IBM Books

Administration Guide

DB2 Books

The table in this section lists the DB2 books. They are divided into two groups:

Cross-platform books
These books contain the common DB2 information for UNIX-based and Intel-based platforms.

Platform-specific books
These books are for DB2 on a specific platform. For example, for DB2 on OS/2, on Windows NT, and on the UNIX-based platforms, there are separate Quick Beginnings books.

Most books are available in HTML and PostScript format, and in hardcopy that you can order from IBM. The exceptions are noted in the table.

If you want to read the English version of the books, they are always provided in the directory that contains the English documentation.

You can obtain DB2 books and access information in a variety of different ways:

See "Viewing Online Books".
See "Searching Online Books".
See "Printing the PostScript Books".
See "Ordering the Printed DB2 Books".

Book Name Book Description Form Number

File Name

Cross-Platform Books
Administration Getting Started Introduces basic DB2 database administration concepts and tasks, and walks you through the primary administrative tasks. S10J-8154


Administration Guide Contains information required to design, implement, and maintain a database to be accessed either locally or in a client/server environment. S10J-8157


API Reference Describes the DB2 application programming interfaces (APIs) and data structures you can use to manage your databases. Explains how to call APIs from your applications. S10J-8167


CLI Guide and Reference Explains how to develop applications that access DB2 databases using the DB2 Call Level Interface, a callable SQL interface that is compatible with the Microsoft ODBC specification. S10J-8159


Command Reference Explains how to use the command line processor, and describes the DB2 commands you can use to manage your database. S10J-8166


DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition Quick Beginnings Provides planning, migrating, installing, configuring, and using information for DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition. Also contains installation and setup information for all supported clients. S10J-7888


DB2 Connect Personal Edition Quick Beginnings Provides planning, installing, configuring, and using information for DB2 Connect Personal Edition. S10J-8162


DB2 Connect User's Guide Provides concepts, programming and general using information about the DB2 Connect products. S10J-8163


DB2 Connectivity Supplement Provides setup and reference information for customers who want to use DB2 for AS/400, DB2 for OS/390, DB2 for MVS, or DB2 for VM as DRDA Application Requesters with DB2 Universal Database servers, and customers who want to use DRDA Application Servers with DB2 Connect (formerly DDCS) application requesters.
Note:Available in HTML and PostScript formats only.
No form number


Embedded SQL Programming Guide Explains how to develop applications that access DB2 databases using embedded SQL, and includes discussions about programming techniques and performance considerations. S10J-8158


Glossary Provides a comprehensive list of all DB2 terms and definitions.
Note:Available in HTML format only.
No form number


Installing and Configuring DB2 Clients Provides installation and setup information for all DB2 Client Application Enablers and DB2 Software Developer's Kits.
Note:Available in HTML and PostScript formats only.
No form number


Master Index Contains a cross reference to the major topics covered in the DB2 library.
Note:Available in PostScript format and hardcopy only.


Messages Reference Lists messages and codes issued by DB2, and describes the actions you should take. S10J-8168


DB2 Replication Guide and Reference Provides planning, configuring, administering, and using information for the IBM Replication tools supplied with DB2. S95H-0999


Road Map to DB2 Programming Introduces the different ways your applications can access DB2, describes key DB2 features you can use in your applications, and points to detailed sources of information for DB2 programming. S10J-8155


SQL Getting Started Introduces SQL concepts, and provides examples for many constructs and tasks. S10J-8156


SQL Reference Describes SQL syntax, semantics, and the rules of the language. Also includes information about release-to-release incompatibilities, product limits, and catalog views. S10J-8165


System Monitor Guide and Reference Describes how to collect different kinds of information about your database and the database manager. Explains how you can use the information to understand database activity, improve performance, and determine the cause of problems. S10J-8164


Troubleshooting Guide Helps you determine the source of errors, recover from problems, and use diagnostic tools in consultation with DB2 Customer Service. S10J-8169


What's New Describes the new features, functions, and enhancements in DB2 Universal Database, Version 5.2, including information about Java-based tools. S04L-6230


Platform-Specific Books
Building Applications for UNIX Environments Provides environment setup information and step-by-step instructions to compile, link, and run DB2 applications on a UNIX system. S10J-8161


Building Applications for Windows and OS/2 Environments Provides environment setup information and step-by-step instructions to compile, link, and run DB2 applications on a Windows or OS/2 system. S10J-8160


DB2 Personal Edition Quick Beginnings Provides planning, installing, migrating, configuring, and using information for DB2 Universal Database Personal Edition on OS/2, Windows 95, and the Windows NT operating systems. S10J-8150


DB2 SDK for Macintosh Building Your Applications Provides environment setup information and step-by-step instructions to compile, link, and run DB2 applications on a Macintosh system.
Note:Available in PostScript format and hardcopy for DB2 Version 2.1.2 only.


DB2 SDK for SCO OpenServer Building Your Applications Provides environment setup information and step-by-step instructions to compile, link, and run DB2 applications on a SCO OpenServer system.
Note:Available for DB2 Version 2.1.2 only.


