About me
I am an associate professor in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research (IEOR) at Columbia University, affiliated with the Data Science Institute. From 2015-2017 I was an NSF postdoctoral fellow in Applied Mathematics at Brown University, and before that I completed my Ph.D. in 2015 at Princeton University in the department of Operations Research and Financial Engineering (ORFE). I do research in probability theory, with a focus on interacting particle systems and mean field games. Click here for a CV.
My research is supported by an Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship and the NSF CAREER award DMS-2045328.
Office: Mudd 306
Email: daniel.lacker (at) columbia (dot) edu
Lecture Notes
Publications and Preprints
Mimicking and conditional control with hard killing
With René Carmona. Preprint. [arXiv]
Quantitative propagation of chaos for non-exchangeable diffusions via first-passage percolation
With Lane Chun Yeung and Fuzhong Zhou. Preprint. [arXiv]
Convergence of coordinate ascent variational inference for log-concave measures via optimal transport
With Manuel Arnese. Preprint. [arXiv]
Independent projections of diffusions: Gradient flows for variational inference and optimal mean field approximations
To appear in Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré. [arXiv]
Projected Langevin dynamics and a gradient flow for entropic optimal transport
With Giovanni Conforti and Soumik Pal. Preprint. [arXiv]
Approximately optimal distributed stochastic controls beyond the mean field setting
With Joe Jackson. To appear in Annals of Applied Probability. [arXiv]
Mean field approximations via log-concavity
With Sumit Mukherjee and Lane Chun Yeung. International Mathematics Research Notices. [arXiv, DOI]
Sharp uniform-in-time propagation of chaos
With Luc Le Flem. Probability Theory and Related Fields. [arXiv, DOI]
A label-state formulation of stochastic graphon games and approximate equilibria on large networks
With Agathe Soret. Mathematics of Operations Research. [arXiv, DOI]
Stationary solutions and local equations for interacting diffusions on regular trees
With Jiacheng Zhang. Electronic Journal of Probability. [arXiv, DOI]
Closed-loop convergence for mean field games with common noise
With Luc Le Flem. Annals of Applied Probability. [arXiv, DOI]
Hierarchies, entropy, and quantitative propagation of chaos for mean field diffusions
Probability and Mathematical Physics. [arXiv, DOI]
Quantitative approximate independence for continuous mean field Gibbs measures
Electronic Journal of Probability. [arXiv, DOI]
A characterization of transportation-information inequalities for Markov processes in terms of dimension-free concentration
With Lane Chun Yeung. Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré. [arXiv, DOI]
Marginal dynamics of interacting diffusions on unimodular Galton-Watson trees
With Kavita Ramanan and Ruoyu Wu. Probability Theory and Related Fields. [arXiv, DOI]
Local weak convergence for sparse networks of interacting processes
With Kavita Ramanan and Ruoyu Wu. Annals of Applied Probability. [arXiv, DOI]
A case study on stochastic games on large graphs in mean field and sparse regimes
With Agathe Soret. Mathematics of Operations Research. [arXiv, DOI]
Denseness of adapted processes among causal couplings
With Mathias Beiglböck. Preprint. [arXiv]
Superposition and mimicking theorems for conditional McKean-Vlasov equations
With Mykhaylo Shkolnikov and Jiacheng Zhang. Journal of the European Mathematical Society. [arXiv, DOI]
Locally interacting diffusions as Markov random fields on path space
With Kavita Ramanan and Ruoyu Wu. Stochastic Processes and their Applications. [arXiv, DOI]
Many-player games of optimal consumption and investment under relative performance criteria
With Agathe Soret. Mathematics and Financial Economics. [arXiv, DOI]
Inverting the Markovian projection, with an application to local stochastic volatility models
With Mykhaylo Shkolnikov and Jiacheng Zhang. Annals of Probability. [arXiv, DOI]
Non-exponential Sanov and Schilder theorems on Wiener space: BSDEs, Schr�dinger problems and control
With Julio Backhoff Veraguas and Ludovic Tangpi. Annals of Applied Probability. [arXiv, DOI]
On the convergence of closed-loop Nash equilibria to the mean field game limit
Annals of Applied Probability. [arXiv, DOI]
On a strong form of propagation of chaos for McKean-Vlasov equations
Electronic Communications in Probability. [arXiv, DOI]
From the master equation to mean field game limit theory: Large deviations and concentration of measure
With François Delarue and Kavita Ramanan. Annals of Probability. [arXiv, DOI]
From the master equation to mean field game limit theory: A central limit theorem
With François Delarue and Kavita Ramanan. Electronic Journal of Probability. [arXiv, DOI]
Mean field and n-agent games for optimal investment under relative performance criteria
With Thaleia Zariphopoulou. Mathematical Finance. [arXiv, DOI]
Rare Nash equilibria and the price of anarchy in large static games
With Kavita Ramanan. Mathematics of Operations Research. [arXiv, DOI]
Limit theory for controlled McKean-Vlasov dynamics
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization. [arXiv, DOI]
A non-exponential extension of Sanov's theorem via convex duality
Advances in Applied Probability. [arXiv,DOI]
Mean field games of timing and models for bank runs
With René Carmona and François Delarue. Applied Mathematics & Optimization. [arXiv, DOI]
Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure
Mathematics of Operations Research. [arXiv, DOI]
Law invariant risk measures and information divergences
Dependence Modeling. [arXiv, DOI]
Translation invariant mean field games with common noise
With Kevin Webster. Electronic Communications in Probability. [arXiv, DOI]
A general characterization of the mean field limit for stochastic differential games
Probability Theory and Related Fields. [arXiv, DOI]
Winner of the 2014 SIAG/FME Conference Paper Prize.
Mean field games with common noise
With René Carmona and François Delarue. Annals of Probability. [arXiv, DOI] Errata: [PDF, DOI]
Mean field games via controlled martingale problems: Existence of Markovian equilibria
Stochastic Processes and their Applications. [arXiv, DOI]
A probabilistic weak formulation of mean field games and applications
With René Carmona. Annals of Applied Probability. [arXiv, DOI]
Stochastic differential mean field game theory
My PhD Thesis. [PDF]
Last updated: September, 2024.