou le Souvenir d'Enfance and Gide's Les Faux-monnayeurs. Romanic Review, 98, 413-434.

Casal, R. (2007). Góngora in Arcadia: Sannazaro and the Pastoral Mode of the soledades. Romanic Review, 98, 435-456.

Jerez-Farrán, C. (2007). Análisis Comparativo de la Canción del Mariquita y los Poemas de Camborio de GarcÍa Lorca. Romanic Review, 98, 457-480.

Villanueva, A. (2007). Alberto Girri: TraducciIón y Cambio de Modelos Literariors. Romanic Review, 98, 481-504.

Hafter, Monroe Z. (2007). Opposites Reconciled: Ramiro, Conde de Lucena (1823) and the Liberal Trienio. Romanic Review, 98, 505-518.

Fujitani, James. (2007). Narrative Worlds: Essays on the Nouvelle in Fifteenth- and Sixteenth-Century France. Romanic Review, 98, 519-519.

Roustang-Stoller, Eve-Alice. (2007). Louise Labé 2005. Romanic Review, 98, 520-521.

Schreier, Lise. (2007). Les Sublimes Portes. D'Alexandrie à Venise, parcours dans l'orient romanesque. Romanic Review, 98, 522-522.

Aurora, Vincent. (2007). La Malédiction littéraire: du poète crotté au génie malheureux. Romanic Review, 98, 523-525.

Holst-Knudsen, Heidi. (2007). L'écriture Nervalienne du temps. Romanic Review, 98, 526-527.

Ippolito, Christophe. (2007). Journal des Goncourt. Romanic Review, 98, 528-529.

Borer, A. (2007). De l'institution scolaire de la littérature française (1870-1925). Romanic Review, 98, 530-531.

Renaud, Aurélie. (2007). Triptyque de claude simon. Du livre au film. Une esthétique du passage. Romanic Review, 98, 532-534.

Duffy, Jean. (2007). Le Nouveau Roman en questions, 5: Une 'nouvelle autobiographie' ? Romanic Review, 98, 535-536.

Duffy, Jean. (2007). Ecrire le vieillir. Romanic Review, 98, 537-538.

Harrison, Olivia. (2007). Creole Crossings: Domestic Fiction and the Reform of Colonial Slavery. Romanic Review, 98, 539-540.

Rosenthal, R. (2007). Rhine Crossings: France and Germany in Love and War. Romanic Review, 98, 541-543.

Sasson, Sarah Juliette. (2007). Une poétique de l'énigme. Le récit herméneutique Balzacien. Romanic Review, 98, 544-544.

Bibliography by Andrew Branch & Jonathan Eskew

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