DB2 SDK for SINIX Building Your Applications Provides environment setup information and step-by-step instructions to compile, link, and run DB2 applications on a SINIX system.
Note:Available in PostScript format and hardcopy for DB2 Version 2.1.2 only.


Quick Beginnings for OS/2 Provides planning, installing, migrating, configuring, and using information for DB2 Universal Database on OS/2. Also contains installing and setup information for all supported clients. S10J-8147


Quick Beginnings for UNIX Provides planning, installing, configuring, migrating, and using information for DB2 Universal Database on UNIX-based platforms. Also contains installing and setup information for all supported clients. S10J-8148


Quick Beginnings for Windows NT Provides planning, installing, configuring, migrating, and using information for DB2 Universal Database on the Windows NT operating system. Also contains installing and setup information for all supported clients. S10J-8149


DB2 Extended Enterprise Edition for UNIX Quick Beginnings Provides planning, installing, configuring, and using information for DB2 Universal Database Extended Enterprise Edition for UNIX.

This book supercedes the DB2 Extended Enterprise Edition Quick Beginnings for AIX book, and is suitable for use with all versions of DB2 Extended Enterprise Edition that run on UNIX-based platforms.



DB2 Extended Enterprise Edition for Windows NT Quick Beginnings Provides planning, installing, configuring, and using information for DB2 Universal Database Extended Enterprise Edition for Windows NT. S09L-6713



  1. The character in the sixth position of the file name indicates the language of a book. For example, the file name db2d0e50 indicates that the Administration Guide is in English. The following letters are used in the file names to indicate the language of a book:
    Language Identifier Language Identifier
    Brazilian Portuguese B Japanese J
    Bulgarian U Korean K
    Czech X Norwegian N
    Danish D Polish P
    English E Russian R
    Finnish Y Simp. Chinese C
    French F Slovenia L
    German G Spanish Z
    Greek A Swedish S
    Hungarian H Trad. Chinese T
    Italian I Turkish M

  2. For late breaking information that could not be included in the DB2 books:

Viewing Online Books

The manuals included with this product are in Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) softcopy format. Softcopy format enables you to search or browse the information, and provides hypertext links to related information. It also makes it easier to share the library across your site.

You can use any HTML Version 3.2-compliant browser to view the online books.

To view online books:

Setting up a Document Server

By default the DB2 information is installed on your local system. This means that each person who needs access to the DB2 information must install the same files. To have the DB2 information stored in a single location, use the following instructions:

  1. Copy all files and sub-directories from \sqllib\doc\html on your local system to a web server. Each book has its own sub-directory containing all the necessary HTML and GIF files that make up the book. Ensure that the directory structure remains the same.

  2. Configure the web server to look for the files in the new location. For information, see Setting up DB2 Online Documentation on a Web Server at:

  3. If you are using the Java version of the Information Center, you can specify a base URL for all HTML files. You should use the URL for the list of books.

  4. Once you are able to view the book files, you should bookmark commonly viewed topics such as:

For information about setting up a search, see the What's New book.

Searching Online Books

To search for information in the HTML books, you can do the following:

Printing the PostScript Books

If you prefer to have printed copies of the manuals, you can decompress and print PostScript versions. For the file name of each book in the library, see the table in "DB2 Books".
Note:Specify the full path name for the file you intend to print.

On OS/2 and Windows platforms:

  1. Copy the compressed PostScript files to a hard drive on your system. The files have a file extension of .exe and are located in the x:\doc\language\books\ps directory, where x: is the letter representing the CD-ROM drive and language is the two-character country code that represents your language (for example, EN for English).

  2. Decompress the file that corresponds to the book that you want. The result from this step is a printable PostScript file with a file extension of .psz.

  3. Ensure that your default printer is a PostScript printer capable of printing Level 1 (or equivalent) files.

  4. Enter the following command from a command line:
       print filename.psz

On UNIX-based platforms:

  1. Mount the CD-ROM. Refer to your Quick Beginnings manual for the procedures to mount the CD-ROM.

  2. Change to /cdrom/doc/%L/ps directory on the CD-ROM, where /cdrom is the mount point of the CD-ROM and %L is the name of the desired locale. The manuals will be installed in the previously-mentioned directory with file names ending with .ps.Z.

  3. Decompress and print the manual you require using the following command:

    where filename is the name of the full path name and extension of the compressed PostScript file and PSprinter_queue is the name of the PostScript printer queue.

    For example, to print the English version of Quick Beginnings for UNIX on AIX, you can use the following command:

       zcat /cdrom/doc/en/ps/ | qprt -P ps1

Ordering the Printed DB2 Books

You can order the printed DB2 manuals either as a set, or individually. There are three sets of books available. The form number for the entire set of DB2 books is SBOF-8915-00. The form number for the set of books updated for Version 5.2 is SBOF-8921-00. The form number for the books listed under the heading "Cross-Platform Books" is SBOF-8914-00.
Note:These form numbers only apply if you are ordering books that are printed in the English language.

You can also order books individually by the form number listed in "DB2 Books". To order printed versions, contact your IBM authorized dealer or marketing representative, or phone 1-800-879-2755 in the United States or 1-800-IBM-4YOU in Canada.

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