Romanic Review volume 104 (2013)
García, Santiago Gutiérrez. (2013). Hacia una teoría de la sátira gallegoportuguesa y su posible duplicidad genérica. Romanic Review, 104(1-2), 3-21.
Martin, Carl Grey. (2013). “Bisclavret” and the Subject of Torture. Romanic Review, 104(1-2), 23-43.
Meere, Michael. (2013). Violence, Revenge, and the Stakes of Writing during the French Civil Wars: Simon Belyard’s Le Guysien. Romanic Review, 104(1-2), 45-64.
Call, Michael. (2013). Alceste at the Print Shop: Le Misanthrope’s Response to Molière’s 1666 Œuvres. Romanic Review, 104(1-2), 65-82.
St. Clair, Robert. (2013). Laughing Matter(s): Politics and Poetics of the (Utopian Body) in Rimbaud’s Les Effarés. Romanic Review, 104(1-2), 83-104.
Lukes, Alexandra. (2013). The Asylum of Nonsense: Antonin Artaud’s Translation of Lewis Caroll. Romanic Review, 104(1-2), 105-126.
Ruffel, David. Trans. Maria O'Sullivan. (2013). Pinget Queer. Romanic Review, 104(1-2), 127-145.
DiMauro, Damon. (2013). A Tribute to Winthrop H. Rice. Romanic Review, 104(1-2), 147-161.
Hériché-Pradeau, Sandrine. (2013). Nigel Bryant Woodbridge, trans. Boydell Brewer. The Medieval Romance of Alexander (BOOK REVIEW). Romanic Review, 104(1-2), 163-166.
Cazes, Hélène. (2013). Jacques Bellot. The French Method. La Méthode française [Susan Baddeley éd. et trad.]; Jean-Pierre Camus. Les Euenemens singuliers; Jérôme Fracastor. Syphilis sive morbus gallicus; Jacques Ferrand. De la maladie d'amour ou mélancolie érotique (BOOK REVIEW). Romanic Review, 104(1-2), 166-169.
Paige, Nicholas. (2013). Eric R. Koch. The Aesthetic Body: Passion, Sensibility, and Corporeality in Seventeenth-Century France (BOOK REVIEW). Romanic Review, 104(1-2), 170-172.
Mesch, Rachel. (2013). Nicholas White. French Divorce Fiction from the Revolution to the First World War. (BOOK REVIEW). Romanic Review, 104(1-2), 172-174.
Weiss, Jonathan. (2013). Bracher, Nathan. After the Fall: War and Occupation in Irène Némirovsky’s Suite française. (BOOK REVIEW). Romanic Review, 104(1-2), 174-176.
Hochman, Hugh. (2013). Madeline Pampel. Francis Ponge et Eugène de Kermadec, histoire d'un compagnonnage. (BOOK REVIEW). Romanic Review, 104(1-2), 177-179.
Dobie, Madeleine and Emmanuelle Saada. (2013). Introduction. Romanic Review, 104(3-4), 183-187.
Miller, Christopher L. (2013). History, Horror, and Pleasure in Haiti and Africa. Romanic Review, 104(3-4), 189-197.
Garraway, Doris L. (2013). Toward a Literary Psychoanalysis of Postcolonial Haiti: Desire, Violence, and the Mimetic Crisis in Marie Chauvet's Amour. Romanic Review, 104(3-4), 199-222.
Spivak, Gayatri. (2013). Postcolonialism in France. Romanic Review, 104(3-4), 223-242.
Djerbal, Daho. (2013). History Writing as Cultural and Political Critique, or The Difficulty of Writing the History of a (De)Colonized Society. Romanic Review, 104(3-4), 243-251.
Strouse, A.W. (2013). Misogynists as Queers in Le Livre de la Cité des Dames. Romanic Review, 104(3-4), 253-274.
Hock, Jessie. (2013). Waging Loving War: Lucretius and the Poetry of Remy Belleau. Romanic Review, 104(3-4), 275-292.
Leveau, Eric. (2013). La Réception d'Erasme dans Les Caractères de La Bruyère. Romanic Review, 104(3-4), 293-311.
Wyngaard, Amy S. (2013). Translating Sade: The Grove Press Editions, 1953-1968. Romanic Review, 104(3-4), 313-331.
Earle, Jason. (2013). Les Deux Cents Familles: A Conspiracy Theory of the Avant-Garde. Romanic Review, 104(3-4), 333-352.
Debaene, Vincent. (2013). Les Ecrivains contre l'ethnologie ? Ethnographie, ethnologie et littérature d'Afrique et des Antilles, 1921-1948. Romanic Review, 104(3-4), 353-374.
Jacobs, Jason. (2013). Sunderland, Luke. Old French Narrative Cycles: Heroism between Ethics and Morality. (BOOK REVIEW). Romanic Review, 104(3-4), 375-378.
Gaggero, Massimiliano. (2013). Hinton, Thomas. The Conte du Graal Cycle : Chrétien de Troyes's Perceval, the Continuations, and French Arthurian Romance. (BOOK REVIEW). Romanic Review, 104(3-4), 378-383.
Usher, Phillip John. (2013). Rouget, François. Ronsard et le livre (II) : Etude de critique génétique et d'histoire littéraire. (BOOK REVIEW). Romanic Review, 104(3-4), 383-387.
Usher, Phillip John. (2013). Mackenzie, Louisa. The Poetry of Place: Lyric, Landscape and Ideology in Renaissance France. (BOOK REVIEW). Romanic Review, 104(3-4), 387-388.
Laporta, Kathrina A. (2013). Paige, Nicholas D. Before Fiction: The Ancien Régime of the Novel. (BOOK REVIEW). Romanic Review, 104(3-4), 389-392.
Laporta, Kathrina A. (2013). Tribout, Bruno. Les récits de conjuration sous Louis XIV. (BOOK REVIEW). Romanic Review, 104(3-4), 392-395.
Samuels, Maurice. (2013). Chaouat, Bruno. L'Ombre pour la proie: Petites Apocalypses de la vie quotidienne. (BOOK REVIEW). Romanic Review, 104(3-4), 395-396.
Bibliography by Anna Provitola