IBM Books

Administration Guide

HACMP ES Event Monitoring and User-Defined Events

The following is an example of a user-defined event: Perhaps you want to shut down DB2 database partitions on an AIX physical node when paging space reaches a certain percentage of fullness, and to log this occurrence. An example to correct a paging space shortage by shutting down a database partition and forcing a transaction abort to free paging space is provided. The examples are found in the /SAMPLES directory. Another common example is process death: You may want to restart a DB2 database partition, or you may want failover to occur if a process dies on a given node.

With HACMP ES there is a rules file, /user/sbin/cluster/events/rules.hacmprd, that contains HACMP events.

Each event in the file is made up of nine lines which are:

  1. Event name. Each event name must be unique.

  2. State. This is the qualifier for the event. The event name and state are the rule triggers. HACMP ES Cluster Manager initiates recovery only if it finds a rule with a trigger corresponding to the event name and state.

  3. Resource Program Path. This is a full-path specification of the xxx.rp file containing the recovery program.

  4. Recovery Type. This is reserved for future use.

  5. Recovery Level. This is reserved for future use.

  6. Resource Variable Name. This is used for Event Manager events.

  7. Instance Vector. This is used for Event Manager events. Within Event Management, this is a set of elements, where each element is a name and value pair of the form "name=value". The values uniquely identify the copy of the resource in the system and, by extension, the copy of the resource variable.

  8. Predicate. This is used for Event Manager events. Within Event Management, this is the relational expression between a resource variable and other elements that, when true, the Event Management subsystem generates an event to notify Cluster Manager and the appropriate application.

  9. Rearm Predicate. This is used for Event Manager events. Within Event Management, this is a predicate used to generate an event that alternates the status of the primary predicate. This predicate is typically the inverse of the primary predicate. It can also be used with the event predicate to establish an upper and a lower boundary for a condition of interest.

Each object requires one line in the event definition even if the line is not used. If these lines are removed, HACMP ES Cluster Manager cannot parse the event definition properly. And this may cause the system to hang. Any line beginning with "#" is treated as a comment line and is not treated as part of the event definition.
Note:The rules file requires exactly nine lines for each event definition not counting any comment lines. When adding a user-defined event at the bottom of the rules file, it is important to remove the unnecessary empty line at the end of the file, or the node will hang.

An example of an event definition for node_up follows:

##### Beginning of the Event Definition: node_up
# 6) Resource variable - only used for event management events
# 7) Instance vector - only used for event management events
# 8) Predicate  - only used for event management events
# 9) Rearm predicate - only used for event management events
###### End of the Event Definition: node_up

This is an example of just one of the event definitions that are found in the rules.hacmprd file.

In this example, when the node_up event occurs, the recovery program /usr/sbin/cluster/events/node_up.rp is executed. According to the rules, the proper values are specified in the state, recovery type, and recovery level lines in the definition. There are four (4) empty lines for: resource variable, instance variable, predicate, and rearm predicate.

Users can add their own events to react to non-standard HACMP ES events. For example, to define the event that the /tmp file system is over 90 per cent full, the rules.hacmprd file must be modified.

Many events are predefined in the IBM Parallel System Support Program (PSSP). These events can be exploited when used within user-defined events. To make this happen, do the following:

  1. Stop the cluster.

  2. Edit the rules.hacmprd file. Backup the file before modifying it. Add the predefined PSSP event manually. If you need synchronizing points across all nodes in the cluster, use the barrier command in the recovery program. (Read more about the barrier command and synchronization of recovery programs in the HACMP Concepts, Installation, and Administration Guides.)

  3. Restart the cluster. The rules.hacmprd file is stored in memory when Cluster Manager is started. To accurately implement the changes, restart all the clusters. There should not be any inconsistent rules in a cluster.

  4. Cluster Manager uses all events in the rules.hacmprd file.

HACMP ES uses PSSP event detection to treat user-defined events. The PSSP Event Management subsystem provides comprehensive event detection by monitoring various hardware and software resources.

Resource states are represented by resource variables. Resource conditions are represented as expressions called predicates.

Event Management receives resource variables from the Resource Monitor, which observes the state of specific system resources and transforms this state into several resource variables. These variables are periodically passed to Event Management. Event Management applies predicates that are specified by the HACMP ES Cluster Manager in rules.hacmprd to each resource variable. When the predicate is evaluated as being true, an event is generated and sent to the Cluster Manager. Cluster Manager initiates the voting protocol and the recovery program file (xxx.rp) is executed on a set of nodes specified by "node sets" in the recovery program and according to event priority.

The recovery program file (xxx.rp) is made up of one or more recovery program lines. Each line is declared in the following format:

   relationship     command_to_run     expected_status     NULL

There must be at least one space between each value in the format. "Relationship" is a value used to decide which program should run on which kind of node. Three types of relationship are supported:

"Command_to_run" is a quote-delimiting string with or without a full-path definition to an executable program. Only HACMP-delivered event scripts can use a relative-path definition. With other scripts or programs, the full-path definition must be used (even if these programs are located in the same directory as the HACMP event scripts). "Expected_states" is the return code of the specified command or program. It is an integer value or an "x". If "x" is used, Cluster Manager does not care about the return code. For all other codes, it must be equal to the expected return code. If it is not, Cluster Manager detects the event failure. The handling of this event "hangs" the process until the problem is solved through a manual intervention to recover. Without manual intervention, the node does not hit the barrier to synchronize with the other nodes. Synchronization across all nodes is a requirement for the Cluster Manager to control all the nodes. "NULL" is a field reserved for future use. The word "NULL" must appear at the end of each line except the barrier line. If you specify multiple recovery commands between two barrier commands, or before the first one, the recovery commands are executed in parallel on the node itself and between the nodes.

