Romanic Review Volume 106: 1-4 Jan-Nov 2015
Remembering Assia Djebar (1936-2015)
Madeleine Dobie, Special Editor.
Dobie, Madeleine. (2015). Introduction. Romanic Review, 106(1-4), 1-5.
Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty. (2015). Assia Djebar: In Memoriam. Romanic Review, 106(1-4), 7-12.
Benhaïm, André. (2015). Djebar’s Odyssey. Romanic Review, 106(1-4), 13-28.
Milkovitch-Rioux, Catherine. (2015). Assia Djebar’s Mourners. Romanic Review, 106(1-4), 29-46.
Kamal, Amr. (2015). Undoing Odysseus’s Pact: Marginal Faces and Voices in the Narratives of Assia Djebar and Agnès Varda. Romanic Review, 106(1-4), 47-70.
Provitola, Anna Blase. (2015). Feminism in the “Father Book”: Complicating Emancipation Narratives in Assia Djebar’s Nowhere in my Father’s House. Romanic Review, 106(1-4), 71-92.
Twohig, Erin. (2015). Investigating a Disappearance: Multilingualism and Language Erasure in Assia Djebar’s La Disparition de la langue française. Romanic Review, 106(1-4), 93-102.
Chalmin, Ronan Y. (2015). Britannicus, Tragédie du plaire. Romanic Review, 106(1-4), 103-124.
Brown, Nathan D. (2015). Curious Savages: Cultural Transvestism, Identity and New France in Alain René Lesage’s Les Avantures de monsieur Robert Chevalier, dit de Beauchêne. Romanic Review, 106(1-4), 125-144.
Cerfon, Audrey. (2015). Le “Cri” de la critique: Origine et critère de l’écriture dans À la recherche du temps perdu. Romanic Review, 106(1-4), 145-166.
Hollister, Lucas. (2015). On the Uses and Abuses of Return: Reflections on Jean Rouaud’s L’imitation du bonheur and Its “Histoire critique de la fiction”. Romanic Review, 106(1-4), 167-187.
Chism, Christine. (2015). Simon Gaunt. Marco Polo’s Le Devisement du monde. Narrative Voice, Language and Diversity. (BOOK REVIEW). Romanic Review, 106(1-4), 189-193.
Zingesser, Eliza. (2015). Anna Zayaruznaya. The Monstrous New Art: Divide Forms in the Late Medieval Motet. (BOOK REVIEW). Romanic Review, 106(1-4), 193-195.
Patterson, Jeanette. (2015). Catherine Croizy-Naquet, Laurence Harf-Lancner, and Michelle Szkilnik (eds.). Les Manuscrits médiévaux, témoins de lectures. (BOOK REVIEW). Romanic Review, 106(1-4), 195-199.
Khanmohamadi, Shirin A. (2015). Karina F. Attar and Lynn Shutters (eds.). Teaching Medieval and Early Modern Cross-Cultural Encounters. (BOOK REVIEW). Romanic Review, 106(1-4), 200-204.
Helgeson, James. (2015). Phillip John Usher and Isabelle Fernbach (eds.). Virgilian Identities in the French Renaissance. (BOOK REVIEW). Romanic Review, 106(1-4), 204-206.
Gittes, Tobias Foster. (2015). Wayne E. Rebhorn (trans.). Giovanni Boccaccio. The Decameron. (BOOK REVIEW). Romanic Review, 106(1-4), 206-211.
Usher, Phillip John. (2015). Denis Bjaï and François Rouget (eds.). Les Poètes français de la Renaissance et leurs “libraires.” Actes du Colloque international de l’Université d’Orléans. (BOOK REVIEW). Romanic Review, 106(1-4), 212-213.
Usher, Phillip John. (2015). Jan Miernowski. La beauté de la haine. Essais de misologie littéraire. (BOOK REVIEW). Romanic Review, 106(1-4),213-214.
Usher, Phillip John. (2015). Jan Miernowski (ed.). Le Sublime et le Grotesque. (BOOK REVIEW). Romanic Review, 106(1-4), 215-217.
Herbeck, Jason. (2015). André Benhaïm and Aymeric Glacet (eds.). Albert Camus au quotidien. (BOOK REVIEW). Romanic Review, 106(1-4), 217-221.
Mounga, Bauvarie. (2015). Christelle Reggiani. Poétiques oulipiennes. La Contrainte, le style, l’histoire. (BOOK REVIEW). Romanic Review, 106(1-4), 221-224.
Bibliography by Raphaëlle Burns