Romanic Review volume 102 (2011)
Wood, Lucas. (2011). The Werewolf as Möbius Strip, or Becoming Bisclavret. Romanic Review, 102(1-2), 3-25.
Lorenzo Gradin, Pilar. (2011). Orden y desorden en el cancioneiro gallego-portugués B. Las claves del texto y del libro. Romanic Review, 102(1-2), 27-47.
Luft, Joanna. (2011). The Play of Repetition and Resemblance in The Romance of the Rose. Romanic Review, 102(1-2), 49-63.
Root, Jerry. (2011). Marvelous Crystals, Perilous Mirrors: Le Roman De La Rose and the Discontinuity of the Romance Subject. Romanic Review, 102(1-2), 65-89.
Armstrong, Joshua. (2011). The Glorified Woman: Abstraction and Domination in Le Livre du voir dit. Romanic Review, 102(1-2), 91-108.
Georgi, David. (2011). Reading the Signs in Villon: Puns, Proper Names, and Implied Language Theory in the Lais. Romanic Review, 102(1-2), 109-127.
Prest, Julia. (2011). Elmire and the Erotics of the Ménage à Trois in Molière’s Tartuffe. Romanic Review, 102(1-2), 129-144.
Cherbuliez, Juliette (2011). On Letting Sleeping Blonds Lie: Gender, Leisure Literature, and the Imagination in Fontenelle. Romanic Review, 102(1-2), 145-168.
Lytle, John. (2011). The Historian's Dilemma: The Quest for Master Narrative in Prosper Mérimée's La Vénus d’Ille. Romanic Review, 102(1-2), 169-182.
Lewis, Briana. (2011). The Making of a Condamné: State Power and the Ritual of Trial in Le Dernier Jour d’un condamné and Claude Gueux. Romanic Review, 102(1-2), 183-199.
Chalmin, Ronan Y. (2011). Orgasme : Pour une érotique de l’or dans Facino Cane de Balzac. Romanic Review, 102(1-2), 201-216.
Martin, Brian. (2011). Military Fraternity and Friendship: Napoleonic Soldiers and the Memoirs of Sergeant Bourgogne. Romanic Review, 102(1-2), 217-234.
Gipson, Jennifer. (2011). Literature and the Death of Folklore: In and Around Nerval’s Sylvie. Romanic Review, 102(1-2), 235-255.
Witt, Catherine. (2011). Genius and Decrepitude: Baudelaire Reads Chateaubriand. Romanic Review, 102(1-2), 257-276.
Ventura, Simone. (2011). Catherine E. Léglu. Multilingualism and Mother Tongue in Medieval French, Occitan, and Catalan Narratives (BOOK REVIEW). Romanic Review, 102(1-2), 277-280.
Conley, Tom. (2011). François Rouget. Ronsard et le livre 1: Étude de critique génétique et d’histoire littéraire. François Rigolot, ed., Clément Marot: Recueil inédit offert au connétable de Montmorency en mars 1538 (BOOK REVIEW). Romanic Review, 102(1-2), 280-283.
Doudet, Estelle. (2011). Lynn Forest-Hill. Transgressive Language in Medieval English Drama, Signs of Challenge and Change (BOOK REVIEW). Romanic Review, 102(1-2),283-286.
Marrache-Gourand, Myriam. (2011). Mireille Huchon. Rabelais (BOOK REVIEW). Romanic Review, 102(1-2), 286-289.
Blatt, Ari J. (2011). Bérénice Bonhomme. Claude Simon, la passion cinema (BOOK REVIEW). Romanic Review, 102(1-2), 290-292.
White, Nicholas. (2011). Introduction: Zola, cultural historian avant la lettre? Romanic Review, 102(3-4), 295-303.
Saminadayar-Perrin, Corinne. (2011). Nouveaux contes à Ninon : autoportrait de l’écrivain en militant. Romanic Review, 102(3-4), 305-320.
Matlock, Jann. (2011). Everyday Ghosts: La Curée in the Shadow of the Commune. Romanic Review, 102(3-4), 321-347.
White, Claire. (2011). Zola and Freud: Spent Energy in Thérèse Raquin. Romanic Review, 102(3-4), 349-368.
White, Nicholas. (2011). The Lost Heroine of Zola’s Octave Mouret Novels. Romanic Review, 102(3-4), 369-390.
Counter, Andrew. (2011). A Sentimental Affair: Vérité. Romanic Review, 102(3-4), 391-407.
Apter, Emily. (2011). Politics “small p”: Second Empire Machiavellianism in Zola’s Son Excellence Eugène Rougon. Romanic Review, 102(3-4), 411-425.
Reffait, Christophe. (2011). Libéralisme et naturalisme : Remarques sur la pensée économique de Zola à partir de Germinal. Romanic Review, 102(3-4), 427-448.
Lethbridge, Robert. (2011). Against Recuperation: The Fictions of Art in L’Œuvre. Romanic Review, 102(3-4), 449-463.
Harrow, Susan. (2011). Zola: colorist, abstractionist. Romanic Review, 102(3-4), 465-484.
Bell, Dorian. (2011). Beyond the Bourse: Zola, Empire and the Jews. Romanic Review, 102(3-4), 485-501.
Samuels, Maurice. (2011). Zola’s Philosemitism: From L’Argent to Vérité. Romanic Review, 102(3-4), 503-519.
Bibliography by Anna Provitola