db2stop myinst db2 update dbm cfg using authentication client db2start myinst
db2 connect to remotedb user Ivan using johnpw
Note: | Because a Windows 95 client cannot validate a given username and password, client authentication under Windows 95 is inherently insecure. If the Windows 95 machine has access to a Windows NT security provider, however, some measure of security can be imposed by configuring the Windows 95 system for validated pass-through logon. For details on how to configure your Windows 95 system in this way, refer to the Microsoft documentation for Windows 95. |
DB2 also supports global groups. In order to use global groups, you must include global groups inside a local group that is on the security server. When DB2 enumerates all the groups that a person is a member of, it also lists the local groups the user is a member of indirectly (by the virtue of being in a global group that is itself a member of one or more local groups).