Romanic Review volume 103 (2012)
Rabasa, José and Jesús Rodríguez Velasco. (2012). Introduction. Romanic Review, 103(1-2), 3-10.
Heusch, Carlos. (2012). Juan Ruiz and the Heterodox Naturalism of Spain. Romanic Review, 103(1-2), 11-47.
Alberro, Solange. (2012). A Heretic in New Spain: Alberto Enríquez, Alias Brother Manuel de Cuadros. Romanic Review, 103(1-2), 49-64.
Silverblatt, Irene. (2012). Heresies and Colonial Geopolitics. Romanic Review, 103(1-2), 65-80.
Horswell, Michael J. (2012). Negotiating Apostasy in Vilcabamba: Titu Cusi Yupanqui Writes from the Chaupi. Romanic Review, 103(1-2), 81-110.
More, Ana. (2012). Thinking with the Inquisition: Heretical Science and Popular Knowledge in Seventeenth-Century Mexico. Romanic Review, 103(1-2), 111-132.
Gavilán, Enrique. (2012). The Gnostic Imprint on Parsifal, an Illumination of Ruins. Romanic Review, 103(1-2), 133-153.
Mendiola, Alfonso. (2012). Conflict or Union in Difference: Institution, Belief, and Heresy. Romanic Review, 103(1-2), 155-173.
Lurkhur, Karen. (2012). Policing the Boundaries of Masculinity in La Fille du Comte de Pontieu. Romanic Review, 103(1-2), 175-190.
Pigott, Andrew. (2012). Of Nightmares and Whale Oil: Rabelais’s Quart Livre and the Lure of Disenchantment. Romanic Review, 103(1-2), 191-207.
Kenny, Neil. (2012). Disinterring and Reinterring the Dead: Tense in French Grammars, Du Vair, and Pasquier (c. 1550-1610). Romanic Review, 103(1-2), 209-231.
Peterson, Nora Martin. (2012). The Choreography of Courtly Life: Competing Codes in La Princesse de Clèves. Romanic Review, 103(1-2), 233-253.
Moon, Perry. (2012). Une peinture morale: Intertextuality in Clouzot’s Les Diaboliques. Romanic Review, 103(1-2), 255-272.
Stalnaker, Joanna. (2012). Introduction. Romanic Review, 103(3-4), 275-283.
Brewer, Daniel. (2012). Authors’ Present and the Experience of the Past. Romanic Review, 103(3-4), 285-301.
Viala, Alain. (2012). La Consécration académique confisquée, 2 : L’abbé d’Olivet et les contradictions de l’Académie française. Romanic Review, 103(3-4), 303-316.
Rosenberg, Daniel. (2012). The Library of the Disaster. Romanic Review, 103(3-4),317-329.
Nouis, Louis. (2012). L’Encyclopédie et le nom propre. Romanic Review, 103(3-4), 331-345.
Mander, Jenny. (2012). Colonial Connections: Authorship, Paternity, and Posterity in a Global Market. Romanic Review, 103(3-4), 347-365.
Popkin, Jeremy D. (2012). The Author as Colonial Exile: “Mon Odyssée”. Romanic Review, 103(3-4), 367-380.
Hayes, Julie Candler. (2012). From Anonymity to Autobiography: Mme d’Arconville’s Self-Fashionings. Romanic Review, 103(3-4), 381-397.
Sgard, Jean. (2012). Confession publique et confession secrète chez Prévost. Romanic Review, 103(3-4), 399-407.
Von Mücke, Dorothea. (2012). Private Writer and Public Author: Authorship and Audiences in Rousseau’s Confessions. Romanic Review, 103(3-4), 409-426.
Mostefai, Ourida. (2012). Un auteur paradoxal : Singularité et exemplarité de la carrière de Rousseau. Romanic Review, 103(3-4), 427-437.
Turnovsky, Geoffrey. (2012). “Authorial Poverty” and Transformations in Readership, 1750-1850. Romanic Review, 103(3-4), 439-464.
Wynn, Thomas. (2012). Collaboration and Authorship in Eighteenth-Century French Theater. Romanic Review, 103(3-4), 465-481.
Loysen, Kathleen. (2012). “Je suis Auteur”: Mme Galien and the Status of Women’s Authorship in Early Eighteenth-Century France. Romanic Review, 103(3-4), 483-503.
Duranton, Henri. (2012). À la (vaine) recherche du bélître inconnu: Quelques aspects de la fonction-auteur au dix-huitième siècle. Romanic Review, 103(3-4), 505-525.
Russo, Elena. (2012). Parrêsia, persiflage, falsification : Le Vanini de Voltaire. Romanic Review, 103(3-4), 527-552.
Cronk, Nicholas. (2012). The Selfless Author: Voltaire’s Apocrypha. Romanic Review, 103(3-4), 553-577.
Lloret, Albert. (2012). Roxana Recio, ed. Los Trionfi de Petrarca comentados en catalán: una edición de los manuscritos 534 de la Biblioteca Nacional de París y del Ateneu de Barcelona (BOOK REVIEW). Romanic Review, 103(3-4), 579-580.
Foster Gittes, Tobias. (2012). Albert Russell Ascoli. A Local Habitation and a Name: Imagining Histories in the Italian Renaissance (BOOK REVIEW). Romanic Review, 103(3-4), 580-583.
Simon-Walckenaer, Marie-Emmanuelle. (2012). Jean d’Abondance. Le Gouvert d’humanité. Édition critique par Xavier Leroux (BOOK REVIEW). Romanic Review, 103(3-4), 583-585.
Kimmel, Seth. (2012). Anthony J. Cascardi. Cervantes, Literature, and the Discourse of Politics (BOOK REVIEW). Romanic Review, 103(3-4), 585-588.
Wikström, Toby. (2012). Larry F. Norman. The Shock of the Ancient: Literature and History in Early Modern France (BOOK REVIEW). Romanic Review, 103(3-4), 588-590.
Walsh, Lauren. (2012). Marija Dalbello and Mary Shaw, eds. Visible Writings: Cultures, Forms, Readings (BOOK REVIEW). Romanic Review, 103(3-4), 590-593.
Wadhera, Priya. (2012). Christelle Reggiani. L’Éternel et l’Éphémère: Temporalités dans l’oeuvre de Georges Perec (BOOK REVIEW). Romanic Review, 103(3-4), 593-596.
Consenstein, Peter. (2012). Alison James. Constraining Chance—Georges Perec and the Oulipo (BOOK REVIEW). Romanic Review, 103(3-4), 596-600.
Petterson, James. (2012). Carrie Noland. Agency and Embodiment: Performing Gestures / Producing Culture (BOOK REVIEW). Romanic Review, 103(3-4), 601-603.
Bibliography by Anna Provitola