The barrier command is used to synchronize all the commands across all the cluster nodes. When a node hits the barrier statement in the recovery program, Cluster Manager initiates the barrier protocol on this node. Since the barrier protocol is a two-phase protocol, when all nodes have met the barrier in the recovery program and "voted" to approve the protocol, then all nodes are notified that both phases have completed.

In summary, the following actions make up the process:

  1. Either Group Services/ES for predefined events, or Event Management for user-defined events, notifies Cluster Manager of the event.

  2. HACMP ES Cluster Manager reads the rules.hacmprd file and determines the recovery program mapped to the event.

  3. HACMP ES Cluster Manager runs the recovery program which consists of a sequence of recovery commands.

  4. The recovery program executes the recovery commands which may be shell scripts or binary commands.
    Note:The recovery commands are the same as the HACMP event scripts in HACMP for AIX.

  5. HACMP ES Cluster Manager receives the return status from the recovery commands. An unexpected status "hangs" the cluster until manual intervention using smit cm_rec_aids or the /usr/sbin/cluster/utilities/clruncmd command is carried out.

HACMP ES Script Files

Included with DB2 UDB EEE are sample scripts for failover/recovery and for user-defined events. The scripts will work "as is" or you can customize or change the recovery action.

The script files are located in the DB2 UDB EEE $INSTNAME/sqllib/samples/hacmp/es directory.

The recovery scripts need to be installed on each node that will run recovery. The script files can be centrally installed from the SP control workstation or other designated SP node. To install, complete the following tasks:

  1. Copy the scripts from the $INSTNAME/sqllib/samples/hacmp/es directory to one of either the SP control workstation or another SP node that can run the pcp and pexec commands. (The pcp and pexec commands are required for the install so ensure that you have the ability to run them.)

  2. Customize the reg.parms.SAMPLE and failover.parms.SAMPLE files for your environment by setting key parameters such as BUFFPAGE for failover configurations. Typically for mutual takeover configurations, your failure settings will be adjusted lower to one-half the size of your regular settings or less. Also, you will use a copy of these files renamed with your own name (instead of "SAMPLE").

  3. Customize as necessary the five (5) parameters NFS_RETRIES, START_RETRIES, MOUNT_NFS, STOP_RETRIES, and FAILOVER in the rc.db2pe file. The three retries and the single failover settings should be adequate for almost all implementations. The MOUNT_NFS setting should be configured depending on whether you will be using the package for NFS server availability. You should specify this setting if you wish rc.db2pe to mount and verify the NFS home directory of the DB2 instance owner for you. Setting the FAILOVER parameter to "YES" will cause the running of db2_proc_restart and attempt to restart a DB2 database partition. If unsuccessful in this attempt, HACMP will be shutdown with a failover.

  4. Customize db2_paging_action, db2_proc_recovery, and nfs_auto_recovery in the event file. Also, edit pwq to change this to the DB2 instance owner. Customize the db2_paging_action to indicate the action to take if paging space gets more that ninety percent full. (If this does occur, the DB2 database partition is stopped.) Modify the script if additional recovery actions are required.

  5. Use db2_inst_ha to install the scripts and events on the nodes you specify.
    Note:HACMP ES must be pre-installed on these nodes before you begin.
    The syntax of db2_inst_ha is:
       db2_inst_ha $INSTNAME/sqllib/samples/hacmp/es <nodelist> <DATABASENAME>
       $INSTNAME/sqllib/samples/hacmp/es is the directory where the scripts/event are located
       <nodelist> is the pcp or pexec style of nodes; for example, 1-16 or 1,2,3,4
       <DATABASENAME> is the name of the database for regular and failover
          parameter files.
    The reg.parms.SAMPLE and failover.parms.SAMPLE will be copied to each node and renamed reg.parms.DATABASENAME. db2_inst_ha will copy files to each node in /usr/bin and update the HACMP event files: /usr/sbin/cluster/events/rules.hacmprd, /usr/sbin/cluster/events/network_up_complete, and /usr/sbin/cluster/events/network_down_complete.

  6. Configure your system and scripts with HACMP.

  7. Use the create_db2_events command to install the monitoring events for problem management resources (pman) and the SP GUI Perspectives. Additional configuration and customization in Perspectives is needed. For more information on Perspectives, read the PSSP Administration Guide.

  8. Use the ha_db2stop command to shutdown the database partitions without HACMP ES failover recovery taking place. To use this command, copy the file to the database user's home directory and make sure permissions and ownership are set for that user. To stop the database without failover recovery, then as that user, type:
    Note:You must wait for the command to return. Exiting by using a ctrl-C interrupt, or by killing the process, may re-enable failover recovery prematurely. This would result in not all database partitions being stopped.

DB2 Recovery Scripts Operations with HACMP ES

HACMP ES invokes the DB2 recovery scripts in the following way:

Note:All events can be monitored through SP problem management and the SP Perspectives GUI.

Other Script Utilities

There are other script utilities available for your use which include:

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